» Fiction » Theo is Gone, Aidan A. [i wanna iguana read aloud .TXT] 📗

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Caifall, lets make a better world



I bolt awake just like if someone poured buckets and buckets of water on me. I sit up on my bed wondering what was exactly that woke me up… in this neighborhood there is no noise at night. Not even the dogs bark. I try to reach for my phone but I’m not able to find it.  I reach my bedside table and can’t help but gasp;my hand is passing right through the wood nightstand as if it was made up of mist and nothing else. Just like the feeling you get when your foot’s asleep and waking up again,like that but with pain. I don't understand whats happening . I don't even know if this is real, i'm half asleep but it feels so real. I get out of the tucked  bed and place my feet on the cold floor.


Good Morning, Juliana


I look at my hands. My left one is… is disappearing. This is really happening, I’m awake.

“Oh… my,” I start lightly screaming in pain so no one can hear. Pain is unusual. What is happening?!  Why does it hurt so much?!


Good Morning, Juliana


“No, it’s-it’s… I’m still sleeping.” I finally answer it.


Good Night, Juliana


I lay back to my bed. I look at my hand. It’s slowly dissolving.

“Fuck,” I finally say. God the back of my ear burns. I scratch it wit my right hand. I try to sleep again. Imposible. It’s just a dream close your eyes, you’ll be fine, tomorrow your hand would be back to normal.

I sigh,”Bullshit!” *scratch* I scream again, it hurts so much. Tears start running down my face.  



What happens if there is no peace on earth?




Ms.Damis writes down on the board for today’s lesson. I look down at my left hand, perfectly fine. Im early as always thanks to my mom who gives me rides to school. Finally the bell rings and all of us sit down except for Gia. She never is late, wonder what happened to her.


Ms. Damis closes the door and turns around to the class with a big wide smile,”Good morning class. Hope you had a good night sleep because today’s lesson is gonna be an interesting one. Now-” Gia interrupts the lesson and it seems like she ran here. “Oh Miss Gia, glad you can make it.” Gia smiles back and sits to her seat. I immediately turn to her and see that she has something to tell me. Right before she was going to whisper something to me from just two seats behind me, the morning announcements shine bright. The two shining projectors pop up at the sides of Ms. Damis with the pretty picture of Mayor Norris. Same old shit:


Hello people of Cailfall. Wonderful day to be inspired and go out there to make the world a better place. Today is a very important date, Theodore Wolfe died a year ago on this precise day and in memory of him an assembly would be held during fifth period.Well then, make sure to be nice to one another and have a great day students.


This is the part where we all say along with Norris Let’s be a better world.God we sound like a cult but I don't join. Finally we all sit down my legs feel so fragile.Gia is ignoring me now for some reason. The monitors turn off leaving the classroom  silent.That man, Norris literally gives me the creeps but there is no way that he should. I just can’t help it ,Norris seems like he is not doing any good for Cailfall. No one looks like they are happy, who the fuck would be happy? Having to share  exactly where you are and at what time-



“Umm what?”

I look up, class is over and it's just Gia and I in the classroom she leads me out the door and into  the noisy hallway. I wonder what Melia is going to compliment me today, wait I do: Hello


Juliana, you look nice today.


Melia passes by and says,” Good morning Juliana, you look nice today.”


Exactly. I smile back at her and laugh a little.

Why didn't she greet Gia? I look around me and dont notice her near all the passing by until I see her walking straight to class,”Gia!” I try to make her come back but it not possible.


I walk to class, same faces, same compliments but different vibes today because of Theo. His big grin shining right at me. The school has set a table for him with a picture and gifts set up  so that anyone can leave something. I am the only one standing there and I have no idea why. I only knew of him when his death was announced. I step forward to the cold corner of the hall that always seems lonely. No one comes around here but why? Why do people not care if we need to care? If we are good people? Or are we only good when people are watching?


I see his picture,get even closer, he seems so happy along with a friend  with black hair, green eyes and a scar right at the cheekbone. Wonder how he got that.  I just noticed I’m not the only one standing here anymore. I start hearing sobbings. Margo puts her cold hand on his shoulder. I don’t like her, I mean she never did anything to me . Doesn’t this apply to everyone? Her hand doesn’t belong there, he stays still just like if he was never touched. Now everyone gathers around with no idea what to do. Sadness is not really issued here. My feet keep making me move along but I can’t seem to stop wanting to stay. I want to know how others are going to  handle this. What are you thinking? Nothing. Exactly, they won’t do anything.  Come on, go to class.


Same old, same old. Math, History. I just want to go home but I hate being home. I walk through a big wave of people to find Gia for lunch. She is nowhere to be seen, where would she be? I check my phone, nothing.



I walk to my locker to put away some books so I don't have to carry throughout the day. A note drops to my feet and I quickly pick it up.


Meet me at the library, please. Third table to the left.


Wonder what she wants . I walk again straight to the library. We rarely go there even though we always hang out in class for lunch. We sometimes go outside and that's where Gia gets to greet everyone else and I’m just there for show. There is more than just living the same everyday , not everything is perfect. I have no idea how Gia still is my friend. She is completely different from me, everyone is. It feels like I’m crazy but I don’t understand how people keep  holding up their smile. How it doesn’t die. How their record keeps playing and its un replaceable .It never gets old. Always bursting out of their mouths. How are you? Have a wonderful day! Crap.

Am I a good person? Yes, of course. I have to play the same role as everyone else.

Third table to the left she said.



There is someone else there, right at the third table. I look back at the note. I look over at others studying and the librarian stacking A Knife of Never Letting Go, Room, Tuesdays With Morrie, Looking For Alaska, Romeo and Juliet. I'm still holding the note and realize that I was too late to leave, they saw me. I awkwardly walk over to the table just right at the back end.


“Uh, Hi. Gia send you here?” I show the already crumbled paper. Gia you better hurry up.


“Oh, yeah…” he responds. Black hair, greens eyes, scar.

“You should sit down,” he tells me.


I sit down. From feet away I can hear a typewriter, someone clicking their pen, and someone flipping through pages. I roll up my sleeves and crumble back the note and put it into my backpack which was on the table and just put both my hands in my pocket. He has black hair, green eyes and a scar. He's the one from earlier, he was the that was in the photo with Theodore.


I see him say something. I take one earphone out,”I’m sorry what you say?” I take them out and put my earphones in the other pocket where its empty. My hands are awkwardly just out.


He smiles,” My name is Gabriel, but I go by Gabe.”



Did I see you earlier? Were you the one crying?” It was him stupid. No response.”I'm sorry theo died, “ I say.


He doesn't say anything but he nods and from his expression he means thank you.


Again I can hear a typewriter, someone clicking their pen, and someone flipping through pages.


“I never seen you before.You been here since freshman year?”

Yeah I say.


     “Oh really?” he keeps asking.

I nodd. Gabe asks me where I went for middle school and we realize that we went to the same one, Oak Ridge. Again back to the silence. I don't know how these people make conversation. I guess they just compliment each other.

“What happened there?” This guy is a talker.

“What?” I see how he  lowers his eyes to my hands. There is scratches and cuts. I didn't realize that I rolled my sleeves up. Fuck, you’re so stupid. I immediately hide my hands on my lap and cover my arms.

I can feel my face turn red,” Oh, nothing it’s just my cat can get crazy sometimes,” I smile shyly.


I barely noticed them this morning, I don't remember getting scratches. I don't even have a cat. It might have happened last night and then I might have passed out . Good thing he can't see the bruises. That didn’t convince him he seems so concerned  and keeps staring at me. Finally Gia walks in. Great, now this Gabe guy might think that I hurt myself. Im dying.That keeps popping up in my head. But im dying, I know that for sure. Nothing else can explain what happened that night.


“Hey guys,” Gia finally sits down and joins us. She doesn't seem like her normal self.

Did I do this to myself, the scars and bruises? Possibly when I was freaking out and couldn't handle the pain. And still I bet my parents never checked on me or anyone else but it doesn't matter.


“Obviously you guys are wondering why we are here,” she looks behind her before saying anything else,“I just…ok I’m just gonna get straight to it.I think Theo was killed and Mayor  Norris knows something about it but he is keeping it all to himself.”


I look down at my hands. This is what she meant to say to me this morning but she never got the chance. When it comes to Theo there are ways that caused his death:

He killed himself which is reasonable in this world He was murdered but who would do that? No
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