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Unwritten Diary

Unwritten Diary

BR Sunkara



I am one day baby. I am in the cradle. I am trying to understand people around me and the new world I have just stepped in. This is a peculiar world. The creatures I see are in quite nice dresses of many colors and talking something. I don’t know what they are talking. I am quite unfamiliar with the language which is very different. But I can understand one thing that they are happy for my arrival. How the people can be happy at the birth of a new child?


This is a Sunday. A man with no shirt and white dhoti came. This man is called Purohit . A function is celebrated and this one is called namakaranam. They named me Sweetie. I am now in a position to understand the language. Sweetie is sugar. I don’t like sugar. I drink milk from my mother with our sugar. So as a matter fact I did not like this name. But I really don’t know how to oppose and reject the names. You know, they don’t care our feelings!


This is a busy Friday.  A man with no shirt and white dhoti came. This man is called Purohit.  He chanted some mantras. I am asked to write something on rice. They say that this is called aksharabhyas. What he made me to write on the heap of rice are called aksharas. He took all that rice with him along with his fees, after half an hour function. I don’t know that why people do things like this by only priests!


This is a good Monday. I am announced top student of my class. I was not happy to see this as other students are unhappy and they started envying me. I don’t know who has invented ranks in school that makes some people unhappy. Is it a necessary thing to make some students unhappy by declaring them as backward students in studies???


This is a special Wednesday. I have got a seat in medicine without a donation. Dad told me that I am lucky to get seat, as he was unable to buy a paid seat for me. I like Wednesday as good for I got a seat in medicine. I don’t know why Wednesday only is my lucky day!!!


This is a Tuesday. I got my medicine degree on this day. I was made happy by my family members that Tuesday is my lucky day. I should go to temple on every Tuesday. My father says that I should see Lord Venkateswara in Tirumala on Tuesday only, as I got my MBBS degree on this day. I don’t know why I got my medicine degree on Tuesday only!!!



This is a very special Thursday. I am married with a business man. This day is a special one in my life, because my husband asked me to leave my practice as medical professional. He told me that he is earning good, so my earnings are not necessary for our family and I must be a god housewife to look after the family and house. Why a woman is primarily seen as a house wife is out of my mind!!!!


Note: I don’t know when I will leave this world and as all the days in a week are over, it may be another Sunday or any other day! I will not know now what this day will be! Pages are many in my diary, but these are just a few. A few pages and there is no importance. You know, many dairies have just these pages only.




Text: Sunkara Bhaskara Rao
Images: Sunkara Bhaskara Rao
Editing: Sunkara Bhaskara Rao
Translation: -
Publication Date: 08-02-2015

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