» Fiction » Marry him?, Annamere [bts book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «Marry him?, Annamere [bts book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Annamere

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Five years earlier:

"She's rather cute for a twelve year old." Mr. Price said.
"I'm only doing this for her mother's sake." the girls father said with venom on his toung. "Your boy better treat her right."
Mr. Price laughed. "I'll make sure of it. Here is money for the girl's dental work." he said putting about three thousand bucks on the table.
"Today is her birthday. I have five more years with her. I do not want to see you until then and you make sure her mother lives to see that girl in a wedding gown." The girls father wasnt happy about his daughter getting married to some rich snob. But he's never met Mr. Price's son.
"Of coarse. I will send this amount of money every month for her. And her mother will see the day your daughter get's married."
The girl ran up to her father sobbing as she did so. "What is it, sweetheart?"
"Daniel said I was ugly."
"I did not, liar." Daniel screamed from inside the house.
"Daniel go to your room." the girl's father yelled at his oldest child. He picked the girl up and put her on his lap. "Daddy is having a meeting with the doctor. Go see your mother. I'll be there in a few minutes."
The girl turned and kissed her father's cheek. "Ok, Daddy. I love you!" she sung.
"Love you too, squirt."
She skipped back into the house and the father turned back to Mr. Price. "Perhaps I will let you see her after she has married my boy. I doubt her brother will be happy about this when they start to like each other."
The father nodded in agreement.
"Well, I must go home. I'll see you in five years."
"What about future boyfriends, Mr. Price?" the father asked.
"Let her have them. My wife and I argued about that last night. A girl must have fun."
The father nodded then showed Mr. Price to the door. He went back out to the deck and stared at the money.

Chapter one

I looked at my now ex boyfriend before getting out of his car. "I love you, Sofia." he yelled with tears in his eyes.
I broke up with him cause he cheated. But hearing him say that brought back good memories. I hadnt even closed the door yet. I got back in and kissed him. "This is your last chance, Patch." I said. "And it's sexy when you cry." I said to my scary yet enchanting boyfriend.
He brought me closer and kissed my neck.
I pushed him back. "Is your family dead or you just dont want me to meet them?"
"My family lives in Texas, babe." he said.
He nodded. "Your brother is watching us. Better go inside. And it was just a kiss. Why'd you get so mad?" he asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Cause you're the only boyfriend I've ever had and you're mine." I said.
He grinned. "It wont happen again. Hey, happy birthday."
"That's tommarrow," I said angrilly.
"I know. But I have to go to Texas tomarrow so I can get stuff ready and get your presents. I'll be back the day after. Maybe."
I kissed him. "Are you leaving tonight?" I asked.
"Yep. My father demands my pressence tomarrow morning at eight."
I groaned.
"Yes, Sofie, I will hang out with you until I leave." he said.
I glared then kissed him again. "Thank you,"
He laughed then turned his whatever kind of car it was off. We got out and walked into my house. Daniel was sitting on the couch laughing into the phone. "Mom wants to see you two." Daniel said it like we were in trouble.
I smiled then went into my parents room with Patch right behind me. My mom was sitting up eating. I squealed. My mom has lung cancer. She's had it since I was ten. "Hi, babies." she said.
"Are you cold, mommy?" I asked. I'm scared she'll drop dead any minute so I make her happy and act like a little girl.
"A little," she said quietly.
I went to the closet but Patch stoped me. He sat down next to my mom and put his arm around her shoulders and cradled her.
"Why was Daniel going off?"
"She jumped out of my car crying but I made her happy again."
She brushed Patch's hair away from his eyes. "You're lucky I am weak." she said to him. "That is my little girl."
"I know, Mom." he said. Patch calls my parents mom and dad cause he is over her so often and he considers them as parents.
"What happened at the movies?" she asked.
I walked out and walked into my room. I pulled out my phone and called Dad. "Hey, squirt."
"Can I come see you?" I asked. "I dont wanna be home."
"I supose, honey. Tomarrow I'm taking you somewhere."
I shrugged. "Ok." I hung up and grabbed my car keys. I went into my mom's room and kissed Patch then my mom's forehead. "Dad wants me to go see him."
"I love you, Sofie." Patch said.
"Love you too, Patch Price."
I walked out to the garage and got into my Jeep Commander. I texted my dad and asked him where he was.
Dad: The park three miles from home.
I drove to the park and walked around until I found dad. He smiled and I sat on his lap. He was talking to someone. "Sweety, this is Mr. Price."
I laughed.
"What's so funny?" Mr. Price asked.
"My boyfriend's last name is Price." I said then giggled.
"What's your boyfriend's name?" he asked.
"Patch," I said.
He laughed. "Cool. I like your braces."
"Thank you," I said putting my head on my father's shoulder.
"What time do you want us up there?" Dad asked him.
"My son will be home around nineish so whenever you guys want." I was falling asleep.
"Alright. Daniel wants to take Sofia out tomarrow. He found out about the you know and he isn't happy bout it."
"How did he find out?"
"I was talking to my wife one night a few weeks ago and he came to get me cause Cici was singing, witch she rarely does, and he pressed his ear to the door."
"Daddy, what are you talking about?" I asked.
"You'll find out later, honey."

Chapter two

"Come on, Sofia." Daniel said. "Mom wants to see you once more before you and dad leave." He wore me out by taking me everywhere. I wasnt use to all the attention. I was so tired and it was only noon.
"Daniel, if you didnt put me in these retarded heels I would be able to walk to your car faster." I said.
"I didnt want to put you in them. Dad made me for your suprise later."
I felt a tear slip down my cheek.
He looked back and squinted. "What's wrong, Sofia?" he asked.
"I failed reading and writing,"
He put his arms around me and hugged me. "Whatya mean you failed. You're good for someone who has dislexia."
He rubbed my back.
"I'm not letting dad take you away from me." he whispered then took me over to his car. He put me in the passenger seat then got in the driver's seat. "You do look absolutly gorgouse today." he said. "Just like mom, you look amazing in blue."
I giggled.
"And your braces. Patch is a lucky man, sis."
I smiled. My brother and I use to fight all the time but now we're best friends. My phone vibrated in my dress and I pulled it out. "Hello, baby!" I said. No matter who it is I say that.
"Hey, Sofia. Are you mad at me now?" Patch asked.
"A little. You made my boobs vibrate."
We laughed.
"I miss you! I love you! And I'll see you in a few hours." With that he hung up.
I groaned. "I hate it when he is all mysteriouse." I said.
Daniel chuckled.
When we got home he pulled me to the trunk and opened it. "Mr. Price sends me three thousand dollars every months along with you but dad uses that for your medical crap."
I giggled. "Clothes and shoes and.... Mr. Price is rich, isn't he?" I asked.
He nodded.
I giggled. "Thank you, Danny."
"Anything for you, squirt." he said.
I hugged my brother and he hugged me like I was going away forever.
"I love you, Squirt." he whispered. "You're an angel."
I groaned. "I hate it when someone talks like that. I'm comin back, Danny." I said.
He kissed my forehead then picked me up and ran inside. "Mom, we're home." Daniel yelled.
She coughed... hard. We winced then walked into mom and dad's room. Dad was having her drink water. "Did you have fun?" she asked.
We nodded. I crawled on the bed and hugged my mommy. She hugged me back like I was goin away forever. Damn. What is with people today? "I love you,

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