» Fiction » The Epistle, Anonymous [reading like a writer txt] 📗

Book online «The Epistle, Anonymous [reading like a writer txt] 📗». Author Anonymous


Dear Beloved One,
I will start with a beginning.
Once, in a time lost to you and perhaps soon to me, there was the Creation. Now, this Creation was not unlike many others that were and will be, and this Creation was but one in a chain of happenings that were inevitable and crucial in the line of order that Destiny has pre-ordained. Perhaps Destiny herself and the higher powers do not find any significance in this Creation, simply one more that came about as natural as low follows high and two follows three. But for us, for you and for me, Beloved One, this is the Creation with which without, this timeline you have lived out would be but air. You have wondered long. My darling, this is The Creation, of You. And so too, then, this is the Creation of Us.
The Fifth had created the Fourth once, and it was a good time, and it was a right time, and it was a natural time. And then it was time, once the Fourth had grown and the Fourth was ready, to create their offspring. And so they got into a council and took what their Father had given them and used it to make plans for the Third, because that was, after all, the way that it went. The Father had given them Knowledge, and that was the sacred thing they guarded within their hearts, and knowledge was their soul and their spirit. But yet and despite it all, when we think on what we have done, perhaps we still do not have enough of it.
The Third were created in a Garden, a Haven made just for them. You were made in the image of us, as much as we could make it. Of course, you were different, and bound by the rules of your world, your world where time moves and matter stays. But you were made to be beautiful and to be children, children forever. Perhaps one day you would make your own children. And man and woman, Adam and Eve, we are thankful for you have changed us into parents.
But, my dears, we have erred, and now we know that our mistake is great. Kind parents are not always good parents. We only wished for your best, of course. We had not been thinking.
Parents wish for their children to be like them, because that is only natural. We saw you there, sweet and good, holy and beautiful, but oh, my dears! What a pain it was for us, and how our heart tore, because we could see that you, are children were also bound, bound by the very thing that we may tread on every day and call our home. Oh, that wretched Time! My dears, we saw you, in all your joy and splendor, but how solid and rigid, how limited you were! And it choked our throats to think of how you, whom we’ve made and done all for, would simply waste away your Time without truly feeling all that you could have felt.
The council then decided that perhaps we ought to do something. We did not consult our Father, no, and that was where our errors began, and it is from this then, that your Sorrows sprang. No, we did not ask, but simply began.
Perhaps we can give you some life.
Perhaps we can instill upon you the thing which brings us all our joys.
Perhaps we shall bring to you a piece of the Fourth.
We did not think of what would happen when dimensions mix.
Perhaps, we would give you knowledge.
My history of our lives shall stop here, for the moment. It is necessary that I do not waste anymore of your Time than we already all have. It is a step in events now that perhaps will decide all. We will not err, not this time. We cannot afford that.
But I must explain to you more. Beloved One, hear me out, I pray. Not just for me, no. I must explain this to you, for the sake of the Loesh, of the Shei, for Adam and for Eve, for Time and Knowledge and Space and Matter. Beloved Ones, hear me out, I do beseech. These moments of your Lives are so much needed for this very purpose. I shall try to be concise. Of course, we must hurry. But action must not be done, until you know the whole truth of this all.
And then, perhaps things will end well. My children, it will, will it not?

With Only Wishes for Living to Be,
A Mother,


Publication Date: 04-06-2010

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