» Fiction » the dreamer, c.j.l [best ebook reader ubuntu .TXT] 📗

Book online «the dreamer, c.j.l [best ebook reader ubuntu .TXT] 📗». Author c.j.l

I hurried in to the dining room as mom called me to dinner. As I was sitting down mom asked,” what’s wrong honey” I replied,” It’s just that I had a bad day, just like my dream said I would.” That’s when my mom glanced at me with a questioning look and asked what had happened I replied,” A girl in my class yanked my hair really hard.Then my dad asked me what her name was and I replied with an unsure look,” Clair, Clair Williams.” Hmm” said my dad “I will give Miss. Williams parents a quick call tomorrow and see what I can do.” “Ok” I replied. After dinner I went straight to bed before I fell asleep my parents came in and told me to have sweet dreams, but the truth was that I was probly the only six year old that did not want to have dreams, because every time I fall asleep I dream about things that could happen in real life such as falling down and breaking your arm or tripping over a stick and then it ends up happing the next day. Any way I have never told any one about it. So im also probly the only six year old on the face of the planet that has a secrete stash of energy drinks. They help my stay awake all night. As I reached

Under my bed to get one I noticed that was out then I panicked a little but then I fell asleep. In my dream it started out as a pitch black space then I saw a small fire then I realized that it was a small house fire and then it got bigger and bigger and then the whole house was engulphed in flames. I heard shrills and cries for help but there was nothing I could do about it. That’s when I heard my name being called in a very distressed way “KIARA KIARA” as I awoke I realized my whole room was in flames and there was my dad yelling my name in the door way then I let out a shriek of fear and ran to my dad and he picked me up and carried me out the front door on to our lawn. I realized two things at that moment that at first my mom was no ware in sight at that the fire was my entire fault, and then I asked my dad where mom was he didn’t answer. As we watched our house burn down with all our memories along with it I cried. After twenty minutes friends, nabors, and help started to show up. As the firemen where pouring water on our house and asking my dad a million questions some EMTs put me in to the back of an ambulance and drove me to the hospital so I can get medicine for burns and cuts ( the cuts needed stitches I got four hundred stitches) I fell asleep luckily with out any dreams. You know the best thing to wake up to is the smiling face of a nurse but instead it scared the crap out of me but then I calmed down with in three minuets she gave me a couple of shots and then brought me some breakfast then the nurse brought me the phone and said that I had a call as I took the phone and said hello I heard HI KIEARA it was my class I was so happy and the asked if they could come and visit me and bring a couple gifts a surprise and go on a miniature field trip with me tomorrow as I yelled yes my dad woke up and asked what had happened I told him and he smiled and said sweet I said by and told them I’d see them tomorrow I was so happy !!!!!!!!!!!! The next day I got to see all my friends and although I had to be in a wheel chair (witch my best friend Lily pushed me in) I had a ton of fun we walked around the park then went to McDonalds an had lunch and had ice-cream .I got out of the hospital one month later, and two months out of the hospital we had a funeral for Mary my loving mother. We were given a brand new house near my moms grave stone the house was fully furnished this was the first dream that changed my life.


Publication Date: 08-12-2011

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my loving family

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