» Fiction » Along for the Ride, Tia Lang [autobiographies to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Along for the Ride, Tia Lang [autobiographies to read .TXT] 📗». Author Tia Lang

The End

I decided not to go with Jason to the beach bash. I thought back on highschool, on everything and he had already ditched me on Prom night once, not that I really cared or anything.. I just wanted this time to be different.
I don't want to go back to my old self. This summer has been great, and I'm finnally starting to realize that I'm glad everything has bappened the way it had. Even though my mom probably still believes that people don't change, I know for a fact that they do.
My dad finally came home late last night, he cancled his flight to NYC and is "offically going to help Heidi more with Thisbe". All I can say is that he's trying. It's a start I guess. At least he shaved and is done staying in that hotel. If he does end up not helping with the baby though, I am pretty sure I will actually lose it. Not just the "ignoring" type way like before, but I will actually go all insane on him.
So back to talking about the beach bash re-make of a "Prom". Yesterday afternoon I had made up mind to stop trying to quit- to keep moving forward with my new self-transformation. The first step was telling Jason that I couldn't go with him to the prom.
I texted him that morning asking if he could meet me at the Last Chance for a coffe, he agreed right away. I was sitting there waiting patiently for him to show up when suddenly he texts me saying that he can't make it. He had some big science lecture that was a must-see. I replied that it was fine, but deep down I just wanted to get everything over with and tell him that I couldn't go with him. Suddenly while I was half-way through my reply back to him I got another text.
"And...Gosh I feel bad about this....but I also..can't go with you to Prom tonight. I'm so sorry!"
"Um, excuse me? What do you mean you "can't go" ?!" I typed back. I know what your thinking-this is exactly what you wanted. But, truth be told, I wanted to be the one to ditch him this time, and here he was doing it again.
"Please don't hate me! I got invited to this giant lecture in Washington! Everyone you would want to know as a senior in collage is there, and I GOT INVITED! It's a huge deal! I truly am so sorry!" he replied back.
This was exactly like history repeating itself, except this time around I was okay with it.
I decided to just not reply back. I turned off my phone and thought...and thought..and thought, and thought.
Just then I saw Heidi in the window struggling to stop Thisbe from crying. Wasn't she supposed to be at the neighbors house right now? I knew that Heidi had tons to do for the Prom.
"Heidi! What are you doing with Thisbe?! Shouldn't she be with Eli's mom?"
"Oh Auden hi! Yes," she sighed, "she is, but she called today and told me she was getting a cold and didn't want to give it to the baby.." She sounded out of breath.
"Oh no thats too bad!" I replied with little sympathy.
"Yes I know.. Well, hopefully my dress won't look too bad with the baby bjorn over it!" She chuckled fakely.
"Um, actually I could take care of her tonight..If you want." I said quietly.
"Oh no Auden I couldn't ask you that! You've never even had a Prom of course you are going!"
"You see, the thing is I don't exactly have a date anymore.. He bailed again." I tried to sound hurt, but wasn't doing a great job at it. Still, she bought it.
"Aw Auden that's just terrible! I am so sorry! Are you okay!?" Her girly ways of handling this made me want to barf, but just pretended to sniffle.
"Oh yes, don't worry I'll be okay. I honestly would rather stay home anyways..Since I don't have a date anymore.." Once again she bought the sappy heart-broken act I put on for her.
"Okay Auden, but are you completely and one-hundered-percently sure that this is what you want to do?" She gave me the same-old sad face.
"I am completely sure just give her to me and we'll be fine." I lied. I really just wanted to practice my biking since once guy already cancled on me and the other decided to skip town.
Eli was going to be my original date..Or at least I'd hoped. I was sitting on his front door step at 2 am wondering where he was, usually we were bowling or already eating pie by now. Anything to fill up my "quest" of re-doing the child hood I'd never had.
Anyways- he didn't show. This made me upset. Although it's not like we ever "planned" to do things together every night, we still did. It was an unspoken occurance that just would happen every night-or morning, depending on how you looked at 12-6 am.
Finnally I gave up and went to buy coffe by myself and drive around town. The next day I couldn't find him anywhere. It was like he jsut disapeared off the face of the earth. This was the reason why I had agreed to go with Jason to the Prom instead.
I left the Last Chance and walked home with Thisbe bawling in my arms. The night ahead of me, for once in a long time, didn't look so great.
As soon as I got back to the house the first thing I saw was a shiny new orange bike with a ribbon around it. There was a card attatched to it that said, "Sorry I couldn't ask you to Prom. Forgive me?" It was from Eli. I broke out in tears. The first happy tears that I have ever cried in my life.
"Why are you crying?" Suddenly Eli was right beside me tapping my arm. I just looked at him and then half-hugged him, keeping Thisbe wrapped safely in my other arm. All the emotions of that summer just came spilling out, not in words, but in tears. Eli didn't say a word, he just stood there with his arms wrapped around me.
That was all I needed to know that going along for the ride of something you never expericance, can change your life. In a fantasticly, drastic, way.


Publication Date: 11-03-2011

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