» Fiction » The Uniting of All Gods (On Hold), Anoushka P. [english love story books txt] 📗

Book online «The Uniting of All Gods (On Hold), Anoushka P. [english love story books txt] 📗». Author Anoushka P.

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The Beginning

   At the beginning of time, a being popped into space. He represented goodness and was the most beautiful and handsome man in the universe. His eyes and hair kept changing colors every few seconds. His name was Achilles. He was the most powerful being ever born. But, he knew that it wasn't for to reveal himself to anyone and waited until another being popped into space.

After 20 millennia, a being called Void was born. He had eyes with purple supernovas exploding in them and black hair. He created the universe and soon, he started to feel lonely. So, Void waited for a few centuries until he had enough power to create beings like himself. One was named Chaos and represented everything good and the other was Order who represented everything evil. Void soon faded from the usage of so much power. Of course, Void still didn't know about the existence of Achilles.

Chaos and Order created the planets, stars, and galaxies after Void faded. After life forms were created to live on the planets, Chaos and Order started to fight because Order wanted to control every life form that was created so that everything would be organized while Chaos wanted every life form to have freedom. The fight was a few years long and at the end, Chaos nearly lost because he wasn't as powerful as Order. Achilles saw this and gave a little bit more power to Chaos and Order was defeated and locked away in the Void (the place where Void went to after he faded).

Once Chaos recovered from the fight, he created the primordials, beings that were a little less powerful then Chaos himself. Chaos's favorite planet was Earth that was located in the Milky Way. So, the primordials domains were created on Earth. The primordials Gaia and Ouranos has twelve sons and six daughters. But, the giants and other children but the Titans were locked under the Earth. Gaia hated this and convinced Kronos, King of Titans to slay Ouranos with with his sickle. The Titans ruled over the humans horribly. Kronos and his wife Rhea had children born, the Gods. Kronos ate all of his children as soon as they were born due to his fear of thinking that they might overthrow him. But, his wife, Rhea couldn't take it anymore and asked for Gaia's help. Gaia told Rhea to replace Zeus with a rock and give it to Kronos. Once Zeus grew up, he freed his brothers and sisters. Together, they all defeated the Titans and sent them to Tartarus. Once the war was over, Zeus married Hera and they both became the rulers of Olympus. Most of the major and minor Gods had affairs with humans and created their offspring. Demi-gods. Of course there were also other types of Gods like Norse, Egyptian, and Chinese Gods. They all ruled over Earth fairly.

But, Achilles knew that one day, Order would be freed and that Earth would have to defeat him. So, he started to make plans to make sure that all the Gods would be united when the time came for to defeat Order. Achilles had an advantage because nobody, not even Order knew about him. Achilles made himself reincarnate into different different people from all of the different phantoms like Pharaoh Ramses II, Hercules, Beowulf, etc.

But, his last reincarnation before he had to stop because of Order was Perseus Jackson. But, he liked to be called, Percy Jackson.

A Hero's Death


   Percy Jackson was fighting against against Gaia with his friends and other Demi-gods. The Greek Gods came to help them defeat the giants. They were finally able to defeat Gaia but, the cost of victory was high. Leo died when he used his fire ability to kill Gaia. The gods gave all the campers who fought in the war, Greek and Roman, partial immortality.

***A few months later*** (Percy is 17 years old now)

Percy was at the beach with Annabeth. They were spending some time together when suddenly they heard a scream. "Ahhh!" I person was yelling. Percy gave Annabeth a quick kiss and said, "I'll be right back Annabeth. Ok?" Then, he ran to Thalia's pine tree and found a boy with messy black hair and seaweed green eyes that was around his age running away from a hellhound. Percy let the boy get behind him before he quickly sent the hellhound to Tartarus. "Are you ok?" Percy asked. The boy kicked Percy down, covered himself with monster dust and took Percy's sword, Riptide. All the campers ran to the hill and saw Percy on the ground while the boy said, "I killed the monster while this boy just stood there!" Annabeth, who arrived with the other campers said, "Percy, how could you do that!" Percy said, "But, I was the one who killed the monster while this kid was hiding behind me!" Annabeth said, "Stop lying Percy! You don't always have to take the credit! And anyway he has your sword in his hand?" Suddenly, a trident appeared over the boy's head. Poseidon appeared and said, "This is my favorite son, Leo Burns!" Percy replied, "I thought I was your favorite son Dad!" Everyone ignored him and kneeled to Leo and Poseidon. Leo said, "Why aren't you kneeling!" to Percy. Percy ignored him and ran to the ocean and dived in.

***A few hours later***

   Percy came back to camp after he calmed down a little bit after his swim in the ocean. It was dinner time and Percy ate his food at the Poseidon table with Leo Burns trying provoke him. After Percy finished eating, he went to bed in the Poseidon cabin. For once, Percy didn't have any nightmares.

***The next day***

   Once Percy woke up the next day, he got ready for the day and went to Olympus at the Empire State Building. He got the key for the elevator and rode it up. He wanted to ask Athena for permission to marry his daughter, Annabeth. He had to go on a quest for a few months to get a golden apple from Hera's tree. Once Percy succeeded, he got the ring that he asked Hephaestus to make. The ring had little sea green stones around a big diamond that was as blue as the sea. On the inside it said, "Seaweed brain and Wise girl forever."

***At Camp Half-Blood***

   After Percy gained Athena's approval to marry Annabeth, he went back to camp. When Percy went camp, he saw lots of people cheering at the beach. When Percy got there, he saw Annabeth and Leo in the middle kissing. Percy yelled,"Annabeth what are you doing?!" Annabeth cried out,"Percy! I thought you were dead!" "Don't you think that Nico would of told you if I was dead! Now I don't think there's a need for this," Percy yelled and threw the ring at Annabeth's feet and ran to his cabin. He quickly packed all of his things up and left for his mom's apartment. Once Percy got there his mom told him to get out and not come back because she didn't want her and Paul's baby girl to get hurt. Percy said, "Fine! It's not like anyone wants me anyway!" And ran off before his mom asked him what he was talking about.

***One year later***

Once Percy left camp, it was like a spell was lifted off the campers. Everyone found out that Leo was a son of Gaia who came to kill Percy. Leo Burns was killed and sentenced to Tartarus forever. They started to look for Percy ever since and soon they found Percy's dead body with monster dust all over him. Everyone was in a horrible mood once they found out it was their fault their hero died. Percy's mom felt terrible that she sent her son to his death.

Percy's POV

A year after I left Mom and Camp Half-Blood I was barely able to survive with monsters trying to kill me and demi-gods looking for him everywhere. But soon, he meet his match. Somehow, three Titans escaped and were trying to get their revenge but, Percy killed them before a sword went through his heart and soon died. The Titans tried to get Percy on their side but failed. Percy died thinking, "Athena was right, my fatal flaw would one day kill me."


Returning Memories and Chaos


Percy Jackson's soul immediately zoomed into a body instead of going to the Underworld. Before Achilles decided to start reincarnating, he hid his body in a secret place and put a spell on it so that all of his body functions would keep working. As soon as Percy's soul flew into a body, memories of his time as Achilles and all of his reincarnations flooded into his head. The pain was so severe that Percy started to scream out in pain. After a few minutes, which felt like hours to Percy, the pain stopped and he had all of his memories and powers back. "It looks like after a few years I'll need to gather all the gods together for to stop Order from killing everyone on Earth. But for now, it looks like I'll need to reveal myself to a Chaos," Achilles says to himself. "I'll reveal myself to Chaos as soon as I finish training my body to how it looked like before," Achilles thinks.

***One year later***

Achilles finished training his body and powers to how he looked like before reincarnation. The spell on his body only kept his body functioning. But, it didn't keep his body nourished. So, he had to train for a year to get back to his original self. Achilles remembered that he had to see Chaos. "Oh boy, this is gonna take a while," he thought. Achilles already knew where Chaos lived so, he usually stayed away from Chaos so that he wasn't revealed yet. But now, he had to go and reveal his existence to Chaos so that he could get Chaos's support to defeat Order.

***At Chaos's palace***

   After Achilles transported to Chaos's palace, he started walking towards the throne room, where he knew Chaos would be. Achilles had to fight some guards to get to the throne room. Chaos yelled, "Who dares to enter my "throne room!" "I do! " Achilles yelled. Achilles then said, "Unless you want Order to kill everyone, you'll listen to me!" Chaos said, "How

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