» Fiction » Destiny, By: zzmbrashear [rom com books to read .TXT] 📗

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I’m 13. I have no brothers or sisters. I have two over bearing parents. They suffocate me. My mother complains how I’m not the girly girl they wanted. She wants me to wear dresses and to wear pink. That makes me sick. My name is Emily Rae Haynes. I wear black make up, black clothes and I don’t like rules. My hair is a light brown. I’m not Emo. People who say they are Emo are putting a name on themselves. I’m not Goth. I’m me. I’m unique and I like the color black.
“Emily, why don’t you wear this skirt instead of your black tight jeans.” My mother told me.
“Skinny jeans Mom. Those tight jeans are called skinny jeans. I’m wear what I pick out.” I told her as I turn on My Chemical Romance. My Mom hates that kind of music. She says its music like that who kills brain cells. I told her that its parents like her that kill brain cells. No one gets me and sometimes its a good thing. My parents put me in an all girls school. They say that boys are distracting. I wouldn’t know, I really never talked to one besides my father. My Mom and Dad are the only family I have. I live in South Carolina and the rest of my family lives in Texas or some where. I don’t really know, my parents say that we will be closer if there is no one to interfere. I’m in ninth grade. I skipped 2nd grade. I don’t really know how someone can skip such a small grade but I did. This year is going to be different. My Father owns his own business. He owns a Honda store or something like that. I don’t usually pay any attention to him when he talks about it. Well anyway, his company is moving to a different part of South Carolina. My Mom is not to happy about it because there are no all girl schools. The school is called Jefferson High and there are only community schools, she doesn’t think that it is proper. I’m so happy. I am very euphoric. I don’t think I will like transferring schools but I need to get out of my old one.
On the first day of school I already made a friend. Her name is Susan. She said she has been at this school all her life. When we were at lunch she pointed out some girls.
“At that table there is the preppy girls.” She continued as she pointed to the table. “Stay away from them. They will make you a target and make your life a living hell. There on the left is Michelle, she is like the queen bee. I think that she is worse that Hitler and if she isn't then they could be twins.” Michelle looked snobby. She wore a pink shirt and black skirt with heels. She had her nails professionally done and blonde hair. I bet she acted like a blonde too. “Next to her is Destiny. She is kind of an air head. She is a brunette but you would call her a blonde. Beside Destiny is Sarah. She will do anything to please Michelle. The rest of the girls at the table are just Michelle followers.”
As we got up to take up our trays Michelle puts out her foot and makes a girl fall. I rush over to help her up.
“What is you problem?” I said with an attitude to Michelle.
“Excuse me! I no you’re not talking to me. You must be new because you just got your self in big trouble!” She said pointing her finger at me. I walked away and Susan took my arm.
“Are you crazy? She is going to murder you.” Emily said more scared than I was.
“She doesn’t scare me and why is everybody so scared of her anyway?”
“I really don’t know but what I do know is that Michelle’s Mom is the principal so I would watch your back.” She said looking behind her at Michelle. This school was so different. There are people making out on lockers and guys whistling. In the parking lot everybody waits by there cars and talk.
“I’m thinking about trying out for soccer. I was really good at my old school.” I mentioned.
“Well, If you do watch out for Michelle. She is captain and soccer is her sport.” She said as she pointed across a field. I wasn’t sure what she was pointing at until I saw Michelle doing a high kick into the goal. She was good but I’m better and I’m going to make sure she sees it.

“How did school go darling?” My Mother asked when I came through the door. She had my favorite dinner made, chicken and rice.
“It was fun but I have lots of homework so can I take my food to my room?” I asked.
“I guess, but bring your dishes back when you are done.” She told me. I hated trying to act happy when I was at my house. Like I said in the beginning I’m not Goth or Emo but I am me and I really hate to be so perky all the time. I’m going to try out for soccer and the sign ups are tomorrow. I told my parents.
“Eww. Do you mean that sport where you get all dirty? Thats gross. Girls shouldn’t do that.” My Mom said shivering thinking about it.
“Well, Em whatever you do have fun.” My Dad said and it made me happy.
“Richard!” My Mother said with a scowl.
“Maryann, she needs some freedom” My Dad said and for once he was right. The next day at school I was walking and talking to Emily until I bumped into someone.
“Ah.” I said as my books fell to the ground.
“Oh my gosh. I’m sorry.” He said continuing. “These are yours.” He hesitated “My name is Josh.”
“Hi, My name is Emily.” I said shaking his hand and grabbing my books. Susan grabbed my arm.
“She will see you around. Bye.” Susan said and continued. “He was so hitting on you. He couldn’t take his eyes off you.”
“What? Really?”
“Yeah. Josh likes to play football and baseball. He is passing everything but he has a tutor. I see him riding bikes a lot and skateboarding. Oh and one more thing. He is Michelle’s ex.” Susan said turning her head.
“Cool.” I said and then we walked to biology. Josh was in that class. He sat across the isle from me. He kept turning his head and looking at me. He was getting really distracted and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Josh! Is there something more important than biology? You know, If you don’t want to learn in my classroom than I can always go to your house.” Mr. Watson said and when he said “Josh” Josh jumped.
“No Mr. Watson.” Josh said turning towards the board.
“Now lets get back. As I was saying.” The teacher kept on teaching but Josh couldn’t take his eyes off me. When class was over as I was walking out the door Josh stopped me.
“Susan right?” Josh asked.
“Yeah. Josh right?” I said but thought it was funny to say that because I knew his name.
“So Emily, Do you want to hang out this Saturday. Theres this new movie out. I think its called Red Riding Hood. Anyway it looks like a good movie. Would you like to go with me?” Josh asked.
“Yeah! I would love to. Where do you want us to meet?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if this was a date or not because I’m not ever around boys.
“I will have my big brother pick us up so my parents won’t be bugging us. How does 8:00 p.m. sound?” I told him it sounded great and we went to our next class.

On Saturday I look in the drive way to see a red pickup truck. I saw Josh get out of the truck. My Mom runs to the door faster than I did. She opens it up.
“Hi. I’m Maryann, Emily’s Mom.” She said perkier than usual.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Josh.” He said shaking her hand. I could tell Josh was getting a little freaked out. He looked kind of funny. He was in dress pants and a tucked in shirt. I thought that was a little too formal for the movies. His semi-long light brown hair was parted to. I see boys at church less dressed up. I chuckled unknowingly.
“Ready to go? Bye Mom.” I said grabbing his arm.
“Wait, wait, wait! I want a picture. Stand together.” She said grabbing her camera.
“Mom!” I said in a little louder voice than I meant to.
“Okay, now was that so bad? Quick get out of here before you miss the movie.” She said putting her camera down. We walked out of my house and I closed the door.
“You look nice.” He said as we were getting into the truck. I thought that was ironic because my hair was in a bun and I was wearing a tight T-shirt and skinny jeans. I looked like I was just staying in. When we got into he messed up his hair and started to unbutton his shirt.
“What are you doing?” I asked him. I was really confused. He was still taking off his clothes but he had other clothes under them. He had a tight shirt and jeans under them.
“Getting changed. You didn’t think I was going to look like that.” He laughed “That was just something to make your parents like me a little bit more.” I still didn’t understand but I had a feeling this was going to me a long night. After about 20 minutes we stopped and I looked to my left to find a house with a bunch of lights. I have never seen a party but I no what they are suppose to be and this was defiantly one.
“Are you going in like that?” He asked me.
“I thought we were going to the movies?” I told him.
“This is more fun. Come on!” He said making a gesture with his hand. I wasn’t sure whether I should call my Mom to pick me up but I thought that I wouldn’t hurt to go in side for a while. So I followed him inside. There was a lot of cups around and you could smell beer. I wanted to leave but I didn’t want to blow off Josh. Josh saw some guy and waved and we went over to him.
“Benny this is Emily.” He said putting his arm around me.
“You said you were bringing a date but you never said she was hot.” Benny said. Josh pulled me closer and asked if I wanted to dance. I said yes, I was a slow song but when that was over everybody was jumping up and down because of the next song. I got tired after an hour or two and asked if we could leave. Josh was drinking and I was worried that someone would complain about the noise. It was worrying me that Josh drank at such a young age. Josh said okay when I asked him to leave. On the way home Joshes brother had to stop at a friends house on the way. When he got out of the car Josh jumped into the back seat with me. He put his arm around me and tries to kiss me

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