» Fiction » Never Forget the Past~, FOTN [best self help books to read TXT] 📗

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Screaming rained threw the forest. “Fuck, go FASTER,” a voice screamed.

“NO, Ra….” Blood turned the ground red…. The earth looked like it was bleeding, a wound that could never heal.

((Ok I know not much of a prologue, but its better then nothing -_-))

Chapter 1~

Chapter 1
Four years Before…

“Whatever,” black and silver hair fell in front of his face. “I really don’t give a flying fuck what you a-holes have to say,” he snapped back. A brunette boy grabbed him by the coller of his shirt. “Now, now fuck up… don’t get a attitude,” the boy growled.
“Get off of ME,” the black haired boy growled in fury. The brunette punched him in the face and laughed as he hit the locker, his nose was bloody and his lip felt split. “Well, my opinion matters a whole lot more then you, you worthless piece of shit,” he snickered…
That was the last day I remember… the day my life changed forever.

“Drake, wake up, time for school, you’re lucky they already have you registered or you’d be home all day with me,” his mother snapped. Drake shook “K,” he was ready to go in less than seven minutes.
“Are you ready Yet,” his mother yelled. He ran down stairs and grabbed his bag. He looked at his reflection ad sighed. He had changed a lot in the Four years it had been scenes he had been there. He growled as his emo style hair covered his eyes. His eyes changed from silver to gold to violet to icy blue and back, he couldn’t keep them steady anymore, well at least when he felt strong emotions. He shook out his hair and pulled the band shirt down a little more and the jeans up. He loved these ripped jeans, before he left his best bud, Marcus gave them to him, and He walked out the door locking it as he went. He knew his mother was going to be pissed when she found herself locked in but then she couldn’t get drunk again.

He ran down the sidewalk, his body hummed with energy. He shook it off and focused on his eyes, they should be at blue, but if not it will be gold. He walked almost a mile and saw the school, it looked exactly the same as before. The enternce crowed by the ‘IT’ crowed, it would hold football players, cheerleaders and a then any other athletic people. Drake stopped and looked at the people that had caused him so much pain and tomant for two years, because he couldn’t be like them, because he couldnt change back then. He looked at the rows of people and saw all his class mates, the people that he hated and wished for death years ago, now he just don’t give a fuck about them. He walked through the crowds egnoring the growls and shocked faces of his class mates. He walked through the building already knowing what classes he would be taking, his schedule came to the house yesterday when they got there. He walked towards the Gym, only he would have PE when they also had Athletics. Drake pushed open the door of the gym and sat at the top of the bleachers. Mr. Backer’s walked into the room. AS soon as he caught sight on Drake sitting in the bleachers he snickered. At that moment seventeen other students came through his door, and then out of the athletics door came twenty. Drake looked at all the foot ball players, track runners, and swimmers.

“Welcome, Drake…” he looks down at the paper in his hands. “Dragster,” Drake shook his head and growled. “Draster, Mr. Backer,” the teacher glared, “Well Drake, You and…” he looked at the few people in the real gym class and turned his head to the athletics, “Mace, over here battle, to submit, not claws, only body and teeth, just don’t kill each other, if you can even fight that is… Mr. Draster,” Drake looked shocked, Macerlake was one of the meanest of his old tomenters. He glared at Mace and turned his head, his black strands covered his eyes white strands still criss crossed threw his hair he growled softly, he wasn’t going to play games with this guy, he didn't even want to be given the chance to be touched by him. “No,” he said it clearly. The coach snarled and glared at him. “NOW, Mr. Dragster or ill have him fight you on the bleacher!” Drake rolled his eyes and jumped down the bleachers, he landed on the gym floor and pushed his hair back. “Ya, and I have a choose in this HOW,” Drake snarled walking forward. Mace smiled, he was taller, a lot taller and build for the position he played as quarterback, Drake growled, his smiled widened.

“Bring it on LOSER, FREAK…..FAG,” Drake full out snarled, he shifted in seconds, theres one thing about this school, it was for shifters and humans so the humans knew about the shifters, they were able to get into town that other people could not, but it did come with a price. Drake hissed, his black body crouching, he had silver and white rosettes spotting his fur. Maces face looked shocked. He shifted, he was a pitch black panther, complete with the extra size from his father, you could see the outlines of some stripes from his Bengal heritage. Drake tackled him, his fource pushing Mace back across the floor. “Fuck you PRICK FUCK YOU” he said using the mind link all shifters shared. “Bring it on DRACO, BRING IT,” Mace hissed as Drake got flipped under him. He pushed his teeth to his throat. “SUBMIT TO ME NOW,” he snarled. Drake growled and went limp but didn't submit, he through his body waight up and Mace pulled them to the side, Drake grabbed Maces shoulder between his large insicceres and snarled. “YOU SUBMIT FIRST OR DRAW,” he growled. Mace hissed and snarled his teeth cutting off any air that could go into his lungs, Drake started feeling light headed. “SUBMIT,” Mace snapped .Drake had Mace pinned under him and as he fought for breath. His paws started to slip under him, he moaned as his knees buckled.His feline body fell onto of Maces cat form, his vistion spotted with black dots. He passed out as Mace tightened his grip. “Dam, hes stronger…” hiss a voice. “Ya a fucking ass load stronger, he nearly beat ME,” laughed Mace. He was in his human form. Drake had shifted when he passed out, he moaned as he pulled air through his brused windpipe. It would be healed in a hour but it hurt like a bitch. He looked up at the people around him and growled. He jumped to his feet and his knees nearly gave out he hissed in pain and kept pushing through the crowd. He braced himself on the bleachers as he grabbed his stuff. He hurt everywere. He moved towards the door and yelped as his one knee went out. He heard some humans chuckle but all the shifters took steps forward a hint of worry in there eyes, after a fight it usally doesn’t do that. He lifted himself up and whimpered as he walked out the door every step sending a lighting bolt of pain up his legs and through his blood. “Drake, you cant leave class, It hasent been DISMISSED,” he could here Coach Backer yelling. Drake kept walking, he had Us History and then three other classes, Art then lunch, and his day would be over.

*&* &*&

Art was interesting….. Mace wouldn’t keep his minions away, they watched his every move. He snarled as Jackson, one of Maces buds, fallowed him to the paint supplies. “What the FREAK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?” he snarled softly. Jackson stopped, and Drake grabbed the black and white paint set and walked back to his table. He looked around the room, all the humans looked bored except the two who loved Art apparently, and almost all the shifters were doing quick work. Drake looked at his barley finished work and groaned. It was going to be a tiger, a white tiger, with the black strips and everything, then he was going to do the yin and yang sign as the pupil in the eye. The background was going to be a snow covered forest, but that wasn’t going to be done in paint, “What are you working on Mr. Draster,” the art teacher walked towards him and he lowered his eyes to the outline on the page. “A surprise,” he whispered and he covered the picture, hiding it from sight. Before Mrs. Kelly could say anything the bell rang, Drake pushed the sketch and the set into his locker in the art room and headed out the door with his followers right behind him. He turned to them in the hall. “GO AWAY!!!” he screamed and they flinched back but didn't move. Jackson answered with a smirk. “Mace said watch you and we will in tell he says otherwise, Drake gave them a death glare and headed towards the exit. “Were are you going…” hissed Jackson. Drake chuckled. “I don’t have anymore classes I’m goin HOME, in tell we move into the clans house im in town,” Drake yelled flipping them his middle finger and walking out of the hall. Jackson growled and they started to follow him outside. Drake growled and sprinted to the woods and shifted his backpack in his locker and everything he needed at home, he leapt for the trees and in joyed his second form. He saw the guys running after him. HE growled as they watched him in the trees. HE flicked his tail and laid on the branch, they were deturmained to watch him then they could watch him sleep in a tree for a hour or two. The school was in walking distance if they wanted to eat they could go, or not. He purred lightly as the sun hit his black back and warmed his fur.

“JACKSON,” Drake jerked awake and growled he nearly fell out of the tree and had to wake him up. “WHAT THE HELL!” Mace growled as he stormed towards them. “Marco says you’ve been out here looking at a tree for who the hell knows how long,” Jackson frowned. “Drakes up there, he got pissed and shifted and has been asleep in a tree for the past twenty minutes. “Well I WAS asleep but someone woke me up.” Drake jumped down landing on the balls of his feet he absorbed the impact and stood in his human form. Mace looked at him and growled “Well FUCK, sorry I woke the poor pussy cat from his cat nap, go crawl back into your cornor and hide,” he growled Drake

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