» Fiction » True Blood, hima [audio ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «True Blood, hima [audio ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author hima

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“How old are you?”


“How long have you been 17?”

“A while”

“Stop,” I said closing the novel my friend Em was holding.

“What’s wrong?” she raised her eyebrows questioning.

“Get real,” I scolded.

“I don’t know why people write fiction. Why can’t they write something practical? They are filling your minds with crap.”

“It’s the bestselling novel. You don’t know how to appreciate a good writer.” She huffed.

She rose from my bed and slammed the door against my face.

Wow! It seems that I had another fight with her. Seriously, why can’t I keep my mouth shut? I may be more realistic and practical but I can’t rub it on my friends. It’s their wish if they want to live in a fantasy and non-existent world. I fell on my bed thinking how I should make it up to her when I heard mom calling. I hurried down the wooden stairs.

Mom stood at the last step frowning; She must have seen Em barging through the doors.

“I lost it again; she is reading twilight, now.” I sighed.

“You have to learn to respect their space…”she started all mother like.

“I know…”I cut her off.

I went into the kitchen dad was munching on a bowl of cereals. I turned to see what he is watching, Twilight???

“Dad…”I cut off with one look from mom.

An Idea struck as I was watching the movie, I ran into my room. Mom called after me.

“I have an idea to calm down, Em.” I called out to her.

I logged on to my system and browsed through websites until I found what I wanted. I relaxed on to my chair as I knew how happy Em would be when she’ll see my gift. Em is my only friend since childhood. Though we are exactly opposite in every way we liked each other enough to put our differences behind. I am almost 5’7 and have perfect curvaceous body; my half curly hair brushed my shoulders, honey colored eyes that match with my hair, perfectly carved nose and lips. Em is good 5 inches tall, short and spiked black hair and everything about her is tiny face, lips, eyes and nose. She is almost like a nerd her face always covered behind those yellow pages of novels. Sometimes we would have a welcome addition to our little group but they turn out to be after my looks or money. We decided in later years that it will be just us from now on.

I walked impatiently on my lounge for the courier to come, I checked in the mailbox every few minutes later. I found it after I came back from lunch. I ran to the last house on our lane. When I knocked at her she gave me irritable look, she was still angry at me.

“Um… I have something for you.”

“What?” she scowled.

I gave her the courier cover, she frowned. I gestured to open it up. She tore the cover as over enthusiastic child. When she saw the CD of Twilight, she jumped in joy and dragged me into the house. She ran to the living room with me behind and hurried to set up the home theatre, sat cross legged, eyes fixated to the screen.

“Who’s that?” her mom called over the noise.

“It’s Ilene, mom. She brought twilight movie.” She shouted still the enthusiasm not dead in her tone.

“Got over your silly fight, huh?” she shouted from the kitchen.

Em nodded mutely eyes glued to the screen. I don’t want to watch the movie but if I get up she will be upset again. I played some songs in my mind for a while and got bored.

“I’ll make us some popcorn.” I said.

She nodded. God! I could at least miss half the show now, I thought. I hurried into the kitchen. Aunt Lucy smiled at me. She is a woman in mid 40’s. She is a lovely person besides mom.

“Glad that at least you live in reality.” She smiled.

“Yeah! It seems I’m the only one.”

She showed me the pop corn packet and hurried to prepare meal for Uncle. When the pop corn is done I still have another 10 minutes time.

“Where’s uncle?” I asked trying to make conversation.

“Trying to skip the movie?” she smiled.

“He had an appointment with the doctor.”

“What are your plans for tomorrow?” she asked.

“As usual Mom invited some people for the party, I don’t think I have any time to spare since she scheduled every minute of tomorrow for me.” I said.

“Don’t you like partying?”

“What’s the point when most of the people are mere strangers to me?” I smirked.

“I would rather spend all the time with yours and my family.” I said.

She smiled.

“Why are you so averse to those films?”

“It’s just they aren’t real.” I said.

“Vampires? Were wolves? Huh? “I smirked.

Aunt laughed at my distaste.

“You should go now or she’ll get dubious.”

I nodded and took the bowl of pop corn; thankfully the movie is at climax. I sat beside her and shoved the popcorn into her hands. After another 10 minutes of torment, the film finished.

“You missed the good part.” She said.

I made a face that I was sad for missing but internally I was happy that I missed.

“They should have considered you for a role in this film. I mean you are so like a vampire.” She said absent mindedly.

I shifted uncomfortably. True, most of the descriptions writers gave in books are that Vampires are pale skinned and alluringly beautiful which fit me perfectly or at least this is what most of them thought. I hate it to be even compared with some nonexistent creatures but I took them as compliments so that I wouldn’t fire away on them.

“What’s your dress color, tomorrow?” she said all smiling.

“Don’t know. Let’s go and see.” I said.

“Mom, I’m going to Ilene’s home. Don’t wait up.” She called.

We raced to my home as always I won the race. We fell on the couch heavily breathing. Mom entered laughing.

“Another race? Who won? Let me guess, Ilene.” She smiled.

She went in and brought us some orange juice. We drained it in one gulp. Mom laughed at us.

We hurried into our room bellyful; Mom never lets us leave even a tiny bit of food she says that even that tiny bit gives us lots of energy. We fell on my bed opposite to each other.

“I can’t believe it’s your 16th birthday tomorrow. I think Aunt invited the whole town for the party.” She stated.

Though I can’t see her, I know she must be laughing like mad; she knew how I hate parties. I smacked her. She burst into a fit of laugh. I waited patiently for her to calm down.

We played for a while; she dozed off into sleep while I read her pride and prejudice.

I woke up rubbing my eyes. Em must have left early. I walked into wash room and when I came back, there’s a pair of new clothes on my bed. I hurried downstairs, the house is entirely transformed, and did she at least take a nap yesterday? I thought. Furniture is moved and entire place is decorated with glow lights and decorative flowers and creepers.

“Happy birthday, honey.” Mom hugged me.

“Ta-da.” Dad said moving aside to show a big cake sitting on a round table.

“Dad.” I ran to him.
He embraced me in a bear like hug. Em’s family is also there. They wished me in turn. This is just what I wanted, who needs a party of strangers who doesn’t even know me or care for me?

Aunt and Mom went inside to make the party preparations. Dad and uncle sat watching a football match. Em and I sat chatting.

“Close your eyes,” she said and sat me before the mirror.

“Wow!” I exclaimed when I saw a fancy chain around my neck. The locket is heart shaped and a small white stone is embedded into it.

I hugged her in joy. I played dress up with her and finally settled on a pink frill frock that is just a few inches down her knees. She is amazing in it.

Mom called us down as she set us our lunch. She is worried about something and her face showed signs of stress, Dad looks the same.

We ate chatting happily; though mom and dad are smiling I could tell its just façade.

“Just say it.” I said to dad squeezing his hands rested on the table.

“What?” he asked.

“You are asking repeatedly, should we say it” I said.

“How did she know what I’m thinking in my mind, did the change start?” he thought.

“What change?” I scowled.

“Nothing honey, I’ll talk to you later.” He whispered.

I nodded.

Mom rushed me upstairs to get ready, first I helped Em to get ready and then she helped me. Mom brought me blue floor length gown that fit my curves perfectly.

“You are stunning.” Em whistled.

I brushed away her comments. We walked down when I saw half of the hall filled. Everybody stared in awe for my beauty and audacity. I heard someone having bad thoughts about me; I turned in the direction of voice.

“Did you listen to that stupid’s comments?” I asked Em pointing to the rough looking guy standing at the far end of the hall.

“Did he say something?” Em frowned.

I nodded.

“How can she hear him when he is so far away from her?”

“But I heard,” I said.

“What? “
I repeated her sentence. She frowned and said that she is just thinking it but didn’t say it out loud. I nodded my head in belief.

“Wow! Freaky. You can read my mind. Why didn’t you say so earlier?” her face elated.

“There’s no such thing like mind reading. I must have interpreted your facial expressions. You know I know you very well.”

“Then what about him?” she asked pointing at the guy.

“I must have seen lust in his eyes.” I said and hurried in to the crowd not wanting to make a scene about it.

People greeted me; I heard them all praising my beauty. I heard some girls smirking about me by telling others my most embarrassing moments. I felt like punching them right in face but something is fishy here. I mean how come I’m hearing everyone’s thoughts as clear as they are speaking it aloud. I must be coming down with some illness which I never did. Truly speaking I never was ill in all my 15 years of life.

As soon as I’m sure that I greeted whole crowd not leaving anyone behind and done with cake cutting. I went to my place of salvation, roof of my home under the star lit sky and full moon, safe and

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