» Fiction » A Conchological Manual, George Brettingham Sowerby [little readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «A Conchological Manual, George Brettingham Sowerby [little readers .TXT] 📗». Author George Brettingham Sowerby

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It may be necessary in introducing this little volume, to state, that it is

strictly conchological, and that it is compiled for the use not only of

those who wish to acquire an elementary acquaintance with the subject, but

also of authors and others, who, desirous of extending their knowledge and

pursuing their researches, require a book of reference, containing a

general outline of what has been done by those who have trodden the same

path before them. It has been thought advisable, for general convenience,

to arrange the principal part of the information in alphabetical order:

adding tables of the systems of Lamarck and De Blainville, to facilitate

the systematic pursuit of the science.


Persons of the class first alluded to, will find great assistance in the

explanation of technical words, their application being further

illustrated, in most cases, by a reference to the figures; and, although

they might have been multiplied, it is trusted that enough are given for

every useful purpose.


The definition of the Classes, Orders, Families, and Genera, in the system

of De Blainville, and a tabular view, are presented for the use of those

who prefer it, or who wish to compare it with that of Lamarck.


In the explanation of the figures, will be found a systematic arrangement

of shells, according to Lamarck, including the names of genera established

or proposed since the publication of his system. The descriptions of

established genera have been rendered as concise and clear as possible. It

is hoped that no essential characters are omitted, and that those living

authors, whose proposed generic distinctions have been passed over in a few

words, will not have to complain of want of justice in the attempt to

interpret their meaning.


In most cases the generic name will be found accompanied by its derivation.

This has been done, in the hope of assisting the memory by associating the

meaning of a term with some peculiarity in the thing described. At the end

of each description of a genus, some general observations occur, pointing

out the principal character which distinguishes it from others, to which it

is nearly allied; and also stating the geographical or geological

distribution and habits of the animal.


The above descriptions and definitions are illustrated by a series of

plates, containing above 500 etchings of nearly as many proposed or

established genera, arranged in Lamarckian order, so as to show at a glance

all the generic forms of each family. And, although from their number, they

could not be very highly finished, it is hoped that they will be found



The compiler cannot replace his pen without acknowledging, with filial

gratitude, the kind assistance of one who has sacrificed much of his time

in bringing his knowledge and experience to bear upon the correctness and

utility of this humble attempt to remove some of the difficulties to which

the commencement of this, as well as of every other study, is exposed.




The favourable reception and rapid sale of the first edition of the

Conchological Manual having rendered a second necessary, the Author takes

this opportunity of explaining the nature of the alterations which have

been made. In doing this, he has to thank his friends for their

suggestions, which, together with his own increased knowledge and

experience, enable him to present a more complete and satisfactory work to

the scientific public.


For the further convenience of those who are studying the rudiments of the

science, an entirely new Introduction is given, in which, commencing with

the structure and gradual developement of the shell, the author has

endeavoured to explain the general principles of Conchology in systematical

order. This Introduction is illustrated by 100 wood-cuts, which will be

found greatly to assist the Student.


The definitions have been rendered more full and complete than before, and

the Author has profited by some manuscript notes communicated by a

scientific friend, to whom he desires to present his humble

acknowledgments. Upwards of four hundred explanations have been given of

words which did not appear in the former edition, three-fourths of which

are of generic and subgeneric names.


A large number of notes, referring to the geographical distribution of the

genera, have been added from the pen of Mr. G. B. Sowerby, Senior.


The plates have been carefully improved; and three, containing upwards of

eighty figures, have been added.


On the whole, it will be found that the amount of matter has been nearly

doubled; all the defects, as far as they have been discovered, have been

removed, and every means used of making the present edition as useful as





The Science of Conchology affords a very delightful and instructive

amusement for the leisure hours of those who, retiring occasionally from

the gaieties of fashionable life, seek pleasure in the quiet contemplation

of some of the smaller, but not less wonderful operations of creative

wisdom. And, although the study of shells would be more complete, and rank

higher in the scale of philosophical pursuits, were it always accompanied

by that of the animal inhabiting them, it nevertheless presents means of

intellectual gratification, to many who cannot follow it beyond the cabinet

and the boudoir. These may examine with admiration and mental improvement,

the beautiful colouring and architecture of these wonders of the deep, they

may exercise their taste and judgment in the selection and arrangement of

specimens, and their discrimination in detecting and appreciating the

distinctions upon which the arrangement is founded.


It is but little that can be known of the subject without forming a

collection of greater or less extent; for, as it would be uninstructive

merely to delight the eye with the bright colours and elegant form of

shells, without possessing correct information respecting them, so it would

be insipid and useless to learn technicalities without being acquainted by

personal observation with the subjects to which they are applied. The first

endeavour should, therefore, be to obtain a few shells as examples of the

larger divisions, and, when these are understood, to proceed with the

smaller groups, until a collection be formed to represent as many generic

forms as possible. It may be as well here to advise those who are forming a

collection to be very particular in every practicable instance to have the

shells properly named at the time of purchasing; as it will save much

trouble, and materially assist in the attainment of the desired object. To

this end, recourse should be had to those naturalist tradesmen, who unite

the attainment and diffusion of real scientific knowledge with their

commercial pursuits.


Supposing, however, that the person who desires to learn the science,

possesses a small parcel of unarranged and unnamed shells, without any

previous acquaintance with the subject, the following introductory

explanations, are drawn up with the view of enabling him, without further

assistance, to obtain a general insight into its principles, equal to that

of those who have studied it long and laboriously. To effect this, he must

read them, carefully comparing the descriptions with the figures referred

to, and with the specimens which he may have at command.


After describing the nature of the science and defining its objects, we

shall proceed to explain the structure of those objects, and the manner of

their growth. We shall then enter somewhat minutely into the principles of

classification, the distinctions upon which they are founded, and some of

the technical terms used to express them. After which we shall pass through

the arrangement of Lamarck, defining the general divisions adopted under

the terms of "_Classes_, _Orders_, and _Families_," as far as they are

capable of definition. The subdivision of the latter into _genera_ will

only be entered into so far as to enumerate the principal of them, the more

minute descriptions being reserved for the alphabetical part of the work.


Let none be discouraged by the number of generic distinctions proposed and

adopted in modern times; for if well defined, they will be found to

facilitate rather than encumber the science. The knowledge of species must

be the foundation of every system, and the greater their number, the more

necessary it becomes to subdivide them; if, for instance, all the species

now known were to have been included in the 50 genera of Linnæus, a single

genus would have contained many hundreds of incongruous species, in which

case it would be much more difficult to remember them, than if they were to

be divided into a far greater number of genera. Every well marked division,

however arbitrary its limits, tends to simplify the subject, and to

facilitate the researches of the student.



Conchology is the study of shells, viewed and described as to what they are

either in themselves, or in relation to the soft, inarticulate animals

which produce them, and of which they form a part. These animals are called

MOLLUSCA, and perhaps the best general description of them will be found in

De Blainville's "Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie." The following

is a translation, "Animal in pairs, the body and its appendages soft,

inarticulate (not jointed), enveloped in a muscular skin, commonly called

the mantle, which is extremely variable in form, and has developed either

within or upon it a calcareous portion, consisting of one or several

pieces, commonly called a SHELL."


The term Mollusca was formerly restricted to those soft animals which were

destitute of shells, although possessing in other particulars, the

characters described above, and it was used in order to distinguish them

from the TESTACEA, which were covered or internally supported by calcareous

parts. In the system of Linnæus, the soft portions are first arranged under

the general designation of "Vermes Mollusca," and described without regard

to the presence, absence, or character of the shells; and then the shells

are separately characterized under the appellation of "Vermes Testacea,"

without any further notice of the animal, than an indication of the genus

to which it belongs; thus the animal of Cypræa is said to be a Limax, and

that of Tellina a Tethys.


The nearest approach to correctness, and the most philosophical method of

study will be found in the modern system, adopted by Lamarck and his

followers, of observing these animals as a whole, and arranging them

according to the assemblage of characters which they present; of course

taking into consideration the existence or non-existence, form and

structure of the shell, on the same principle, which, in arranging the

vertebrated animals would lead us to study the hair, hoof, nails, claws,

&c. as well as the other parts.


At the same time, it must be admitted that there are many private

collectors of Shells who would find it a difficult, if not impossible task

to study minutely and successfully the soft parts of the Mollusca. Ladies,

for instance, could not be expected to handle with pleasure and

perseverance, these fleshy substances, which in order to be preserved from

putrefaction, must be kept in spirits; and yet such persons may, with

improvement and advantage to their own minds, enjoy the interesting and

scientific amusement of studying and arranging the clean and beautiful

natural objects which are so easily preserved, and so exquisitely curious

in their structure. Let it also be remembered, that if shells had not been


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