» Fiction » The Caveman, Csilla Ferenczy [namjoon book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Caveman, Csilla Ferenczy [namjoon book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Csilla Ferenczy

I was wondering in the forest and taking photos about fallen leaves, trees and birds. The setting
sun lit the forest and a mixture of burning colors enchanted me. I did not follow the hikers' signs
and I lost the pathway, but I didn't mind. I've known this forest for ages. I kicked in the pile of dry
leaves on my way and enjoyed the rustling voice and fragrance of early Autumn. Then I stopped at
a cave and thought of taking a rest and eating something before I return home. I entered and
searched a flat, comfortable place. The cave was big, there was enough room for a dozen. I sat
down and unpacked my sandwiches. Then I heard a strange voice. I followed the source , there was
half-light, but I could recognize the shape of a man. I was frightened a bit, I thought it could be a
Bigfoot or a robber, but my curiosity conquered my fear and I approached him.
„Good afternoon”, I greeted him carefully.
„Hello!”, answered he and came out from the half-light toward me. I could take a closer look at
him. A man without age, he could be in his 40's, 50 's or even 60's. His clothes were worn-out, a bit
ragged, but clean. His gray eyes were so calm, peaceful like the undisturbed surface of a small
hidden lake in a deep forest.
„What a wonderful sunset!”, I said, trying to be friendly.
„Yes. I see that you have a good camera. Are you a photographer?”, he looked at me with
„Oh no, I just like to take photos. I love the beauty of nature” , I answered with modesty.
„Good. We are part of it, but we forgot this long time ago.”, he said with some resignation and
mystery in his voice. I felt that he is very different from the folks I've met earlier. It was something
mysterious and at the same time relaxing and pleasant in the atmosphere around him.
Although it was late I decided to stay and offered him some sandwiches. He accepted them and we
set down around a big oak stub.
„I had a normal life, like many people”, he started. „With permanent job, house, car, pals,
dreams and worries.”
„What did you do for a living?”
„I was a successful businessman. I worked day and night, even at weekends. I was a
workaholic.”, he said apathetically.
„What happened then?”, I wondered.
„Nothing happened. I am free. Look at that crow there! He is waiting for his extra dinner.”, told
me, showing less interest in the subject and more in the bird.
„The poor bird is hungry”, I answered, understanding that he wants to change the subject.
„I am awakened every morning by songbirds. I come out from this cave and climb up to the
hilltop at dawn to see the first rays of the morning Sun. Then I wash my face in spring water. Every
day is a gift of God. And I am one of his luckiest creatures, a human, blessed with intelligence,
creativity, delicate feelings, sense of beauty and humor. And nature offers me its abundance. Wild
fruits, mushrooms, hazelnuts...”
I looked at him doubtfully and asked:
„Do you really live here without any income? Is this cave your house?”
He laughed and answered:
„Yes. You can't believe it, can you? You think that I am a fool.”, he added, still laughing.
„No, I don't think so. It's a pleasure talking with you. I just wonder how could you abandon
everything? You were so successful...”
„What means success?”, he asked.
„Success means to have a good position, high income, to be respected by others. It means to can
afford traveling around the world or buying everything you dreamt.”, I listed.
„Yes, all these things were precious to me and I did my best to achieve them. I traveled to many
places, I saw all continents, the most famous places on the Earth. And I worked hard to can buy
everything I dreamt. However at a certain point in my life I felt emptiness inside and I realized that
I am no longer interested in all these things.”, he stopped talking. He seemed tired or he could not
find proper words to convey his ideas. It was getting dark and we felt the chill of the Autumn
evening. After collecting some dried branches we set a fire at the entrance of the cave. Then we
continued talking, sitting around the flames, which lit his ageless face and his voice got a special
„How can I explain you? I have nothing. I gave everything I had to the poor and I sold my
property and gave the money to charity organizations. And the more I gave the freer I felt. When I
get rid of the last thing I had I felt that I am the happiest man in the world.”, he stopped at this point
and looked at me with a mysterious grin, waiting my reaction. I was stunned and I had no words.
Although words were needless, he could see the consternation on my face, the flames magnified
„Now I am really successful, because I got the chance to discover the real values of life, deeply
below the surface. I want to convey my message to everybody, who is able and perceptive to get the
meaning behind my words. You came here and listened to me. This is the first step. I hope you
understood something from my way.”
„Thanks a lot. I am glad to meet you.”, I stood up and prepared to leave.
„Me too. See you next time.”


Publication Date: 11-14-2012

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