» Fiction » Wild Cats: Black Fire Clan Book 1, Mark Shadow [web ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Wild Cats: Black Fire Clan Book 1, Mark Shadow [web ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Mark Shadow

For my friend Coleen King and my friend Sam

Chapter 1: A Presence in the Woods

“We will stop here for now.” Darkstar said. “Why?” Asked Shadowclaw. “I cannot see the Black Star anymore. We shall set up our new camp here for now until we can see the Black Star again.” “I will tell the rest of the clan.” Shadowclaw walked away.

As a deputy, Shadowclaw’s job is to protect the clan leader, Darkstar, and the rest of Black Fire Clan. “This is driving me nowhere.” Darkstar said to himself. Even though Star Clan told me to follow the Black Star, it is still driving me and my clan nowhere.”

Then he heard a rustle in the woods. Darkstar was fully alert. A small cat jumped out. He looked as if he had just went from a kit to an apprentice. They circled each other. Darkstar knew he was way more powerful than the young apprentice. But the apprentice didn’t. He pounced at Darkstar. Darkstar swiftly dodged to the left. He jumped onto the apprentice and sank his teeth into his neck and wouldn’t let go. Then Darkstar felt a presence in the woods. A beautiful cat jumped out. He let go of the apprentice’s neck and backed away. Now he knew he would be no match against her. He knew this because he knew her.

Chapter 2: The Decision

Darkstar sprinted back to the Black Fire Clan camp where Shadowclaw was directing everyone to put everything in place for the new camp. “SHADOWCLAW!!!” Darkstar yelled. “We’re… close to the… haahhh… the…… MEADOW CLAN CAMP!!!!” Shadowclaw was dead silent. “Did you say Meadow Clan…” He murmured.

The council of the Black Fire gathered around the stone like table. “So let me get this straight.” An elder said. “You encountered Sunstar? How come you are not dead?” “I do not know. I guess I was too fast before she could attack me and kill me.” “So the decisions are we should move our camp or if we should stay here and hunt in the opposite woods.” Everyone was silent. They had gotten so far into setting up their camp and now if they moved their camp they would need to pack up everything again, walk for a while, and then set it up again. “I have made my decision.”Darkstar announced. “We are… staying here.”

Chapter 3: Avoiding Meadow Clan

Life went on. Black Fire Clan built a wall on the side of their camp that was facing Meadow Clan’s territory in fear they might launch an attack… but they never did. The Black Fire Council never told any of the other warriors. They always asked, “Why can’t we hunt over there?!” or “Why did you build that wall?!” But they just ignored them. Meadow Clan was thought to be the stongest clan there was. Every clan did not want to be enemies with them, except for Blood Clan and Shadow Clan, of course. But Black Fire Clan had gotten off on the wrong side with Meadow Clan.

“GET ‘EM!!!” Shadowclaw yelled as he and some guards chased 2 warriors behind the wall. Shadowclaw pounced on one. “GOT ONE!” Two of the other guards yelled, “Got the other one!” Then they brought them back to the camp they asked them why they disobeyed their rules. “We wanted to go hunting in a different place than just over there. We have so little space to hunt!” “DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY WE DON’T LET YOU OVER THERE!!?? IT’S BECAUSE THAT’S MEADOW CLAN’S TERRITORY!!!” Do you really want to go in their territoy?!” “Then why did we set up camp here then, huh!?” “Ask Darkstar.”

Chapter 4: The Unusual Guard

A crowd gathered around Darkstar. They were yelling at him and telling him to move the camp. “Stay back! Step back!” Shadowclaw yelled. “MOVE THE CAMP!! MOVE THE CAMP!!” The crowd chanted. “SILENCE!!!” Announced Darkstar. “Star Clan has spoken to me. They told me not to move the camp.” “Does Star Clan want to get us killed?!” “SILENCE!!! Do not speak of Star Clan in vain! We will keep our camp here… and I will speak to Sunstar…”

Darkstar was walking through the woods slowly, following the scent of the young apprentice. He knew he would probably die. But a small part of him said that there was a chance. Then he heard a growl. He got down very low. This was no cat. This growl was deeper. Very deeper. He saw what looked as if it was a two leg… but it had fur. As it got closer, he realized it was very tall. It was a… BEAR!!! It looked like it was patrolling the area. It must have been a guard for the Meadow Clan Camp. “How did they get a bear as a guard?” He thought to himself.

He quietly and slowly walked toward the thing the bear was patrolling. Then he steped on a leaf and it made a big crunch. “Dang it.” He said under his breath. The bear ran toward him. The only thing he could do was run toward Meadow Clan Camp. He saw a large wall. He jumped.

Chapter 5: Family Reunion

Dark star was an excellent climber, just like his mom and his other siblings. He climbed up the wall. The bear could not reach him. Then he realized where he was. The Meadow Clan Camp. The guard’s eyes follow him. One guard jump down and asked, “What is your being here?” “I am here to speak with Sunstar.” He got into attack mode. “I am not here to attack or assassin Sunstar. Nor any of the warriors here. I just wish to talk.” Dark star explained. “Very well.”

Darkstar walked through a crystal filled cavern. It was very narrow. Finally they entered a room filled with beautiful items. “Sunstar, you have a visitor.” “In the middle of the night?” She turned around and gasped. She pounced on him and growled. Both of right paws glowed once they touched each other. “Why are you here?!” “I want to speak with you.” “Okay, well, what do you want?!” “Our camp is set up near here.” “So that is why you were attacking my new apprentice.” “He attacked me first.” “Yeah right, Goldpaw would never do such thing.” Right then the apprentice walked down. “Goldpaw! Get out of here!” Sunstar yelled. “Wait, isn’t that the cat that attacked me in the woods?” Then, for some strange reason, Darkstar felt an urge, an urge to kill Goldpaw. He lunged at him. As soon as Darkstar touched him both of their right paws glowed. “Stop brother!” “Brother?!” Goldpaw and the guard both said. “HE IS RELATED TO US!!!” Darkstar ignored her and kept swatting at Goldpaw. Sunstar pounced on him, took one swat, and knocked him into the air. He hit the wall and stopped breathing.

To be continued…

Preview for Wild Cats: Black Fire Clan Book 2

Chapter 1: Shadowstar’s Problem

“It’s almost time for the traveling of the Black Star.” Redpaw exclaimed. “I know.” Replied Shadowstar. “So then how will we follow the Black Star if noboby here can see it. Only Darkstar can.” “Only Darkstar COULD. He is now with Star Clan. And now I am the leader of this clan.” Shadowstar used to be the deputy for Black Fire Clan, and his name wasn’t even Shadowstar, it was Shadowclaw. “So how are we going to travel?” “We can’t. I guess we’re just going to stay here.” “We can’t! It’s our tradition to travel! We can’t just stop here! Star Clan is depending on us to follow the star and find whatever they want us to find.” Shadowstar thought a moment. Redpaw was right. They needed to find a way to follow that star. “Hmmmmmm…” He needed an idea. Quick.


Publication Date: 01-29-2010

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