» Fiction » Hidden, Anaya Phoenix [easy readers txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden, Anaya Phoenix [easy readers txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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Where the hell could she have gone!? The spot isn’t warm anymore; she’s been gone for awhile, where the HELL is she?”Alexis?!” I’m screaming outside at 5:00 in the morning. She would have come back by now, maybe she was mad at me? For what, whatever I did I would apology a thousand times over. She’s killing me the sky is the normal color it should be, even though the air is a little bit chillier. There are no water lilies in the pond and I don’t think she would be able to go in even if she wanted to. I’ve looked everywhere, she’s not in the woods I would’ve been able to smell her, she’s not in the house and she’s not in the damn bed! I sink on the bay of the pond, the sky is just starting to turn orange as the sun fights its way through the horizons. I feel the lone tear that slides down my cheek but I don’t know how it got there, I don’t feel sad I just feel... lonely

I don’t remember the bed being so soft, and I feel so at ease. I rub the mattress and feel the lines that I definitely don’t remember being there. Maybe I’m still dreaming, maybe I can sleep for a little while longer, it would be easy being that it smells amazing in here. I don’t smell Michael’s earthy scent; I smell fresh water and morning dew and earth, wait those are all the smells of-
“I can here you thinking I know you’re up” his voice says across from me, I open my eyes and see his blue eyes and black and blue striped hair. I smile from ear to ear “zhafar!” I shoot up and wrap my arms around his neck. I haven’t seen him since I, rudely, told him to leave me and Michael alone. Of course then I was under Michaels charm spell but I still felt bad about it.
“Oh my god! How did you get in here, Michael let you in oh I could just kiss him, then you and then him again-“I stopped mid rant and actually looked around. I was in the room, the one with the pastel pink walls and white ceiling, the one with the black carpet and the I heart acdc poster. I stiffen and as soon as I understand where I am that voice bursts open the door, draining away my happiness with one swift hand movement. “Lexy your up” his arms pull me away from zhafar and into his body. The body I have hated for 10 years “I’ve missed you baby girl” I mutter something that I make sure sounds like I’ve missed you too dad, but in my head behind the walls I have made sure are safely up I say: why the hell aren’t you dead?!

Oh god she’s scared, who the hell is scaring her and why the hell is she still gone?! The sky is swirling the grey that would make you think a deadly tornado was on the way. But I knew better, we knew better. Ever since the first grey cloud popped into the sky I had been pacing the floor saying nothing but ‘she’s gone and she’s scared’, I couldn’t really think of anything else to say. My wolf was going crazy he was snarling vicious thoughts at me and for once I agreed with him. Whoever took her would pay, we would rip there intestines out and choke them with it. And that was just for making her scared! John cleared his throat and that menial sound turned my attention back to my pack. Some of them stared at me with fear and confusion and some of them stared outside with fear and understanding. “We understand that ‘she’ is gone but would you mind explaining what happened?” he said in that calm voice I used to hate him for. Always the calm center in a storm, but this time literally! I looked at him and narrowed my eyes, I understand this is what they need to help but to me words just waste time. I sighed a deep heavy sigh of annoyance, “I have no idea how she was taken or how she left but the only thing I know is that she’s gone, she’s scared and she’s GONE!” I yell at them. They all look at me in understanding and I let out a breath “sorry” I say and then I plop down. I rub my face, why can’t she just come back why can’t they just bring her back?!

Why the hell am I here? Why am I in his arms? Why am I asking stupid dumb questions and allowing myself to be in his arms?! I step out of his arms only to bump into a wall, a tall muscely wall. I let out a little squeal and dad laughs at me, I narrow my eyes on him, what the hell are you laughing at rapist? I ask quietly in my mind. Apparently it wasn’t too quiet he heard it and he smiled, a slow honey dripping smile “I see you still believe you made that lie you made up” he says as I trying to scold a child smoothly. I make my face and emotionless mask “it’s not a lie and you know it”
“Oh please,” the once motherly tone says from my door pane “we all know that it’s a lie and you can stop pretending”. She steps next to my dad and locks her hand in his twining them at the fingers. “We’ll still love you-“
“I don’t want what you sick people call love” I spit at them
“We won’t judge you for lying” she said as if I hadn’t’ talked at all. I stare at her for a minute longer; she’s not the same she’s gone. For one minute I thought I had actually had her back, but for as long as he’s alive she will always be the same. This is not my mother, these are not my parents anymore, and they’re the shells of what used to be. My mother’s shell face falls and she looks close to tears, but then my father’s shell hand gives hers a squeeze and it seems for her all is right again.
“If you are going to be living here again young lady you will not be saying or thinking hurtful things”
“Wait, who on this green earth said I was staying here, I sure as hell didn’t” I walk past them and down the stairs. I step onto the crabgrass lawn and spread my wings, I don’t take a look back and I don’t pay attention to what’s going on the only thing I’m focused on right now is getting back to danhmor. I probably should have paid attention because I would have noticed it when the massive hands grabbed my wings and I was hit upside the head with a large piece of wood.

My god, it’d not supposed to be so clear, why the HELL is it so bright outside. Just a couple minutes ago it was dark and gloomy now all the birds a chirping and all lappty-doo while she isn’t here! I started biting my nails while john was talking some battle tactic crap, I really couldn’t care about anything but why it was so freaking sunny outside. My mind kept flashing back to this morning, where I stretched out and reached for her but she wasn’t there. The spot was cold; she’d been gone for a while. I couldn’t find her scent but I did smell a light flowery smell, one that smelled vaguely familiar- AH HELL! “That BITCH!” I shot up from my chair and walked around flexing my hands. Wanting to rip her mother’s throat out, I had to calm myself down “what, what is it?”
“It’s her, she TOOK HER FROM ME!” I feel the house vibrate under my feet but I could care less, how could you just kidnap someone like that?
“Who took her?” that danm calm voice again, I manage to calm myself down
“Her mother, her mother took her. I was so distraught that I wasn’t paying attention to it, but that smell it wasn’t hers, god how could I have been so STUPID?!” I feel hot and angry and that’s not helping my temper. She took her from me and now she would pay, “her mother?” the calm voice was laced with confusion. I looked into those green eyes that mirrored mine and saw the glimmer of hope there. Should I be hopeful too? Could he help me? “I know where she is, why didn’t you just say something?”
“I forgot,” I grit out through my teeth “tell me where she is” I say and stare at him. He accepts the challenging and stares back at me, after agonizing seconds of silence it was Cora who interrupted “oh for GODS sake, she is out there with her parents, and from what I gather there not very good parents, and you’re here having a god damn stare down?!” her voice was lined with anger. I knew that Alexis and Cora had been hanging out but I hadn’t known she knew about her parents, was it only him that was left out of the loop!? I snapped out of it and stepped closer, a voice that was clearly my wolfs came out of my mouth “tell me where she is beta” I said slowly.
“It’s a town called claren,” he cleared his throat and squirmed “it’s a city in Minnesota”
“MINNESOTA!” my anger barely contained I hit a lamp that I would have to apologize for later, but as for now I couldn’t care less about a stupid lamp. Minnesota was a good 5 states away, time I didn’t have and couldn’t bear. “Leslie, call the airport and find out the earliest plane to claren, Minnesota” the red head girl bounced up and ran upstairs. “John, you and Cora pack you’re my strongest wolves” they gave me a nod and bound upstairs together. I looked at the rest of my pack and they looked tensed and ready for action “Charlie, you’re in charge of the pack now,” the brown haired man nodded his head
“I will guard it with my life” I smiled at him, nice to know there were loyal pack members. Leslie rushed down the stairs eyes wide and fearful. “The next plane isn’t until two weeks from now”. Those 9 words somehow couldn’t and wouldn’t work their way up to my brain, so they just stay in my ears bouncing up and down.
“I’m sorry what?”
“The next plane,” she swallowed and shifted her legs into a wider stance “isn’t until two weeks”. TWO WEEKS! HELL, I BARELY MADE THE NIGHT AND NOW THE PLANE WAS GOING TO DELAY ME FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS!?! I nodded and took deep breaths, “max go Google up how long it would take to drive to Minnesota” I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes, I heard him scuffle and get up. Not 3 minutes more he came back “alpha?” suddenly I felt older than 25, I gave him a nod to tell him I was still comprehensive “it said the trip would be a week” he said in a quiet voice. I took a couple more deep breaths and allowed myself to stand, I kept my eyes closed because I didn’t want to scare my them, my eyes glowed a neon green, they practically blinded me. A whole week, god knows what could happen

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