» Fiction » A Night Such As This, susan bowes [book suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «A Night Such As This, susan bowes [book suggestions txt] 📗». Author susan bowes

- A Night Such As This -

I was sitting in my favorite chair in front of the fireplace staring into the depths of the flames when a flash of the lightning lit the entire room followed by the sudden roar of thunder. It was loud enough to rattle the windows violently. I couldn’t help but jump.
“What’s wrong Thomas?” Richard asked as laughter escaped him. My elder brother often found amusement in my fear of thunderstorms.
“I didn’t expect this storm to be so severe,” I replied as another flash of lightning illuminated the room.
“Your fear shakes you just as much as the thunder vibrates the windows.”
“I wish you wouldn’t make jest of me. When we were children you always told horror stories that brought trepidation to my soul on such nights as this. It’s no wonder my fear continues into adulthood.”
“Would you like to hear another tale dear brother?”
“Yes, please do tell us one,” Mandy pleaded as she sat on the floor at my feet. Amanda was my wife and loved Richard’s ghostly tales.
“Does he have to?” I asked as I moaned in despair.
“Yes. The night is befitting one,” Mandy replied.
“Very well. Let’s see what I can conjure up,” Richard replied with glee.
I imagined I could actually see the thoughts swirl inside my brother’s head as he thought up an eerie story. My apprehension grew knowing the ghastly images that were building up inside his mind. He suddenly smiled widely; his eyes gleaming in the firelight. He started his story.
It was a night such as this. Rain pounded the mound of dirt that covered the grave she’d been interred to just this morning. Her husband took to his bed not being able to bear the heartbreak of her sudden death. He hugged her pillow tightly as tears issued from his eyes; his grief overwhelmed him. The tension of the day soon caught up and exhaustion soon took possession. He fell asleep.
Lightning flashed and thunder peeled as heaven allowed it’s rage to soak the earth. The bell above the grave jangled, but was not heard by a soul. Once, twice, thrice it rang as a voice yelled weakly from the muddy depths, “Why have you done this to me Ezra? I am not dead. Release me from my coffin. I beg this of you. Help me. PLEASE!” the woman screamed as panic took hold of her entire being.
None responded to the terrified plea. “I’ll see you pay for this my husband. You have forsaken me and shall join me in death this night. I swear this.” She dug at the satin covered lid until fingernails were broken to the nil. Oxygen breathed till depleted - her life expired as well. It seems death did not quell her need for revenge as her spirit continued to rip away at the casket that confined her.
The woman’s husband slept soundly in his bed unaware of the rage that now consumed his wife’s spirit. She continued to rip away at the wooden coffin. The lid slowly began to splinter and peeled away in her blood soaked hands. A small hole opened up to the earth above and soil slowly wept in. The hole soon widened and dirt filled the space, but her resolve to free herself would not cease. The small bell that had been connected by cord to the inside of her coffin swung wildly, finally falling to the ground. The hole opened even wider and she finally struggled through to the muddy surface above. Her eyes glowed fiercely in fury. “Now I shall come for you my dear,” she spat out.
Goosebumps rose on my arms and my hair stood straight up on the nape of my neck. I could not contain myself any longer. “Enough Richard. I know where your tale is going and I don’t want to hear any more.”
Richard just laughed.
“Oh Thomas. Don’t be a party pooper. I want to hear the story to its end,” Mandy said.
“Well Thomas? Should I continue?”
“Please Thomas,” Mandy touched my knee and looked at me with pleading eyes.
I could never resist anything my darling asked for. “Very well,” I sighed.
“Then I’ll continue,” Richard stated.
The woman staggered towards the house with blood and mud soaking her burial garment. She reached the front door, but needed not touch the handle. It burst open from a sudden blast of wind and rain wet the foyer as she stormed inside. The double staircase lay before her. She headed up towards their bedchamber.
Ezra lie in his bed tossing and turning. Sleep kept him in its clutches as dreams of his beloved filled his subconscious. He suddenly heard her voice call out to him. He bolted up in bed as frozen lips touched his. The cold lips moved away and a ghostly shape took form saying, “Join me Ezra.”
“No! It can’t be. You’re dead Alyssa. I saw you interred into the ground with my own eyes.”
“I was not dead!”
“But the doctor---,”
“The doctor was wrong. You buried me alive Ezra. Did you not hear the bell peeling? I pulled on the cord over and over again, but you did not come. You left me to die all alone in that grave. I shall never forgive you for that. Now you shall join me.”
“I can’t. What of our daughter Isabelle? Think of her. Would you leave her an orphan? Please Alyssa. I beg you not to take me from her.”
“If you insist. She shall join us then.”
“You can’t kill her. What has she done to deserve death at such a tender age? Her whole life extends before her. I will not allow you to take it away.”
“Then join me now or I shall take my wrath out on Isabelle as well.”
“As you wish. I’ll come with you my dearest. But promise me our daughter shall live.”
“I give my word. Oh Ezra. You’ve made me so happy. Our souls shall become as one for all eternity.”
“This gladdens my heart dearest,” Ezra sighed. He had no choice but to go with Alyssa willingly. His daughter must live on. He rose from the bed and grabbed his wife by the hand. Together they went from the house to the graveyard.
The next morning the housekeeper noticed the main doors had been throw open wide. Muddied footprints covered the floor and led up the staircase. She followed where they led. She entered the master bedroom suite. The room was empty. She looked through the mansion for her employer, but he was nowhere to be found. She summoned the entire household and a search was started. Isabelle had risen and asked what the commotion was about. Her governess told her that her father was not within. The staff was in the process of searching the property.
The groundskeeper noticed the disturbed grave and quickly ran to it. His eyes opened wide in shock. There, in the ruined coffin deep within the muddied earth, lay his employer. His arms were wrapped around his wife in a loving embrace. A smile was worn by both. No one would ever know what Ezra had scarified in order to save his daughter from his wife’s vengeance.
I breathed a sigh of relief as my brother concluded his tale. He’d spared me a nightmare this time.
“You see my love. Your fear was for naught. Richard’s tale had a happy ending,” Amanda stated.
“Happy? How can you say that?” I asked.
“Both went to their deaths with smiles, did they not?”
“I suppose so, but Ezra did not go willingly. He had to give up his life in order to save his daughter.”
“Would you do the same for me Thomas? Would you come succumb to death for me?” Mandy asked.
“Ah, but Ezra did not yield to death for his wife‘s sake. He scarified himself to save Isabelle.”
“Would you?”
“We have no child Amanda.”
She smiled a secret smile. “You’re wrong Thomas. I have conceived your child. We will become parents in six months time.”
“You’re with child?” I asked astonished at her statement.
“How long have you known?”
“I surmised it three months ago, but wanted to wait until I was sure. But you still haven’t answered my question. Would you give your life to save our child?”
“Yes. Most definitely.”
“Then I am satisfied.”
“Would you demand such if you died before me my love? Would you ask me to sacrifice our child?”
“You’ll never know Thomas; and hopefully I shall never know either.”


Publication Date: 09-26-2009

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