» Fiction » Forbidden Love, Rebecca Hibbert [best electronic book reader txt] 📗

Book online «Forbidden Love, Rebecca Hibbert [best electronic book reader txt] 📗». Author Rebecca Hibbert

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Driving down the street I hear the faint hissing of an vampire. I stop
intsantly. I step out into the moist dead of night. I walk up to an alley. I
stop and wait to hear something. Then, finally I hear a massive scream of
worried. I could tell it was a women. I also hear the victorious laugh of the
vampire. I start down the deep and narrow alley. It is pitch dark and scary.
I can't see so I use the rotten and tart smell of the vampire. When I got
close enough to them I quietly walked behind the trash cans and throw a rock
at the vampire. It stopped drinking and dropped the women. As it walked up
to me I quickly searched for a piece of wood. I found one and walked quietly
around the other side.
"I am over hear." I said and it turned and quickly ran to me. It ran
right into the wood. I took it out just to stab it in the chest. It fall
right down to the ground. Before I finshed the vampire I walked over to the
women. She was still alive and awake.
"Please don't hurt me." She said with a scared raspy voice. I looked
her in the eyes.
"Don't worry you will be fine and will not remeber a thing." I said
and went into my bag and grabbed out a piece of gum. "Chew this it will help."
I said and handed her the gum. She took it and ate it. I turned to the vampire
and took out my phone. I dialed Meg's number. It rang twice.
"Why are you calling so late?" She asked me. I took a deep breath in.
"I got another one for your brother can you have him come to the alley
on sixth street?" I asked her.
"Sure, will I see you in school tomorrow?" She asked me.
"I am not sure because who knows what Carla will do." I said as I
reached into his jacket pocket and grabbed out his I.D. "Actually I will this
is my guy." I said and hung up.
"Well, sorry this happened to you Jake." I said and walked away with
his I.D. in hand.

Driving I diceded to call Carla. She let it ring once before she
"Hello Abby, please tell me this time it is your guy." She said
"This time it is." I said and pulled into the driveway of her house.
"I am here should I come on in?"I asked.
"Of course you can." She said and hung up. I step out of the car.
The sun is coming up. I did not release the time it was. I went into the
"Hello." Rose said. Rose is my aunt. She is an ex-vampire hunter. She
has black short boyish cut hair. She is avout five foot six.
"Hey Rose. How have you been?" I asked her. I try to be friendly with
her but I don't really like her.
"I have been good, how about you?" She asked knowing I really did not
want to talk.
"Good." I said and walked past her into the living room. I see Carla.
Carla is about five foot eight. She has medium black hair with curls. She is
also very pale.
"Abby, my number ine vampire hunter. How have you been?" Carla asked
as she gave me a hug. Carla is also like my second mother.
"I have been great. How about you?" I asked her as Rose comes in. I
can see that she has a pissed look on her face.
"I am good. I have another assignment for you."Carla said as she took
out a folder. She handed it to me. I opened it to find the worst. It was my
boyfriend. I knew he was a vampire but to have me hunt him was bad. I handed
it back to her.
"I can't"I said. Both Carla and Rose gave me a werid look. "I can't."
I repeated.
"Why the hell not?" They asked at the same time. I had no idea how to
answer them.
"I am not allowed to say. But, I have to go." I said and got up and

Standing at my locker I notice Aaron has not been here all day; that
is not uncommon but, for some reason today it felt wrong. I felt something on
the back of my neck moving my hair to the side. And with the training I had I
stiffened up and prepared to attack. I positioned myself so that I could get
to the vampire easier. Then, I felt the cold lace of a necklace touch my neck.
I relaxed a little bit. Then, I felt the sweet touch of Aaron. I knew it was
Aaron because of the chill of his touch. All vampires’ touches are the same
but, I always knew Aarons touch. I turned to face him. His short brown hair
was wet. He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt.
“What did I miss?” He asked with a deep voice. I had to take a few
minutes to take in his beauty.
“Let’s see you miss almost all day. So why did you come?” I asked him
back ignoring his question. He sighed and put his arms around my waist.
“I wanted to see you plus I really wanted to give you this necklace.”
He told me. I smiled when I held the necklace in my hand. Thinking how I
wish I could tell him everything. But, I can’t because if anyone knew then
“No P.D.A during school.” Mr. Pure interpreted my thoughts. Mr. Pure
was a short angry old dean and he is always getting mad at the littlest things
; mainly to Aaron and I. Aaron and I stepped apart from each other just as
the bell for the end of the day rang. Mr. Pure walked off with a grunt. And
said:”Stupid kids.” Aaron laughed and that made me laugh. We headed outside
to find Meg waiting by my black 2010 Honda.
“Can you give me a ride home? Michael left.” Meg said. Meg is my best

friend/ vamp hunter. That is how we met. We have been best friends since
“Yeah, as long as it is okay that Aaron drives?” I asked her. She
shook her head and we got into my car. Aaron sped off.
Have you told him yet? Meg texted me. No, not yet. I do not want to tell him
before he tells me. I have feeling he is going to tell me soon, so soon. I
sent back to Meg. She didn’t text back right away. Oh, so have you found
Tristen, yet? She asked. No, but I have a feeling he is in England. I sent
her. Why England? She asked. Because that is where they grew up plus that is
where Carla last went to see him. I wonder why she wants us to find him. I
sent her. I do not know. So, what are you planes for this weekend? She asked.
Going to England with Aaron to meet his family. I said as we pulled into Meg’s
drive way.
“See you later.” I said as she got out of the car. Aaron waited till
she was inside to pull out of the drive way.
“That was the quietest I ever heard two been.” He said. “What were you
two texting about?” He asked as he speeds off of Meg’s street heading to the
“Nothing that concerns this weekend.” I told him as I got a text from
Meg. It read: You need to tell him now. I sighed.
“Now what are you texting about?” He asked as I sent her: No not yet.
I want him to tell me first.
“Nothing, she is just telling me something stupid.” I lied to him as
I got another text from Meg. It read: tell him because if you don’t you know
what will happen. She texted then, I texted her: I know but, at least wait
till we get to England so if he dumps me, at least I will be in England to
find Tristen. Bye. I sent her and turned off my phone.
“Abby, there is something I need to tell you about my family.” He
said. I took a deep breath in.
“I am all yours now.” I turned to face him as we pulled into the
airport parking lot.
“I will tell you when we are on my plane.” He said and that confused
me. He must have sense my confusion. “Oh, I have my own plane. It is not much
but, my dad gave me the money and said buy whatever you want and I said
“That’s awesome. So why are we at the airport then?” I asked him. He
parked the car and then faced me.
“Because this is where we first met back in the day.” He said and
that confused me because we met here in 1956. But, not this year. At least I
don’t think so. “At, the beginning of this year when I flew in from England
and you were flying in from England as well.”
“Oh yeah that was the best day of my life.” I paused. “That’s the day
when I met you.” And when I fall for you after saving you from Tristen in
“Same here. We need to get on the plane.” He said as he took my hand
and led me to the plane. It was a jet more than a plane. We took off before
he said a word. I was the first one to talk.
“Aaron I need to tell you something.” I told him. He looked at me.
“Aaron I am a vampire hunter.” I told him. He starred at me for the longest
time. Then, he finally said something.
“You’re a hunter. That is great. So all this time you were just
pretending. This is fucking great. Me being stupid and naïve I was about to
tell that I loved you. But, thank goodness I did not because that would make
me a fool.”
“Aaron, you got it all wrong. I would never do that to you.” I said as
tears started to run down my face. “I do love you that is why I am telling
“Yeah, right so when do you plan on killing me? Huh? When we get to
England I never want to see you again.” He said and walked up to the front of
the plane. Once I could not see him anymore I started to cry. My heart was
broken. If only he did not take it wrong.

Chapter Two:

Once we landed in England, Aaron told me where the closest hotel was. Then,
he walked away from me. When he did that my heart stopped and I started to
cry again. Then, I heard a voice that made me jump.
“Are you Abby?” The voice asked. I looked up to find a five foot four mid-
twenty blonde hair women standing before me.
“Yes, who are you?” I asked as I wiped the tears from my face. She put a
smile on her very pale

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