» Fiction » Skye's Story, Heather Mackay [books for men to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Skye's Story, Heather Mackay [books for men to read TXT] 📗». Author Heather Mackay

The Move

Skye was about to leave her old house in Leeds, as she was walking out the door she remembered she left her baby teddy upstairs in her old bedroom. She told her mum she forgot Ted (her teddy).As she got into the car to head to London. When she was on the motorway she said to her mum and dad, '' why are we moving''. Her mum replied,'' well your dads got a new job in London and that means if we move there he will be able to get to work early.''


When they finally got to London they only had about 5 minutes before they were at the house. After a tiring journey thety finally got to the house, it was quite big and fancy. Skye finally ha dher own room because before she had to share with her 4 year old sister Holly.


Publication Date: 05-04-2012

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