Blood Red Sky, October Sky [ready player one ebook txt] 📗

- Author: October Sky
Book online «Blood Red Sky, October Sky [ready player one ebook txt] 📗». Author October Sky
Chapter 1
I don’t really know how to start of this story. No there’s no “Once upon a time,” or “In a faraway land.” This is the real world people, or to me it is. What I’m about to tell you may shock you but don’t be scared I won’t bite, at least I won’t bite you. My name is Zoey Briar and I am a 17 year old Vampire. No. I know what you’re thinking and no I’m not like Edward. I don’t sparkle in the sunlight actually I like sunbathing now and again. Stephenie Meyer got vampires all wrong. We don’t make other vampires by one bite; humans actually have to die with Vampire blood in their system in order to become one. Oh yeah I almost forgot Vampires have royal families, I can’t give to many details it would be bad if other vampires were reading, but I can tell that I am a part of the biggest and most powerful royal family of all but I’m the youngest of five so I won’t get the crown. Alright enough about me let’s get to the story. It all started when I broke the Vampire law … “Zoey don’t just stand there c’mon!” I heard Kaleb yell. “Zo let’s go.” He said pulling my arm. I turned after him and started to run. I didn’t stop until we were a mile away then I stumbled into an alley and puked. Kaleb came up from behind and moved my hair out of the way. “Zo, are you ok?” I shook my head. “It’s ok he attacked you first.” The image of the dead man flashed across my mind making me puke again. “Aw, Zo.” Kaleb said while rubbing my back. I started crying. “I…killed…him.” I said in between sobs. Kaleb wrapped his arms around me. “It wasn’t your fault. He attacked first.” “He’s dead because of me.” “Zoey look at me.” I pulled back and did as I was told.”It was not your fault.” He said his green eyes shimmering. Kaleb was a good looking guy with his jet black hair and tanned skin; you would never think he was a werewolf. Whenever I was around him I looked like a freak because of my silver/gray hair and the silver eyes with specks of green and blue, and also because of the pale skin not exactly ivory but close enough to it. “Let’s get you home.” He said. Wait a minute I forgot a piece of vital information on Mr.Kaleb, he’s a werewolf. He’s also immortal just like me and that’s because he’s my guardian. Most werewolves age like humans do only slower. He’s also my childhood friend. He watches over me day and night and yes this means we share a room but hey I guess it’s all good. Alright back to the story. We arrived at the “Castle” I say that in quotations because it’s not really a castle it’s just a really big and creepy manor, anyways once we got there we were instantly summoned to my Father. Pause the story, sorry I also forgot to mention that my Father is really scary to people but when it’s just me an Kaleb he’s actually pretty sweet it’s my mom you want to worry about. Play. As we entered my dad’s office everyone else backed away. “Ah Zoey, Kaleb, it’s nice to see you.” “Dad drop the act there’s no one around.” I said pointing at the doorway that was now empty. Father walked over to the door and shut it. Then he laughed. “Princess I’m only trying to cheer you up you looked kind of down.” I glared at him. “What?” “I hate being called Princess.” He chuckled. “You’re my only daughter.” “So, I still don’t like being called Princess.” I said plopping down into his seat. “Kaleb help me out here.” Kaleb laughed and shook his head. “Sorry sir whatever the lady says goes.” My dad looked at me. “You’ve got him wrapped around your finger don’t you?” We all laughed. “He’s only my guard daddy.” They both stopped laughing and Kaleb looked down at the carpet. “It’s almost dawn and you two have had a long night why don’t you two get to bed.” Father said while shooing us out of his office. He slammed the door behind us. “One minute I’m his Princess and then the next I’m just a fly.” Kaleb didn’t say anything. “Kay what’s wrong.” He stood straight at the sound of the nickname I had given him when we were little. He opened his mouth to say something then must have thought better of it because he started off down the hall. “Kay wait up!” I yelled and ran after him. He was quite the whole way to my rooms. “Kaleb?” He didn’t even look at me he just went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. I quickly slipped out of my clothes and into my pajama shirt. Kaleb came out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing only sweatpants. I walked over to him. “Kay talk to me.” He looked me in the eyes. “What about?” He asked. “What’s wrong?” He sighed. “You called me your guard.” “Yeah so?” He looked away. “You said that I was only your guard.” I gasped. “Oh Kaleb I didn’t mean it like that.” “Zoey you know you mean a lot to me and not just in the guardian way…” He stopped. I smiled and hugged him which surprised him but after a few seconds he hugged back. “You mean a lot to me to and not just in the guardian way.” He pulled back startled. “Really?” “Really, really.” I said laughing. I saw a big grin cross his face which made him look a lot more than cute, he looked outright sexy. I yawned and he chuckled. “Let’s get you to bed.” “Are you sleeping with me tonight?” “As always Zo.” As we lay down Kaleb whispered to me. “I’ll say that I killed the man.” “Kay, no! You can’t besides he was a Vampire that was no man and if they found out a werewolf killed a Vampire you’ll be hang…” Kaleb put his finger to my lips. “I’m your guard remember?” I fell asleep that night with the fear of what lay in the future.
Chapter 2
The next morning was a blur. Kaleb and me were woken up by the maids and we hurried to get dressed. We didn’t know what was going on and no one would tell us. “Liza.” I said to the maid pulling at my hair. “Liza! What is going on?” Liza looked around then leaned down to whisper in my ear. “The council is here.” Then she hurried to finish my hair. By time the maids were trough getting me ready I looked like a medieval gothic princess with a black corset dress and lace sleeves. My silver hair was pulled into a tight ponytail with a tiara in it. I was then rushed into a room where a whole bunch of men were waiting. They all stood at the sight of me so I did what I was taught to and curtsied then I sat in the chair next to Father. Then Father spoke. “Now that everyone is here. Let’s get to business.” I looked around and saw Kaleb in the way back his black hair combed back and he was in a black suit, which made his green eyes stand out more. An old man with white hair and eyes stood up. “Sire we have come to believe that last night one of our own kind was murdered.” Father’s eyes went big. I tried to suppress a gulp. “Who was killed?” “Lord Lexion.” At that everyone’s eyes went big. “And we think that a werewolf killed him.” The man turned to look at Kaleb. “And the only werewolf we know of in this city is Mr. Pierce.” I gulped. “Are you suggesting that Kaleb killed Lexion?” Father asked the man. “Yes, yes I am. He is the only werewolf known around these parts an…” “What if there are others?” Father asked cutting the man off. “Well that is possible but wouldn’t more vampires have been killed?” “That may be so but they could just be sending us a warning.” “A warning for what?” The man asked. Father didn’t say anything. Instead he stood up and walked to the door. “I trust we are done here?” “Sire what about Mr. Pierce?” “He’s in good hands.” Father looked at me, smiled and then walked out the door. “Miss Briar…” “What Father said is true Kaleb is under my watchful eye day and night so rest assured there will be no trouble.” The old man managed a smile. “Alright then Milady, thank you for your time.” He bowed and then left the room. The rest of the men did the same. Then it was just me and Kaleb. “You look like a Queen sitting in that chair.” I pulled the tiara from my hair and loosened the ponytail. “I don’t feel like it.” He walked over and kneeled before me. “Princess Zoey Aldornia Briar I must say that you look most stunning right now.” I blushed. “You may stand Sir Kaleb Lucien Pierce.” He stood and we both smiled. He held out his hand, I took it and stood up. “I need to get out of this dress it’s starting to make me itchy.” He laughed. “I could help you with that.” I looked at him. “I’m sure you could.” He was startled. I smiled. “You weren’t expecting that answer were you?” “No I was not.” I laughed. “It’s good to know I can still surprise you.” I started walking towards the door. He hurried ahead and opened it. “Oh you’re quite the gentlemen.” He snickered. “Miss!” I heard Liza yell. “In the conference room!” I yelled back. I saw Liza’s blond head peer around the corner then she came running up. “Follow me Miss.” She said and took my hand. I looked at Kaleb and he just shrugged his shoulders. We both followed Liza down the hall and into Father’s office. “Thank you Liza you may go now.” She quickly turned and left closing the doors behind her. “I’m very disappointed in both of you.” Father said while pacing behind his desk. “I thought you could control yourself but no. Now one of the nobles is dead.” “He attacked me Father what was I to do?” “I don’t know.” He sighed. “Princess what am I going to do with you? I mean how did you make it look like a werewolf attack?” I shook my head. “I don’t know one minute he’s trying to drink my blood the next he’s on the ground dead.” Father turned to Kaleb. “What about you? Did you partake in this killing?” “No Sir.” “Then what were you doing you are supposed to protect Zoey?” Kaleb looked at the ground. “I was being Charmed.” “Charmed? Werewolf’s can’t be Charmed.” “It just happened one minute me and Zoey were walking and then out of nowhere I hear a voice and then I wake up lying on the ground and Zoey was being attacked.” Father just stared at the wall. Then he said something that shocked us both. “You’ve fed from Zoey.” He sighed. He looked at me and I nodded. “We were in a fight a few years ago and he was badly wounded so I did what I thought was best and gave him some of my blood.” I told him. “That’s why you were able to be Charmed. You have the blood of a royal running through your werewolf veins.” “What does that mean?” Kaleb
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