» Fiction » Homewrecker, LadeeTai [e book reader pc TXT] 📗

Book online «Homewrecker, LadeeTai [e book reader pc TXT] 📗». Author LadeeTai

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“Ayee!” Shouted John and his buddies Terrence and Bill, as their beer cans clinked. They were watching the Super Bowl on the big screen that Valerie and John decided to buy last week. Val shook her head as her and Michelle chopped up vegetables for tomorrows beef stew dinner. Michelle said,” Mom, I don’t know what it is about football, that leave’s a guy stuck to the television for nine hours.” Val chucked a little finally answering,” I don’t know honey. I don’t know…” Michelle was only seven years old but she was very smart. Val kissed her forehead and told her to go upstairs and check on Keenan and Jana. Michelle nodded removing her apron; she hung it up on the apron rack and walked out the kitchen as Val put the vegetables in the crock pot. Looking out the kitchen window she noticed her neighbor Ellie and Ellie’s husband Reggie outside leading their grand children into the house. It was kind of cloudy the sky looked terrible like it was getting ready to rain any minute. Val reached down wiping her hands on her apron. She clicked the crock pot on High and walked out the kitchen, forgetting to remove her apron. She kissed John on his head and told him she was going upstairs to take a bath. John only nodded too focused on football. Val went upstairs seeing Michelle,7, Keenan,4, and Jana,10, in the play room. She smiled as they played, who knows what. They were so creative. Turning the corner Val took a towel and a face towel out the linen closet. Walking in her room she closed the door behind herself. She went into the bathroom looking at herself in the full length mirror, at her brown oval eyes, and light brown skin. She already had about three worry lines in her forehead from too much stress about things. At one time Michelle had gotten really sick and she was in the hospital for four months because of a high fever and a cold that wouldn’t go away. Val touched her forehead pulling her skin tight to see if they would vanish but they were to deep. Val pulled her waist length hair up into a tight bun. Removing her apron she hung it on the knob of the back door letting her clothes drop to the floor, she started the bath water. She looked at her body as she was bent over, She had a nice round butt, and a nice rack but her body was not all that. She was neither to thin nor to fat just kind of in the middle. She shrugged. Not waiting for the water to fill the tub she grabbed the bubble bath sliding into the tub; she poured the bubble soap on herself relaxing feeling the water run against her toes. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door.”Yes?!” said Val. “Baby, can I take a bath with you? The guys went home.” John said outside the bathroom door. Val leaned out the tub a small bit reaching up to unlock the bathroom door. John opened the door peeking in at her, he smiled. Val smiled back studying his handsome chocolate face and hazel eyes. He slid inside the door a towel wrapped around his waist and his nice abs and chest showing. Val bit her lip. John dropped the towel sliding in behind her; he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Mmmm.” Val moaned lying back against his chest. ,”The kids are going to find us and jump in here.” Val said making John chuckle and nod in agreement. He slid his hand down between Val’s legs gently playing with her clit. Val sighed letting him. It felt good. Suddenly they both heard 6 little hands knocking on the door yelling,” Mommy…Daddy!” John smiled only rubbing Val’s clit a little faster trying to get her to climax before the kids tried to break the door down. Val pushed his hand away.” Wait a minute, Mommy and Daddy are getting clean.” said Val letting out the tub water. Climbing out the tub she dried herself off wrapping the towel back around her body. She opened the bathroom door.
Moaning very quietly John and Valerie made love once they had put the kids to bed for school tomorrow. “Ooh John.” Val said in a whisper. John had his head buried between her neck and shoulder as he made love to her. Val suddenly climaxed with John. Sighing John kissed her cheek rolling off her as she got up to go to the bathroom. It was only 9:30. Val finally returned cleaning John off with a warm towel. He smiled looking up at her,” I love you.” He said. Val smiled. “I love you too.” John leaned up kissing her starting another round of sex. Val giggled as he entered her once again. Once they had finished having sex for a second and even third time, they watched a movie discussing a trip down to North Carolina to visit John’s family for a family reunion. School was only in for another week than it would be summer break. Val disagreed saying she did not want to attend. “John, your mom doesn’t like me, she fakes it, and plus your brothers will be talking about how you should have married Nina and not me and than your sister is just really going to make it worst saying that Nina is so beautiful and you married me, and I don’t feel like it. Why can’t I just stay here and you and the kids go.” John said,” No baby, I really want you to go. You know I love you and only you; I don’t care what they say or do. I have your back. Come on baby we haven’t been down there in almost 3years.” said John. Val and John argued until John finally got her to agree to the kids seeing their Grandmother and Grandpa. John’s mom and dad loved their grandchildren. Val sighed turning away ignoring John. John only wrapped his arms around her waist, and they both finally fell asleep
Michelle, Keenan and Jana sat at the kitchen table enjoying their dinner while Val packed their bags for the week trip. Val sighed folding up clothes and preparing while John went to pick up the van for the morning. She closed Keenan suit case. Checking Michelle and Jana’s self packed suit cases. Laughing aloud to herself seeing Michelle had hers packed with Toys, Dolls, and her tooth brush. Val laughed unpacking Michelle’s and putting clothes in underwear in it along with everything else that she had missed. Jana had packed her suit case correctly and accordingly. Val smiled impressed. She rolled the bags to the front door. Keenan started crying from the kitchen. Val went into the kitchen seeing him on the floor. “Oh honey.” said Val picking Keenan up. He had fallen out of his chair somehow and bumped his shin. Val kissed it and tickled him making him laughing. Val heard the front door opening. John had come back, She heard him roll the suit cases out to the car. Val carried Keenan on her hip walking out to see what the van looked like. It was a nice silver and a very roomy Chrysler minivan. She put Keenan on his feet inside the van. His eyes grew big as he climbed on the seats. John smiled watching his son.
Val smiled hugging her mother-in-law at the barbeque once they had arrived. John’s mom’s smile tighten as she hugged Val. “HEY!” shouted John’s brothers; Randy and Will both giving him a hug. They both were so handsome and tall. Val looked up at them, they didn’t even glance back, they all simply picked up and tickled John and Val’s kids and went deeper into the yard. Val sighed wanting to run back home, She made her legs walk deeper saying hello’s and hi’s and even how are you’s as she hugged all of John’s uncles, aunties and in laws. She looked up and saw John’s beautiful sister Cheyenne sitting cross legged at a table next to a gorgeous man. Val plastered on a smile walking toward her. She always felt intimidated by her. “Hey Cheyenne” Val said. Cheyenne turned her head her pony tail almost hitting the gorgeous stranger.”Oh hey Val. I didn’t know you were coming. You look cute.” said Cheyenne not bothering to get up to give Val a hug or introduce her to the guy.”I am Val, John’s wife.” Val told him extending her hand in front of Cheyenne. He nodded smiling taking it.”Darrin.” he said with an even wider gorgeous smile. “Darrin come on, let go get some food.” Cheyenne said breaking their hand shake as she took Darrin walking him toward the BBQ pit telling him something. Val shook her head. She had tried to put make up on and dress as best she could to fulfill John’s family’s standards, but there was nothing she could do. She looked around for John and her kids. John had a gorgeous family she studied some faces. A lot of the girls and women were modeling, doing fashion, and even going to cosmetology school. People would never get tired of looking good. They definitely would not. Val was a Judge. She guessed that didn’t scream beauty to anybody. Finally out of the crowd of family. She spotted John and Michelle leaning on her dad as he talked to his dad. Keenan and Jana were running around playing with the rest of the kids. Val finally smiled seeing that all of them were having a good time. She got up to go join her husband. Kissing John’s cheek she greeted her father-in-law with her best smile, He hardly notice as they went back to their conversation. Michelle grabbed on to Val’s hand walking back with her to get something to eat. Val fixed both Keenan and Jana’s plate too. Michelle went to go find them and they came back shortly, eating fast so they could go back and play. Val shook her head laughing telling them to slow down. Val heard somebody said,” Hey Nina!” Val felt a bitter feeling rush up her spine. Nina and John had been friends since kinder garden and were high school

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