Trapped in an elevator with One Direction, Kaley Cass [top 5 ebook reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kaley Cass
Book online «Trapped in an elevator with One Direction, Kaley Cass [top 5 ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kaley Cass
*4:30 p.m at a big plaza in the UK*
"I have too many bags from shopping I'm gonna go to the elevator bye girl see you later!" I yell to my friend Ally while struggiling to stand up. She laughs and says goodbye. When the door opens I am nearly dropping everything and five boys are standing inside. I give a small smile and walk in.
"Looks like you've been pretty busy.. you've got so much stuff.." One of them with short brown hair and sounds british says trying to sound friendly. I smile again. "Yeah.. these bags are really heavy! so what floor are you going to?"
"Me too!"
The blonde one says; "what brings you here with all this though?"
"just stocking up on things and doing some fun shopping too!"
Another one of them presses the button again and it feels like it's not moving.
I get confused and press it too. A voice from the help speaks; "We're sorry to people in the elevators.. we're having some technical difficulties so if you remain calm we'll get to them as soon as possible."
The curly headed one asks me what my name is."Kylie."
"I'm Harry and this is Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn.
"So Kylie are you from America?" Niall asks. "I'm from Ireland!"
"I'm pretty sure she knows Niall.." Louis says rolling his eyes. "Yes I am.. I moved here after some problems with my Ex and all that other stuff.. my voice trails off.
"Damnit why is this elevator still stuck!?" Zayn says pressing the button again.
Niall tries to call someone again but it's not working. I notice Harry smiling at me and I begin to blush and look away so I don't look like an iitot.
"Oh no.. we're really stuck!" Liam tries to push the button again and Louis starts calming him down.
"So, you look very familair to me.. maybe I saw you guys somewhere once?"
"We're in a band! Ever heard of us? One Direction!"
"Wow! I thought I recognized you! I do know you guys! And my friends told me they like you but I haven't really had much time to dedicate to things like celebrites.."
"Haha that's fine!"
I look around and there's really nothing else we can do. I sit down on the hard, cold floor and let out a sigh.
"People really should think there's a problem.. there's hundreds of people in here! I can't be in here long.. I'm claustrophobic!" Niall says circling around the corners.
"I'm sorry Niall.. I'm sure they are working on it.."
I constantly check my phone even though we are losing signal. We've already been in here for an hour..
The voice comes back on: "Sorry for the inconvenience again.. we're working on things as soon as possible!'
"Well since we're going to be here.. want to tell us about yourself Kylie?"
"I came here with my friend Ally.. she's my bestfriend. And what I was saying about my ex when you guys asked if I moved here.. he cheated on me so I've been here for about five months now.. I really like it better than where I was and I actually try to convince myself I'm really British.. I am an only child!"
"Glad you like it here! As you know we're a band.. we've been together for almost three years now and we're sorry about the break up thing.. hope you're doing better now though!"
I start to talk to them about different things and they are really kind. It's now been five hours and still no sign of help.
"Damnit we've got to get home! And I can't be in here any longer I'm also starving!" Niall is still freaking out.
"Sorry about all of this.. at least you're here with five strong, british and irish guys!" Harry says winking at me.
"Ha! Cause that's my dream come true!"
Later the speaker comes back on and the voice doesn't sound like the man that was on before. Much husiker. "You will be stuck in here longer than you think.. this was all on purpose! Enjoy making some hard decisons!"
"Who the hell are you!? Help us! We've been stuck for hours!"
"I'm aware of this.. I started this all."
Zayn bangs on the door in anger and cruses under his breath. "Well.. at least we're not alone.." He turns to me and smiles.
I blush and smile back at him.
Later I put my hands in my head and wonder what's going to happen next..
The man speaks again; "and by the way.. no one knows about this except me so don't even try calling for help or anything! You all may be talking friendly now but may have to make some decisons you won't want too to each other.."
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Louis yells through the speaker.
I look around and say through the speaker so he hears loud and clear; "WHO ARE YOU FLIPPING SAW!? YOU CAN'T KEEP US IN A DAMN ELEVATOR!"
"Watch me.."
Liam sighs and whispers "I'm hungry.."
I look over to my bags and repsond "I've got some snacks in my bag but I think it would be best if we saved it incase that's all we have later.."
"Alright let's try to get out then! I want to get out!" Niall says. He gets up to try to ludge the door open but falls back nearly falling on top of Liam.
"Alright well I don't think that's going to work by yourself Niall.. let's try to think logically.."
Louis takes his phone out of his pocket and says "Let me try for a signal again! Maybe Pauly will answer! He's our securtiy guard!
..........wait we got an answer!"
He gets off the phone and looks hopeful. "He will get here as soon as possible.. he said there's traffic but he's gonna leave home shortly to come and get us!"
The lights start flickering on and off and it's completely pitch black. "That's violation to call someone.. I'm going to have to punish you all now because I did not say you can call anyone!" The man says angrily.
Louis punches the wall in frustration. I rub his shoulder and say "It's not worth it.."
"Great! Now it's dark and we're going to be in here for forever! I'm NEVER going in an elevator again!" Niall says starting to panic again.
"Well maybe if we try to open the doors again together, we can see how far it went down and if we could get up somehow.." Liam says, examinating the doors.
We all force the door open and it's so heavy it starts to close again making us all fall back.
I hear the speaker go back on. "When you're friend comes don't expect a save because if he comes he will be here with me.. I'm watching your every move."
The lights go back on and Harry sighs. "I have to use the bathroom.. but there's no where to go of course.." He pushes the button for the intercom and yells "HEY 'MYSTERIOUS' MAN THAT KEEPS GETTING US ANGRY.. PLEASE JUST LET US LEAVE! IT'S BEEN HOURS AND TELL US WHAT THE HELL YOU WANT FROM US!"
"Alright.. I'll tell you what I want.. I want the girl. I planned this all out. I know who you all are. I made sure you were both coming here at the same time because I can tell you this much.. you're all meant to be together. I am going to ruin you all though.."
My eyes widen and my throat starts getting dry.
Louis yells back at the unknown man; "Look whoever the hell you are even though we just met Kylie you're not TOUCHING HER! YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT WITH YOUR SICK MIND TO US CAUSE WE REALLY DON'T GIVE A SHIT!"
He doesn't respond. I sigh and begin to get really worried again. "Don't worry Kylie.. he's not going to touch you.. as long as we're here.." Niall says leaning down towards me.
"Thanks.. I'm glad you're a little more calm now though Niall!"
Liam slams the door again and I have them sit down and try to relax.
"Okay, you're first treatment will come in a few hours.. be prepared for the worst!" It suddenly gets so freezing goosebumps appear all over my body. "Take off your clothes now all of you! Throw them out of the elevator using the knife on the floor.. don't ask questions on how it got there.. do it now!"
I look at the boys and turn around to strip. I begin to blush and try to cover my body. We're all in our underclothes and a little embarrassed. They all start blushing and we're all a little uncomfortable.
We get our clothes and open the door. Harry is holding the knife to keep the door open and we throw our clothes out.
"Maybe we should cuddle for warmth?" They all say nsync, smiling. I smile back and huddle close to them.
We are sitting down, huddiling close and awhile later the elevator starts dropping a few centimeters more making us scream.
The man speaks again; "Okay stand up everyone.. as you know there's a knife on the floor. Kylie.. make a cut on your leg." My eyes widen and I bend down to pick it up, It's the only way I guess..
"No Kylie don't.." They try to stop me.
I quickly swipe my bare thigh feelling the pain. Blood starts pouring out. I scream and my vison starts fading..
"Kylie.. wake up! Please love.." I feel light shaking on my arm and my eyelids slowly start opening. "Kylie! Are you alright!? You fainted.."
"I honestly don't know if I will be fine.."
"Good you awoke.. you guys have been here for many hours and I'm sure you're very hungry.. use the knife to search through the walls. There is a small slot where your meals are and a bandage for her leg."
Niall picks up the knife and there's dry blood from when my leg got cut. He finds the slot and inside are some kind of meal bars with only water. I limp over to wrap my leg up. The bars have no taste but that's only what we are offered to eat. The other option is starve.
"I'll let you people in on a small secret.. you'll only earn better meals if you do as I ask. If you touch your food in your bags punishments will come. Get to sleep now.."
In the corner Zayn says; "alright.. no matter what happens we need to stick together. He is probably going to make us do much more horrible things but we need to make sure we don't back stab each other.. goodnight guys..
A few tears fall from my eyes and I hug them goodnight. We
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