» Fiction » Darkness Turns To Light, R.J Reagle [e reader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «Darkness Turns To Light, R.J Reagle [e reader for manga txt] 📗». Author R.J Reagle

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Darkness turns to light

Chapter 1

Ok so you have heard those stories about the princess who falls madly in love with her prince and after a major problem the prince saves her and they live happily ever after? Well this is nothing like that. My story has no happily ever after. I was a tough girl who needed no help from a knight in shining armor and that wasn’t about to change either. But as you will see, one crucial event happened that stole my life away. Made me see things in the world clearer than anyone could imagine. I found the truths, I found the lies, the betrayers and the loyal ones. Whether I did get my prince and my happy ending is up to you. This is my story. And if you are the happy go getter people with no intention of listening just turn around and walk away.
I was born Annie Mallibar. This story starts back when I turned sixteen. My mother had died when I was five years old. My dad, who at the time was so overwhelmed by grief, turned to alcohol every night. He tried so hard to overcome his grief over my mother but failed and once I had turned fourteen he let his anger out on me. Sometimes he would ignore me and other times, well I cant really think about that at the moment. But trust me, its not exactly a father daughter experience. He loved me, I think, and I tried not to hate him, but with each blow hatred flooded me like nobody could stop me from killing him. I will admit sometimes I would picture life as it should be. With my mothers black hair flowing behind her and her fair skin dazzling in the sunlight while her golden eyes filled with wisdom and understanding. I remember her features because I looked exactly like her. My eyes were gold, unlike my fathers whose were black with hatred. My hair a soft black but choppy and shoulder length. His was red with silver weaving through it. I was very fair skinned while he was tanned. We were so different. He was so hateful and evil. He drank every day and he when he went overboard his rages were unavoidable.
But a few months after I turned sixteen is where I really start.
Spring break. Just what I have been waiting for. But the clock was ticking so slow I thought I would lose my mind. Finally the minute hand hit the twelve and I raced out of the classroom and to my locker. I saw Brianna and Emily as soon as I got there, waiting for me at my locker. Brianna bounced up to me w“Sure. Whose Emily text messaging?” I asked glancing at Emily’s cell phone. It vibrated every time her fingers took a rest. Brianna rolled her eyes, “John, who else would she text?” I rolled my eyes too. John was ith excitement lighting up her green eyes. “Shopping spree!” she said, her voice ringing with enthusiasm. “Are you up for it?”
her abusive boyfriend and I didn’t like him one bit. I snatched the phone out of her hand and Emily turned to me, her grey eyes widening in horror. “Annie please! Please give it back. He will get mad if I don’t text him back. Please!” she begged. I looked at her in disgust. “Will you listen to yourself please. Emily you are being pathetic. I think a few hours away from him is exactly what you need. Now are you up for the shopping trip or not. And leave your cell phone at home ok?” I told her while giving her back her cell phone. She nodded shamefully and started messaging him again. I let a long sigh and glanced at Brianna. She nodded at me pleased at what I had said and getting Emily away from him for a few hours. Poor Emily. He was so possessive of her. I knew what it felt like to be abused and I knew she didn’t deserve it.
The girls and I decided to meet at my house before we go to the mall. They glanced at my suggestion at first. They were no strangers to my fathers behavior. “Don’t worry guys. He’ll be at Buddy’s today. So I will be home alone.” I assured them. Buddy’s is an old bar across town where my father spent his Fridays. But the girls looked uneasy all the same. They worried mostly Friday nights when my father came home dead drunk. More than once had I fallen under his drunken rage and they didn’t like it. But they agreed to meet me at my house. Emily would pick us up. So while they went to catch the bus, I started my walk home.
It was a gorgeous spring day. Walking today would do me good, and I wasn’t to eager to get home. Then I found my mind wandering. How could Emily be with John? Didn’t she see how my life was with my father? Couldn’t she see that it wasn’t a good thing to be abused everyday? All of a sudden the breath was knocked out of me and I found myself on the ground. Dazed I looked at the guy on the ground in front of me. He picked himself up and held a hand out towards me. “I’m so sorry. Are you ok? I wasn’t paying any attention.” he apologized, and I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up. I looked at him and smiled. He was really cute and I felt a little awkward being around him. “I’m ok. See no harm done.” I laughed. He smiled at that. Oh my god his smile was breath taking. I looked at him and examined him. He was taller than I was. May by a few inches. Muscular and very handsome. Black spiked hair with a white streak running down the side. And he had the most amazing eyes. They were lavender! I had never seen eyes like that. I blushed slightly remembering my own eyes were a rare sight too. He was very pale. And he had his lip pierced. “Well can I walk you home or something? It’s the least I can do for running you down.” his voice was like velvet. His eyes holding a curiosity in them. “No no I’m fine. Like I said there’s no harm done.” my voice quivered a little bit and I turned again in embarrassment. “Well my name is Talon. Talon Mitchell. And you are?” he said in his velvety voice in a sense where I thought I would melt. “Annie. Annie Mallibar. Its nice to meet you.” I held out my hand. He took it and kissed it gently. “my pleasure. Well I guess I’ll bump into you later then?” he laughed. I laughed too. I felt real light and my heart was thumping wildly in my chest. “Yeah you might. Well I’ll be on my way then. Goodbye.” I said and kept right on walking.
When I came to my house I froze. My door was open. My door was never opened. I gulped. My dad was home after all. The fear came at me in waves. I heard laughter coming from inside. My dad was home and not alone. Finally the air filled my lungs as I realized I was holding my breath. My dad wasn’t stupid enough to do anything when company was over. I walked in the door and heard Larry, my dads best friend. He was like a father to me. He hated alcohol and he had no idea of anything that my father did. My father already warned me of the consequences that would come to me if I blabbed. So I went into the living room where they were talking. My father looked at me and the look in his eyes told me that I was in trouble. But he put on a smile none the less. “Where have you been Annie? You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago.” he tried to keep his voice casual and light but I wasn’t fooled in an instance. “I’m sorry dad. I kind of ran into some one while walking home. We knocked each other down. I’m fine though.” I told him. I glanced calmly at Larry. God was I glad that he was here. My dad just grunted. “Well if you have homework you better go and do it.” he said. “I have no homework dad. Its spring break remember? But Brianna and Emily are coming to pick me up and we are going to go to the mall.” I looked at him wondering if he was going to object. He looked angry briefly but with a quick glance at Larry changed his mind as he said, “Fine but be back at ten o’clock ok?”
That was that I guess. I had a few hours to worry. And I knew he would be waiting for me to get home. Tonight was inevitable. So I went upstairs and took a quick shower, after I got dressed I called Larry to my room. “What’s up kiddo?” he asked. He sat on the edge of my bed right next to me. “Is my dad still downstairs?” I asked in a hushed whisper. He eyed me. “Yes. What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” he asked me tentatively. “Well, I was wondering. How long will you be here for today?”
“Until nine maybe. Why? Annie you can tell me. You know that right?” he said. Did he already know?
“Well I want to ask you a question. Let’s say hypothetically, something happened to dad, would you take care of me?” I blushed at my own question. Of course I was being silly. But I was thinking of what would happen if I ever decided to run away. He starred at me. “Of course sweetie. I am always here for you.” I smiled at the thought of running away. But then I heard a horn outside my room. It was Brianna. “Thanks for talking to me Larry. I have to run now but ill catch you later.” I was just getting up to leave when Larry gently grabbed my arm. “Annie, tell me what’s been going on. I can see it in your eyes. Is something going on that I should know about?” his voice held real fear. I was ashamed for lying to him. I was just about to tell him everything when the horn beeped again. I sighed “don’t worry about it. Its nothing I swear,” and I left him standing in the middle of the room looking after me. I could tell something was going to happen but I didn’t want to admit it.

Chapter 2

Brianna looked at me anxiously as I hopped into the passenger seat. She looked from me, to the opened front door and back again. I shrugged not wanting to get into it and she backed off. Emily was in the backseat resting her head on the window. “Emily what’s wrong?” I asked kind of not wanting to hear the answer because I already knew. “He’s mad at me. He didn’t want me out today. Maybe I shouldn’t have went.” she trailed off. I sighed and looked out the window. Brianna was listening to Angel by Shaggy on the radio. But it was like she didn’t even notice her favorite song was on.
When we parked in the mall, I hopped out and waited for the other two to catch up. I had a few hours of freedom before my father needed me home. Brianna

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