» Fiction » Midnight Angel, Melrose Dawn [an ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Midnight Angel, Melrose Dawn [an ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Melrose Dawn

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Chapter 1

His finger slowly trailed down my spin, making the hairs on my arms stand up. I shivered as he got to my lower back. I knew I shouldn’t have let Kayla pick out my outfit before I came. Kayla and all her goddess, was a peppy dirty blonde. To me, she was my best friend but to all the football players, she was just a hard to get play toy. Being five eight she looked good in about everything and apparently she thought I did too. She had dressed me in a dark red silk top that hung off one shoulder exposing the unblemished skin of my upper back. A pair of dark blue jeans clung to every curve of my legs.
“Holy Brandon, stop. You know I didn’t come over here for this. I’m here to help you with your homework so you do not fail. Your football buddies would be so disappointed if their captain couldn’t play in the regular season next year because he was stupid enough to fool around when he should be studying. So I’d take your hands off me and get back to work.” I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly to be sure to give him enough time to take his hands off me, but when he didn’t I continued. “Okay, since your being a kid about this, let’s goes sit at your kitchen table instead of being in your room, on your bed and with the door closed with you parents gone.”
“Come on Riley you know you want to get with me. Why don’t we just take a short brake, and you come sit on my lap.” Brandon smiled a full grin and cocked his head to the side. His surfer blonde hair cut fell around his baby blue eyes perfectly. Even though Brandon was eighteen, he sometimes still acted like he was ten. Being a football play, he was half brawn's and half brains. He mostly always got every girl he wanted, but me.
“Brandon, why don’t you try your charm on someone who it would work on? Oh and aren’t you dating Lexy?” I lifted my eyebrows at him. Brandon raised his hands in mock surrender and sat up from behind me, placing himself right beside me.
“Okay yeah I am, but she’s acting like a slut and I’m sure she has been with every guy on the football team but me. I’m also pretty sure she is also cheating on me with Bobby.” Brandon’s usual chill mood had been knocked right out of him. His face fell and now had a sullen look to it. My playful mood vanished and I instantly regretted bringing her up. He turned his head towards me and I met his eyes.
Ever since I had moved to Dunmore Pennsylvania from Medford Oregon, Brandon had taken me up under his wing. His friends became my friends, his enemies became my enemies. I never really had fit in with the tan, prissy, long legged, pockets filled with daddy’s money people in Oregon. I had been shy and didn’t really socialize with anyone. But here at Dunmore High was totally different. There were still a lot of people with daddy’s money, but some were nice and accepted a small shy girl without question. Brandon was a huge flirt and never really could hold a serious relationship for long. He had wanted to date me ever since he had known me, but I said no for obvious reasons.
“Brandon, sorry for bringing her up. I didn’t mean to upset you. You should talk to her and see what her deal is. I mean honestly, I don’t see what you see in her anyways. You could and deserve someone better and you know that.” My voice had turned into a fiery passion and my thoughts raced as they always did when I was trying to think about how Brandon could have a better relationship. “Why not date Kayla? She has liked you forever and you guys would be really cute together.”
“Riley, you know I don’t like her like that. Don’t get me wrong, she is drop dead gorgeous, but I’d prefer to date you and you know that.”
“Sorry Brandon, but I’m not on the market. Boys distract me from school and friends.”
“I’m not a boy, I’m a man and I would be a friend you were dating! I swear I wouldn’t be a distraction Ri!”
“No Brandon, we can’t date I’m sorry. It would break Kayla’s and so many other girls’ hearts. And I would never ever hurt Kayla like that.”
It doesn’t hurt to keep trying though. If you really feel sorry about bringing Lexy up, you would give me a hug.” He smiled and cocked his head to the side again.
“No can do sorry buddy, but I have a no touch policy when I’m tutoring.” I shrugged and tried not to smile. Brandon’s eyes got large and his lower lip started to tremble.
“Please? Just a small tiny one? It would make me feel so so much better.” He batted his eye lashes and I just couldn’t say no, so I just shook my head.
“Brandon don’t look at me like that. You know I hate to be mean.”
“Just a small one then, that’s all im asking for!” There was a hint of something in his eyes, but I just couldn’t place it.
“Okay, a tiny one, but don’t you dare try anything.” His face lit up at once and I sighed. Brandon opened his arms and I reluctantly leaned in telling myself i wouldnt enjoy this, but when his arms closed around my curvy waist, not enjoying this was out of the question. I hadn't had a boyfriend for a while and i had forgotten what this kind of contact felt like. With my arms around his neak, my chest was pressed against his upper body. I could feel how ripped truly was and i was amazed. I felt so small and weak in his embrace. I started to pull away but he didnt release his grip on my waist.
"Okay, times up you can let go of me now." I wiggled in his arms more but he didn't let me go. The next thing i knew, I was getting lifted off the bed and then put back down, but this time I was laying on my back with Brandon looming over me grinning.
"Brandon! what the hell do you think your doing? I said one hug not, 'Oh Brandon hug me then see what you can do to me.'" I tried to sound angry as i could, but inside my stomach was going crazy! My body started to shake and i hoped Brandon wouldn't notice.
"Your so adorable when your trying to be mad. I know you like being on bottom, most girls do."
"Brandon, you don't know anything about what i like, and if you did you would know i don't like being raped." I squirmed under him. He laughed.
"You can rape the willing Riley. I bet your body is smooth, god I'm getting hard just thinking about it." He moved his face closer to mine.
"Brandon, don't try anything!" I put my hand up and pushed his head away. He easily shrugged it off and with his own hand, pinned mine above my head. "BRANDON!" this time I said his name, I had raised my voice. "I know we have been friends ever since i moved here, but you know you cant do anything to me." Brandon started to laugh. He was laughing so hard, soon tears started to form in the corners of his eyes.
"Hun, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but look at the size of me, then look at the size of you." He did have some point, but i still wasn't going to let him use his size against me. "I could pick you up with one hand no problem."
"Well," i paused trying to find some way to continue my argument. "No you can't. Brandon be a man and stop being stupid. You know you you really can't do anything to me, my father would kill you." Brandon shrugged and put a little more weight on me just to let me know he could do anything he wanted to do.
"Brandon, really please please don't. You may not believe me, but I'm still a virgin and i want to stay that way." A few seconds later, i found out telling him that i was still a virgin, was not such a good idea. Gradually, i felt something grow, get hard, and start poking into me. I squirmed under him, but he was unmovable. I just let my body fall limp, giving up.
I met Brandon's eyes, they were soft and looked so innocent. Innocent my ass! Thoughts started popping into my head. Why couldn't i like him? He was nice, funny, smart, and sweet. I closed my eyes and pushed those ideas out of my head. I can't fall for him, i just can't. He is way to much of a flirt.
We just laid there, like that for a while not moving, just looking into each others eyes. But i wasn't fooled, i knew Brandon had something up his sleeve. Slowly he took one of his hands and started to slide it up the side of my body, under my shirt. I let out a gasp and arched my back, my eyes growing wider the higher he got. Brandon let out a deep throated moan when his hand reached where my bra started. His fingers gently made their way where the curve of my breast started. A soft whimper escaped my lips. 'Oh god, please not like this, not now.' Those words were screaming through my mind, but my lips would not form them. Brandon leaned his head down and softly pressed his lips to mine, discussed, I turned my head away.
"Hey, i wasn't done kissing you yet. Your lips taste so sweet i wonder what the inside of you tastes like?" Brandon started kissing my exposed neck. I let out another gasp, and he must have mistaken it for a moan or something because he kept kissing it.
"BRANDON!" I shouted. "What the hell has gotten into you? God help me, when i get out of this, i am going to kick your ass."
"If he's still living when i get done with him. You can have whats left." My neck snapped up and my head whipped around. There, standing in Brandon's door way, was a emo version of a Abercrombie and Fitch model.

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