» Fiction » Truthful Liar, Amaratsu [best free ebook reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Truthful Liar, Amaratsu [best free ebook reader for android txt] 📗». Author Amaratsu


The girl's brown eyes bore into the teacher's, showing no emotion for the time being. She stood rigged, her hands clamped into fists as she willed herself to not shake, to not give herself away.

The teacher watched her and sighed. "Miss Orien, you should know by now I do not stay after school to baby-sit little children."

Orien Bessette resisted the urge to roll her eyes. 'Time to up it up a notch'.

"But Mrs. Killens, I'm bound to fail the test if you do not help! Please! I have no way to study at home with having to help Mother with the three younger ones. She's always at work and Father is never around any more. Please, let me do this just this once?" Orien false-pleaded. Her eyes started to water on cue and she let her mind take over, making her act seem real. It was all second nature to her anyway.

"Well... Only for an hour, alright Orien? That is it. And only because of circumstances." The older woman said as she cleared her throat and stood from her desk. "I expect to see you tomorrow afternoon."

"You will ma'am. Thank you!" Orien jumped in her place and ran off to her freedom from school. Her over-joyed face changed to a tired and aggravated on in seconds.

Orien never thought it to be wrong to trick her teachers into giving her more time for the test or more instructional time because she slept in class. She felt it was bending the rules just a bit. Her shoulder length black and blonde hair flipped back as she ran. Her heart beats became frantic and her breathing hurried and quick. Soon enough she had to stop for lack of oxygen in her lungs.

It never failed on her before, her stretching and bending the rules and truth. She always found a way to cover them up if they were to be found out.

“Second nature to me.” She said with glee, a big mischievous grin spread upon her lips. Orien collapsed onto the brown, fall grass as she caught her breath.

“This year is too easy.”

----------------------------Chapter One

"Did you clean your room Orien?" I hear mother call from down the hall. Thinking over my answer a bit, I sighed.

"Yes mother!" I answered as I looked at my room, which was about as clean as the jumbled atic.

'Might as well clean it.' I thought as I closed the book I was reading and set it on the window sill. "Where to start," I muttered.

Clothes lay scattered about on the black dresser and Japanese styled bed. Papers lay askrew on the navy blue desk, as did her book bag. Books and magazines hid the wooden floor from vew. And the closet? It was the cleanest thing in the room amazingly. Nothing out of place inside there. I don't know why though.

"Your room is not clean Orien. You need to stop lying to Ma." I glanced at the door at my older brother, Thierry. He stood tall, 6'2"-ish and looked like an older me. Literally.

"Not lying. I'm just bending the truth you refuse to accept." I replied smartly as I picked up the clothes and threw them in the hamper.

"Oh? What's clean about this room of yours?" He asked, eyebrow raised in a curious and amused way. I smirked.

"My closet."

He sighed and went to sit on the bed. I continued to clean in the silence we both produced.


"Thierry, is there a reason why you stayed while I finished my room?" I asked as I put away the last of the books. The brown headed teen shook his head.

"Not really. Just thought you'd like the company."

"Your's? I'd rather have an elephant's." I replied, jokingly. He laughed.

"One that'll mess up your room again?" Thierry mused as he stood from his spot of my bed.

"Good point..." I said, glaring at the wall. He chuckled and left the room, rubbing my head as he went out.

I watched his lean and muscular figure leave the room as I collapsed on my newly made bed. Things started running through my mind as my eyes fluttered closed.

I fell into a dreamless sleep without knowing it.

----------------------------Chapter Two

I shouldered my booksack and coninued my trek through the empty halls, an empty bored look put on my face. 'Mrs. Killens just put more work on me, not help.' I thought as i swiped some hair out of my eyes. It fell back into place, being the stubborn ass it is.

Leaving it be, I shoved open the door to the outside world and bumped into another adult, third one this afternoon. This on happened to be the princepal though, the one adult I happen to see frequently.

"Ah, Miss Bessette, fancy seeing you here. Why in such a hurry?" He asked. Mr. Latnem chuckled, making his too-big-for-his-skinny-chicken-legs jiggle. I resisted the urge to grimace, but instead put a well practiced smile.

"I have to go help my Ma at home. She's sick and injurged her leg yesterday. So, if you don't mind, I should go now..." I tried going by him, but he blocked the way.

"I saw your mother yesterday at the store. She looked perfectly fine." His eyebrow raised with a smirk. He looked as if he had caught me.

"She fell down the stairs as she got out the shower last night. She has always been clumsy." I countered with a sad look I quickly produced. His triumphant smirk quickly went to a dumbfounded look.

"W-well, make sure to tell her that I hope she becomes better. It would be disappointing if she missed Parent's Night next week." I stiffened and walked by without a word. He had won this battle, but ho! I shall win this war.


"Unngh..." I groaned as I rubbed my chest, sqeezing my eyes shut at the pain that had started again in my chest. A constant pain that never ceased to stop unless I was doing something that took my mind off of it. School usually did the trick.

"Damn... That hurts." I murmured as I stood up from my desk and walked over to my bed. Searching under the pillows, I took out a bottle of asprin and my luke-warm bottle of water and took a few. That should make it stop. Should. Doesn't entirley though.

"Almost out... I have to get Ma to get more soon." I thought outloud as I shook the bottle. It contained only four more tablets.

"You have to get Ma to get more what?" I turned around to see the said woman smirking at me. She was leaning against the door frame, her chin length brown hair framing her face.

"More asprin. I'm almost out." I said with a fake smile as I held the bottle up.

"Orien, that's your second bottle in the last week. You're not supposed to take so much." She reprimended, a worried look on her face.

"Tell my headaches to stop then." I lied with a rub of my head.

"Take only two from now on, okay?"

"Alright Ma." Another lie.


Publication Date: 05-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

To those who have been told no one believes in their truths. I believe.

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