» Fiction » No Rest For The Wicked, B.N. [black authors fiction .txt] 📗

Book online «No Rest For The Wicked, B.N. [black authors fiction .txt] 📗». Author B.N.

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No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter one
I peeked around my shoulder when the feeling of being watched came upon me. I was just being paranoid, but these last couple of weeks I’ve had the weirdest feeling that someone had been following me. I walked into the movie theater searching for Camber, the closest thing I had to a best friend. We were suppose to be meeting here to kind of have a girls night since we haven’t seen each other since school was out for the summer a few weeks ago.
I found her at the concession stand. She was leaning against the counter and twirling her silky unnatural blonde hair around her finger un-doubtfully flirting with Eric Walker who was working behind the counter tonight. I came up beside her. “Laney!” she squealed, wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back. Though I did feel a pang of jealousy towards her, she was curvy, long legged, and everyone loved her. I, on the other hand am slender, I have long legs but I’m not that tall, I have light brown hair that comes to my shoulders with a side swept bang, and I’m practically invisible when it comes to Camber’s other friends.
“Why didn’t you come to the river with us last weekend?” she asked as we looked for our movie screening. I gave her a dirty look. “Oh don’t start with that, ‘boohoo, I’m invisible crap’ cause it’s bullshit…in fact someone asked about you…someone hot!” she exclaimed her southern voice getting higher with excitement. I blushed and looked at my shoes. “Who was it?” I asked, trying not to sound interested. Camber grinned and elbowed my side. “Wes” she smiled. My blush deepened and I fought a smile. Wes Kingsley was on the baseball and wrestling team and he had the muscles to prove it. He wasn’t bulky looking or anything, but next to me he looked a little…intimidating. He was a strawberry blonde with hazel eyes and dimples that showed only when he was truly smiling…and he asked about me! I said nothing as we finally found our movie and searched for seats.
During the movie all I could think about was Wes. Did he like me? Was Camber exaggerating, maybe even lying? It was possible; she had a history of it. On the way to the parking lot Camber brought him up again. “We’re suppose to be doing something next weekend and I’m sure Wes would love to see you” she grinned. I rolled my eyes. “I’ll think about it” I said looking over at her.
As I did I walked right into someone, which knocked little ol’ me backwards. “Sorry” I said immediately as I stumbled backwards. When I caught my balance I glanced at who I ran into. He looked familiar. Dark shaggy hair, pale blue eyes, leanly built. “It’s fine” he said as he eyed me. I saw Camber out the corner of my eye; she adjusted her top and smoothed her hair. Not a good sign. “Laney, right?” he asked. I nodded, wondering how he knew my name. “We met…well, saw each other at that party a while back” he looked over at Camber as if he didn’t want to mention it in front of her. Camber frowned, her dark green eyes confused. “You went to a party…without me?” she whispered to me. “My cousin made me go…I basically left as soon as we got there” I answered. She rolled her eyes. “Whelp, it was nice to meet you…” Camber said flipping her hair, waiting on him to introduce himself. “Skip” he answered her but he kept his icy eyes on me. I looked away feeling self conscious. “Guess I’ll see you around” he said, once again, only looking at me. I blushed then gave him a shy smile.
I looped arms with Camber then, but she was reluctant to go so I tugged a little. “I hope we see you soon” she said as I pulled her along. At times she could be so embarrassing. “Wow, he was so hot and he barely looked at me…Lamey, he was so into you!” she gushed, using the horrible nickname she made up in ninth grade. I tried not to look too excited about it, which in a way I wasn’t. The way he looked at me kind of gave me goosebumps, which was confusing since I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I sighed, trying to seem annoyed. “What I want to know is why you didn’t tell me about him” she said, as she tried to remember where she parked.
I shrugged. “We only talked for a couple of seconds at that party…not that big of a deal” I said. “Ok, so here’s the big question, at the party did he come up to you or did you...wait what I’m I talking about? Of course he came up to you, you wouldn’t have the balls to approach a hottie like that” she said.
I elbowed her. “Ok, my next question is why you didn’t know his name and he knew yours?” she asked with narrowed eyes. I sighed, she was all about details. “He had asked my name, I didn’t ask his” I muttered, getting ready for her to patronize me. She gave me a dirty look and slapped my arm. “Have I not taught you anything? What you did was dumb not to mention rude, Lamey, you are the weirdest girl I have ever met” she frowned. I sighed. “I’m glad you think so highly of me” I frowned as I unlocked the door to my Honda civic. “Lamey bear, I love you to death but gezz girl you’re seventeen years old and never have any fun…news flash, your teenage years are made for having fun and you, my dearest friend, never really truly have fun” she informed me.
I didn’t want to tell her that it was hard for me to have fun with people I didn’t necessarily like. “I gotta get home, I’ll talk to you later” I mumbled, getting into my car. “I’ll text you later, so we can talk about our plans next weekend” she smiled, and walked away as I pulled out of the parking lot.
Fifteen minutes later I pulled into my driveway. I lived with my mom in an average one story brick house. My dad had ran out on us when I was around seven and it doesn’t affect me like it does to those sappy girls in movies, sleeping with a lot of guys and what not because they have daddy issues. In truth I could care less about him, from what my mom has told me he’s a total jerk. I walked into the empty house; my mom was at the hospital. She’s a nurse and is barely home because of her crazy work hours. I sighed as I got dressed for bed; I was use to being alone so the quietness didn’t bother me. In fact I preferred it.
He crawled in through her window quietly. And there she was, his darling. She was sleeping soundly. He went to her. Her head was turned towards him, her lips slightly parted. He fought the urge to kiss her. The moon was shinning though her window and it hit her Mediterranean toned skin just right. He traced her dark brows with his index finger longing to look into her warm brown eyes. Her brows furrowed at his touch and she mumbled incoherently. He stayed still as she kicked off her covers, exposing her pajama shorts and tank top. He wanted her to wake up and hold her in his arms, to hear her soft southern voice and breathe in her sweetness. He sighed, knowing her mom was on her way home. “Sweet dreams, Laney” he whispered near her ear, and then exited her room quietly.

I jumped up in bed and eyed my room. Something wasn’t right, I don’t know why I had woken up but I defiantly felt uncomfortable. I clicked on the lamp on my nightstand and looked around. Everything was in its place. I leaned back against my bed post and just sat there. I’ve been doing this for a while and it was weirding me out. I knew I hadn’t had a nightmare and my mom wasn’t home to make any noises to wake me up yet. I ran my hand through my hair and groaned. This was starting to get annoying.

Chapter two
The week had gone by fast and before I knew it, I was in my car on my way to meet up with Camber and her friends at the bowling alley. For it to be only five it was pretty dark. I could tell it was about to rain, the clouds were all dark and swollen. I hated driving in the rain. As I made my way to the bowling alley it had started to sprinkle. I frowned. I was about ten minutes away from the bowling alley when I felt a bump and then I heard a loud pop. My rear right tire busted. I pulled over to the shoulder. By this time the rain had picked up and it was way too dark for my taste. I flipped on my emergency lights and looked around for my phone. I tried to call my mom but the screen suddenly turned black. I pressed the on button over and over again but nothing happened. I groaned. What the heck was I suppose to do now? I sat in the dark silence for a while before I got agitated. Was I going to stay here all night? I wondered how far the bowling alley was from here and how long would it take me to get there by foot… in the pouring rain. I gripped the steering wheel and lightly banged my head on it as I groaned. That’s when I heard a light tap on my window and noticed a light coming from behind me. I rolled down my window and prayed that whoever it was hadn’t seen me head butting the steering wheel.
“And we meet again” Skip smiled at me, as rain fell down on him angrily. I blushed and looked away. Even in the darkness I could see his intense blue eyes and they made me nervous. “What happened?” he asked when I said nothing right away. “I think my right rear tire blew out” I mumbled. “Got a spare?” he asked. I frowned then shook my head; I was so unprepared for stuff like this, so I felt a little embarrassed. “Well, looks like we’ve got a problem” he said as he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked at down at me. “Umm, do you have a phone on you?” I asked. He nodded and pulled it out of his back pocket and handed it to me. I dialed up Camber since I remembered that my mom was at work and wouldn’t answer her phone. “Hello” she answered. “Hey, it’s me Laney, my tire blew and I’m on the side of the road and my phone is freaking dead can you come get me?” I asked. “Sure, I’m on my way” she said and hung up. I handed Skip his phone back and gave him a shy smile. “Thanks” I said. He smiled. “Is someone coming or do you want a ride?” he asked. “My friend is coming, but thanks anyway” I said. He shrugged and started to back away. “See you around” was all he said and then he

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