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The Orphan

Creaking of floorboards awoke me from my dreamless sleep, I jolted up and stared at the small slit of light from under the door ' please no ' I Prayed silently in my head I don't think I could stand another beating , Then I spotted a shadow stumbling towards my door NO... The door knob started turning and a drunk Mr.Phillip Staggered in with a belt I shuffled in a corner next to my wardrobe hoping he wouldn't see me and he hadn't. Yet.

As silently as possible I snuck into my closet trying to hide but then I heard the door shut I peeked out after a few minutes looking into the darkness when a hand grabbed my hair from behind slamming me to the ground. I screamed as my head connected with my wooden floor then standing over me He whipped the belt at my back shouting " You cow never hide from me this is your fault you ruined everything no one loves you your an orphan abandoned if it wasn't for that large wad of money were getting we'd already sent you back you should be grateful" I could feel tears welling up at my eyes I was used to this a lot no one ever loved me I was just the nerdy orphan, picked on and bullied. A door mat that was walked all over ,Hell after a while I started hating my self too so I'm saving all the money I Have. Saving until I have enough to run away but so far I've saved $ 3658 but I need to wait till I Finish collage and turn 18 so I can get a job and start fresh With a new life.

My Name is Luna I have steel silver eyes tinged sapphire My hair is a copper red with dark highlights I have a nice body but don't show it I'm not to thin or fat , Im fit and healthy but still i'm that girl who sits in the back of her class and gets strait A's though out her life but lucky for her the classes she had all had odd number of pupils so during partner work she'd be the one in the back who no one but the teachers bother to give her a passing glance, overall I'm pretty average or less apart from my secret talent that no one knows about. Its hard to explain but ever since I could remember I started to see things like a quiz That I hadn't studied for I would touch the paper and I would learn everything about that question and what the answer is. Luckily for me I learned how to control them so now when I touch a book I can read it page to page with out suddenly having it in my head.There's a word for someone like me. Freak.


I woke up on my hard floor and the memories of last night flashed before my eyes, then gently reaching to my head , I touched the spot where my head collided with the floor last night there was a small lump but it still hurt like hell and I had a huge migraine, then softly I touched my back where he'd whipped me; It was sore ,painful but it had stopped bleeding and was already healing fast one of my many tricks from the beatings whenever he beats me I heal faster then the next but still had scars which would soon fade. Carefully I put my self back together and took a shower got dressed ate breakfast and left for school I was wearing a long turquoise turtle neck to hide her scars and a lot of make up to cover the bruise but Im just that nobody and no one notices me so It was pretty easy.

As I walked through the double doors of The school a rush of warmth sent a shiver down my spine,quickly I headed to my first class. Art.
I walked into the Art room and began another boring day school we had to sketch an animal of of our choice and your not aloud to have the same animal, so I went with wolf. I'm not that bad at drawings but I take to long and have to come back during lunch to finish but it turns out really good at the end, after a while I looked around me to find almost everyone texting or talking well I said almost there was Lewis broker the quarterback drawing a perigean falcon he focusing totally on his work which made him hotter Ive always had a crush on him but Im just a nerd . Next I have maths, which is another one of my easy classes. So as usual I sat down at the back in the corner awaiting Mr.Wood our Math teacher. After waiting five minutes with kids screaming and throwing stuff he finally strode in with sheets in his hand " surprise pop quiz everyone " he said handing papers round " exam conditions. Start" . I looked down at the quiz in front of me ,let's see ,I touched the paper and my hand started circling the right answers I was done in 3 minutes, I got up making sure no one could see my answers and handed him the quiz for him to mark it then sat down to read my book,broken, about a girl who was abused until her knight in shining armour rescues her only to be taken from her leaving her stranded then meets another man falls in love just to find he has a wife. I was brought back to reality when the bell rang, the rest of the day went by fast and i was at my last lesson history with ms. Matthews so i made my way over to my class. When i went in the teacher wasn't here so I sat down just as she walked through the door and said " hello class, I have homework to set plus extra for everyone except luna, she was the only one to get an A on last weeks quiz so you will all have to revise to do the test again, Oh ill be right back i forgot the extras" Great. Don't teachers realise that saying things like that don't help people like me they just make things worse. Just as soon as I thought of it here comes trouble. " so you think your something special miss Im so smart , think your better than us. Well your not your just a teachers pet a nerd. Nerd, Nerd, Nerd Nerd....." Mike the captain of the football team shouted and the chanting went on and on as the whole class joined in screaming in my ears gathering around me making me feel murderous. Then Lewis who was on look out announced that the teacher was coming back and everyone became silent running back to their seats acting normal well sort of I was so embarrassed and when the bell went I raced up to my car and drove home.

I walked in and started to cook dinner once cooked I grabbed a bowl served my self some and made my way to my room locked the door and began my homework project for science. Fun. Bored I went online and read Lisa's latest update

Hey guys having a open party on friday everyone invited! Hope to see y'all there thnx XD

It was Wednesday so that was two days away but still No thanks, even though I want to go to Lisa's party she's one of the most popular kids in school and I'm the nerd but I'm seriously getting sick of it after today and I swear if that happens tomorrow I would blow my fuse.

*beep**beep**beep* my alarm clock shouted at me to get up, sighing I submitted and got up and started my daily routine get up get dressed eat and leave for school but this time I watching out for mike.
I walked into my math class and mike continued with the harassment by now I was ready to punch him in the head but instead I just calmed down and ignored him until he stopped when Mr wood came in telling us that a new kid called Sam William was coming today and like he said a tall, tanned, muscular guy walked in the room he had deep emerald eyes that could melt your heart out and full light pink lips that you just want to kiss, his hair was a light brown with bangs to the right and all together hot,sexy and way out my league. I kept my face expressionless as his eyes made contact with mine , looking into my soul , and his smiling face became angry disgusted then like me expressionless. Nice another member to the I hate Luna club but still I felt a connection with him he began talking to the jocks he was just another jerk that this school didn't need plus that meant there was enough people for partners so I would have to go with someone could my life get worse. The answer was Yes.

New kid

Come on Luna you can do it just ask him, say hello , at least find out why he hates you apart from the obvious. Fiannally working up the courage to say high I walked out 1 st period slamming into someones chest falling backwards but befre I could reach the floor a hand reached out an stopped me. As soon as I felt his skin against mine sparks flew up my skin giving me a tingly feeling. I looked up And met a deep pair of emerald eyes that for a second flickered amber showing me images of the past that flickered in front of my eyes feeling what he was feeling what he was but one emotion stood out above the rest. Dissapointment.

It felt like eternity had gone by as we stared into

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