» Fiction » COVERT WRITERS TAKEDOWN, Joe Bergeron [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

Book online «COVERT WRITERS TAKEDOWN, Joe Bergeron [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗». Author Joe Bergeron

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Copyright 1991
Joseph M. Bergeron
ISBN 978-1-257-07103-6
For Jill, Jimmy, Peter, Kate
Although it may not always appear so, there is
order in our universe. Every plant, animal, mineral,
human, or any other entity that ever was, or ever will
be, is not only governed by this order, but is also a part
of it.
The universal order, through the science of
metaphysics, is revealed to us in a set of Laws or
Axioms. They are known as The Fundamental Truths.
These forty Laws are guidelines for life, principles upon
which we can rely to base our decisions causing
ourselves to be moved, to feel, and to be felt.
While the power in the Laws has been
demonstrated throughout time, their explanations and
interpretations have only been the subject of intense
work for the past two thousand years. These studies
have come to us from the minds of Plato, Aristotle, Lao
Tzu and others in the fields of physics, metaphysics and
The Universal Laws are studied by
metaphysicians in our nation’s colleges and
universities. The metaphysician is an analyst, a
strategic planner and thinker who uses the Laws to
complete practical applications from their meaning.
The Metaphysician practices TAO XIA, the
martial art of the mind.
The Universal Physical Laws
1. Nothing can happen until something else first
1.a. Courtney’s Corollary:
Nothing will happen until you cause something else
to happen.
2. Unbalanced energies are unstable, and their time as
such will pass;
“The Leverage Effect.”
3. Everything is made of Energy, Matter, Space and
“The Differentiation Principle.”
4. Nature keeps nothing to itself. It gives everything
away. By constantly evolving, it becomes constant. By
constantly renewing itself, nature endures. You cannot
step into the same river twice.
5. In the presence of conflict, it is the responsibility of
the most powerful individual to avoid conflict.
6. Nothing escapes the laws of nature, and nothing
escapes nature’s notice and reaction.
7. Neutralize extremes by using an opposite force
against them.
8. Never push anything to an extreme state, not even
positive achievement. When things are too full, they
become useless.
9. When action is necessary, the most subtle effect will
gain the most effective result.
10. The use of force enhances power only to the extent
that it is regrettable.
11. Everything will cycle towards its opposite.
Opposites exist in every phenomena.
12. What one believes, one becomes, the more of a
“mind” one has to believe with, the more profound the
13. Velocity can only be measured in relation to
another object.
14. Truth about reality neither comes from observation,
nor experiment, but from observation tempered with
instinct and experience.
15. The less obvious you make your advantage, the
more obvious your power becomes.
16. A void will always be filled by its nearest source.
17. Nothing is static in nature.
18. Time is elastic, and rapid motion slows it. “The
Twins Effect.”
19. The quantity of any event can never substitute for
the quality of a single event.
20. Intuitive calmness will make complex events
appear simple.
21. Fear can be reduced to lack of preparation.
22. Every show of strength suggests an insecurity.
23. High velocity yields low pressure, low velocity
yields high pressure.
24. Any amount of prosperity depends on twice the
amount of generosity.
25. Power is achieved through cooperation, no wellbuilt
house is well-built by one man.
26. The accumulation of defenses will not protect an
entity, but rather will diminish its worth.
27. Offer an enemy as many opportunities as possible
to make self defeating errors.
28. Advance like wind, leave like lightning.
29. You become invincible in defense, but victorious
only in offense.
30. To make anything move, create a situation to which
it must conform.
31. Even the ocean is but many drops. Everything is
built, or dismantled piece by piece.
32. No one will make more mistakes than the man who
negates intuition and acts only on reflection.
33. While we search for knowledge in books, we find it
in things themselves through the empirical and
axiomatic orders.
34. In order to simplify, eliminate the unnecessary, and
the necessary is revealed.
35. If you intend to walk, then walk. If you intend to
sit, then sit. Do not wobble.
36. In the mind of the beginner, there are many
possibilities. In the mind of the expert, there are few.
37. The innocent and vulnerable mind is the mind that
sees without distortion.
38. To understand reality, concentrate more on how
something happened, and less on what happened.
39. We too often seek from without us the wonders of
the universe within us.
40. Know you are ignorant, and you know much.
The written word is the greatest, and strongest
form of communication ever devised. It always will be.
While dynamic orators in all their eloquence can
spellbind an audience during the course of their
deliveries, the impression left by the spoken word is
usually one of the speaker’s personality more than their
message, and the image of the personality soon fades as
our proximity to the speaker becomes greater and
Writing exists forever. It may be read,
reviewed, and reread for further observation. The
author as an artist, has a capacity far beyond the
speaker that, when used properly, can cause an
outpouring of emotions in thousands, if not hundreds of
thousands, and even millions of people The writer’s
asset is not diction, nor presence, but rather time. The
best writing in its final form has been surgically
manipulated many times. The great writers will draft,
edit, and re-edit until a final communication represents
their deepest feelings. Great and insightful writings
are not spontaneous, they are rather reflections of
thought processes spanning days, months, and
sometime years.
The ability to form words if inspiration, love,
terror, and all other feelings, gives an author a channel
of power unequaled by any size armaments or divisions
of forces. The author becomes the former of opinion,
and can be a driving force behind revolution, rebellion,
war, or peace and tranquility. A good writer can
escalate conflict, move governments, and turn human
emotion to fit his desire.
Isn’t it possible then, that the clandestine
manipulation of our population could be a routine
activity for a secret organization of writers across the
United States? VIII
Isn’t it conceivable that much of what we read
in our newspapers is really what the leaders of an
organization code named ‘Yankee Echo’ want us to read?
Could it be that many of our opinions are based
on stories developed by this group to fit the
requirements of greater initiatives they’ve fabricated?
In the United States, the team of writers that
belonged to Yankee Echo would be a source of extreme
power. While our government exists under a
constitution, our leaders are swayed by public
constituencies, and their opinions and feelings. Given
access to the printed communication channels in the
U.S., Yankee Echo writers would have tremendous
indirect leverage with public officials, and would have
similar controls on the economic, financial, production,
and management functions of the nation. In addition,
they could control the emotional banks of millions
through these same channels.
In the U.S., the government tries to control any
domination of print media with antitrust laws
interpreted by U.S. District Court Judges. These laws
serve a vital function in protecting us from any one
owner’s opinion; but forming public opinion through the
printed media in the U.S. could remain well controlled
by a group of writers inside these institutions.
For the purpose of this particular
communication, I suppose it would be wise to assume
this is a fantasy - a piece of fiction. This may only be a
story about what could be happening, or, is it really
happening every day?
Wasn’t it Lord Byron, a great writer and
manipulator himself who told us, that truth is stranger
than fiction?
The Sixth Physical Law
Friday, May 19, 9:10 p.m.
Michael Courtney sat patiently, but
apprehensively, alone in his small, cramped office on
Boston College’s north campus. He’d been waiting for a
call from his superior, not the Dean of Academics, but
another man who had more influence in his life.
‘Something’s wrong’ the teacher of physical laws
thought to himself. ‘He should have called an hour
It had been an exhausting week, and unknown
to him this evening, it wasn’t over yet. It would get
worse before it got better.
Courtney reached across his desk to retrieve
the stack of accumulating WALL STREET JOURNALS
sitting in exactly the same spot for the last five days.
Grading his students’ final exams right now would take
more energy than he had. It also wouldn’t be fair to
them - and besides, his intuition was telling him Robert
would be calling shortly. Scanning the papers, his clear,
wide, green eyes noticed the front page article on the
most recent, in fact, today’s issue. COMMERCE
hadn’t escaped his notice, Thomas Griffin, Staff
Writer, a good, solid kid he thought, young and eager to
please. But he also wondered how a staff writer got to
get an interview with the United States Secretary of
Commerce. That was usually reserved for higher ups.
His sharp Irish heritage and choir boy round
face were an expression of coolness and calmness when
it happened. Almost simultaneously as his phone began
ringing, the window to his right exploded in a million
pieces of flying debris.
A lead projectile the size of the tip of his index
finger crossing his right shoulder created a burning
sensation which made him instinctively dive to the
floor. Crawling to the wall where the room’s light
switch was located, a glass-covered telephone
continued ringing as he reached for the switch. In one
motion he flipped off and dove to the floor again.
The telephone’s sound continued to pierce the
darkness while moonlight beaming through his now
empty window reflected off the myriad pieces of glass
scattered everywhere.
With a deliberate effort, the thirty two year old
moved his five foot eight inch muscular frame along the
floor to his desk, and picked up the receiver.
“Yes!” His voice was understandably urgent.
“Michael, the phone must have rung fifteen
times.” His superior was sitting at his own desk in a
Washington D.C office building.
“Hang on, Robert. I’m going to put it on the
floor, I have a problem. Don’t hang up.”
As quickly as he could, withdrawing a set of
keys from his left pants pocket, he unlocked the bottom
drawer of his desk. Leaving the keys in the lock, and
reaching to the back of the drawer, he retrieved a small
electronic black encoding device used to scramble
telephone conversations. He put it in his right pocket,
rolled toward the wall that used to contain his window
and reviewed the darkness outside.
‘He’s gone.’ The thought caused little relief.
Reaching with his left hand to his right
shoulder, he could feel his own warm blood. He couldn’t
tell how badly he’d been wounded, but he did notice he
still had full use of his right arm and hand.
Returning to the phone laying on the aged oak floor,
now strewn with glass particles, he pulled the encoding
device from his pants and placed it against the receiver.
“Robert, someone just tried to blow my head
off. What the hell’s going on?”
“Damn….we’ve been compromised Michael.”
“Yankee Echo has a leak; we think it’s in
Miami. St Croix’s leaving in twenty minutes to check it
out. I was calling to tell you to get out, and to take
Kathleen with you.

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