» Fiction » cypher's story (kill's pov), kill cypher [best love novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «cypher's story (kill's pov), kill cypher [best love novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author kill cypher

chapter 1

Hi my name is kill cypher i have 2 bruthrs will and bill.i hate thim i just want to just want to !But i need the right time and place. Well it's time to play with dipper some (dipper)ahhhhhhhhhhh (kill)hahaha i love yore screms. dipper are you scard? (dipper) runs away (kill)hahaha it never gits old.oh no its will i need to go back(will) kill ware are you kill? kill?(kill)you cant cach me hahahahahahah.ok im away from will. oh bill what a supris(bill) sory kill but i haved to sory.(will and bill)wake up kill(kill)go away you sun of a(bill and will)thank god yore alive.(bill) so do we start?(will)i jes we do(kill)what is going on?fals asleep(distant voses)we did it i cant beleve we did it. yes it is comepleet.!(kill)whare am i?those peopel who were thay?


chapter 2

(kill) so i git it it was bill and will. i think (will) is he alive?(bill) i dont know? (will)we killd kill! (kill)the code is 1273 i think it is 1273!sins all the sins i have done are worthless thay stell care about me thay annonoy me so much . i hate love i hate it (will)is he on firer (bill) um yes(kill)wacks bill and will with firer, lafs you are werthis will so sad and so inisint you cant eavin fell pain i will show you pain , stabs will in the chest(will)ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(kill)stabs rapidle(bill)hits kill with medel pipe(kill)falls down




to be continued


Publication Date: 11-16-2020

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the story i sead

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