» Fiction » Immortal, Sammantha Lewis [librera reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Immortal, Sammantha Lewis [librera reader .TXT] 📗». Author Sammantha Lewis

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Pain, pills, and plains

I walked through the front door and into the kitchen to see my mom sitting at the table. Breathe just breath maybe she is in a good mood. I tell myself this every time I see her. I walk into the kitchen and see that she forgot to turn on the lights.
“Did you take your pills?” I asked her. She only sat there staring into space.
“I don’t need them. I’m better.” She said. I sighed and turned on the lights,
“Mom, you’re not better Depression doesn’t go away. I’ll go get your pills.” I said as I walked out of the kitchen.
“I am better!” she yelled.
“No you’re not.” I wished Tyler were still here, He always knew how to handle her.
“I don’t need the fucking pill!” She picked up a flower vase on the table and threw it at me. I dodged it and it hit the wall. I looked at her in shock, and saw that she was not simply throwing a tantrum she was now going insane.
“Mom, you need to calm down.” I told her.
“Get out,” was all she said.
“What?”I asked her in disbelief.
“I don’t want kids anymore. Get out. Go live with your brother or kill yourself. I don’t care; I just don’t want to see you.”I knew that this was not the bipolar disorder talking; she meant it with every bone in her body. She reached into her purse and threw something onto the floor in front of me. I looked at it closely and saw that it was a checkbook.
“Take it. Just right down whatever you want.” I opened it up and saw a plane ticket with my name in big bold letters.
“Oh, by the way you’re leaving tomorrow for your brother’s.” I could fell a stray tear run down my cheek.
“You can’t do this.” I sobbed. I had taken care of her for two full years now, and now she is treating me like I have leprosy. She did not react at all when she saw me crying. Instead, she glared at me. I ran up stairs and slammed my door. I pulled out my phone and called Tyler.
“Hello?” he answered.
“Tyler- Mom- she- I,” I was crying so hard I could barely speak.
“Allie, calm down and start from the beginning.” He told me. I tried to steady my breathing and tried to explain what had happened.
“Mom’s kicking me ou-out.” I stammered into the phone.
“What! Holly shit Allie! When did this happen?” he asked.
“just now. I don’t know what to do Tyler.”
“She said she didn’t want kids anymore.”
“what a bitch.” He groaned
“Tyler….” I hated it when her called her that … No matter how true it was.
“What?” he asked innocently.
“It gets worse. She brought me a ticket to San Francisco for tomorrow.”I told him. I heard him sigh into the phone.
“Okay, I guess I’ll tell Rebecca we’re going to have a new room-mate. And I’ll pick you up at the air port.”
“Okay, my flight leaves at seven a.m. and lands at twelve p.m.” I told him. “alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then…”
“Yeah…” As much as I missed my brother, I did not want to see him like this. He hung up the phone and I did the same. I scrolled threw my contacts list and saw Sean’s name on the list. I knew right then that I needed to break up with him. Fuck, I did not need this right now.
I got up off my bed and grabbed my jacket. I headed down the stairs and out the door. And oh so conveniently it was raining…. Hard. I pulled my hood up and ran several blocks until I reached his apartment complex. I walked up the concrete stairs to the second floor and knocked on his door. He opened the door and his face instantly light up when he saw me. The ends of his curly blond hair looked white from the light behind him, and his blue eyes were shinning.
“Hey!” He said, I could barely hear him over the pounding rain.
“hey!” I echoed back at him.
“What are you doing here, it’s pouring!” He said. I looked at him with sad eyes and said the famous line,
“We need to talk.” His face softened and I could tell he knew what was next.
“About what?” he asked with pain in his voice. Shit I don’t want to do this.
“I’m leaving Minnesota. I’m moving to California tomorrow.” He rubbed his forehead and grabbed my arm,
“Come here.” Was all he said before he pulled me inside.
“Allie, why are you telling me one day before you leave? It gives me no time to convince you to stay.” He stated. I flinched at his words,
“Because I didn’t know I was leaving. My mom is kicking me out, and is sending me to live with Tyler. Trust me I want to leave about as much as you want me to leave.”
“Then don’t go.” He gently brushed the damp hair out of my face with his thumb.
“What?” I asked him.
“Allie, you could live with me, you don’t have to leave-” I cut him off before he could finish.
“Sean, that’s not an option. You’re not even allowed to date let alone live with a girl. Besides my mom is still in Minnesota, I think it would be best if I left anyway.”
“Better for who? For her? Allie, if you leave you will leave behind so much, just think about this. Please.”
“What would I leave behind? My mom hates me, so does Fay, and I just dumped you. So please tell me what I’m leaving behind?”
“Me. You’ll be leaving me behind. Allie I love you and you know that. As for Fay, she misses you every day. We can make this work, so please don’t leave me.” His words felt like knives. I wasn’t sure what hurt worse the mention of Fay’s name, or Sean saying he loves me and now I’m leaving. I’ve been waiting for him to tell me for months, but this was the worst possible moment for him to do so. I felt like I was going to be sick. I gripped his shirt and started sobbing into his shirt. He gently wrapped his arms around me.
“I love you too.” I gasped into his chest.
“Then don’t leave. Please, Anything but that.”
“I can’t I’m sorry.” I said looking down. I tried my hardest to hide my face from him. Just then, we heard the front door open. We both looked up to see Mrs. Thort in her Best Buy blue polo, and was soaked to the bone and also in shock.
“Like to explain, Sean?” she asked her son. I wiped my eyes and headed out the door. I brushed past the shocked and soaked Mrs. Thort, and ran out into the rain. Sean rushed to the edge of the front porch, and gripped onto the concrete wall. I could hear him yelling my name but I didn’t look back. I ran to my not bothering to pull up my house not bothering to pull up my hood since I was already soaking wet. I ran inside and slammed the front door shut. I raced up stairs and collapsed on my bedroom floor crying. I brought my knees to my chest and cried into my jeans. I lifted up my head and saw that everything in my room was gone, except for my bed and the things in my closet. I got up, took everything out of my closet, and threw them onto my stripped bed. I gently folded them and placed them into the five suitcases my mom had laid out for me.
I changed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, shower, and pack my toiletries. As I finished blow drying my hair I saw my cell phone light up with Sean’s name on the caller ID. I unwillingly picked up the phone.
“Hey.” I said.
“Hey, Allie, what are you doing?” he asked.
“packing.” I said bluntly.
“Oh… Hey, I told my mom about everything. I figured it was time to fill her in.” He continued
“She also wanted to know if you need a ride to the airport.” He told me. I sighed as I shoved my things into the plastic makeup bag.
“I’ll ask her.” I rested the phone on my shoulder and yelled for her,
“Hey, mom! Are you going to drive me to the airport?” I hollered at her. She walked up the stairs and looked at me with a blank look,
“You have legs. Oh and I’ll be shipping your things to your brother’s house tomorrow.” After that, she walked away into her room and locked her door shut. We lived almost four miles away from the airport, and she wanted me to walk with five bags? I sighed and lifted my phone up to my ear.
“She’s making me walk.” I told him.
“Okay, then could my mom drive you?” he asked.
“Sure that would be great. My flight leaves at seven.” I told him.
“Then I’ll pick you up at six then.” He told me.
“Okay.” After that, it was quiet for a long time between us.
“Hey, Allie,” he started
“Did we really break up?” He asked me as if he was unsure.
“Yeah. Yeah we did.” Once again, the line was silent after a while until he spoke again.
“Did you want to?”
“No.” I told him neither the truth nor a lie.
“Do you think you’ll ever come back home?” When he said this that sickly felling I had earlier had made its home in my stomach once again. I was most likely only coming home for one thing… my mother’s funeral. However I didn’t have the nerve to tell him. After all I had already hurt him enough.
“Oh, okay well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good night Allie.”
After that the line went dead. I slid my phone closed and picked up the makeup bag and walked out of the room and crawled on to my bed and curled up under an old quilt, since my mom had graciously packed up all my bedding. I closed my eyes and started to replay all my both happy and sad memories that I would leave behind in Minnesota. I missed Fay every single day. If we were still friends, she would be hugging me while telling me my mom was a basket case, and be telling me I looked like a hot mess as I cried into her shirt. She would probably tell me that I could get a face transplant or something insane like that. She would force me to promise to call her every day. Or ask what she would do if she got arrested, and I would tell her “just don’t rob a bank while I’m gone.”

Meeting the san fran Barbie
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