» Fiction » The Black Butterfly, Author: Izabella Hunt [funny books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Black Butterfly, Author: Izabella Hunt [funny books to read TXT] 📗». Author Author: Izabella Hunt

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chapter 1

I am standing in a meadow looking up at the clouds, i wait their for my mother.
my sister,Shannah, is beside me laying in the tall grass and as we watch the clouds flow by us,we see the beauty in our world and remember how much god loves us. my dad is in the car waiting and watching, we turn and look at him then look at each other.Shannah turned her head back at the clouds and whispers "this time do you think she will come for us?"
as i turn my head away i have to say "i don't know, last time she didn't." as we watch the clouds and wait we think of all the reasons she wouldn't come what her excuse would be "she was busy, she was running to late, She had no food in the house,Or even maybe she just doesn't love us."

I turn and look at the car, expecting to see my father,as i looked i noticed he wasn't their.Shannah stands and looks at the car also.i pull my hair back from my face and ask "Shannah do you see Daddy?" as Shannah shakes her head i see a car pull up beside ours.its a small orange mustang, and in it our tall,thin mother. We jump in excitement and run to her.When we get to her she turns to us and asks "where is your father?" we look up at her and say "he was in the car, but he isn't their anymore"then just as we finished our sentence he steps out of the back seat with sleepy eyes, and say's " I love you guys be safe and have fun" then hugged us both.

Once we got in the car we ask what we will do this week. she turns to us and say's "whatever you want to do"with a smile on her face she turned around and starts the car. As she starts to drive we begin to fall asleep.We woke with her pulling into the drive way. We sat up and stared out our windows and smiled.We are in the country now, surrounded by beauty. when we opened the door our good friend keoka was their, we ran straight to her and tackled her to the ground!keoka is 13 she is our best friend and well only friend that lives close to our moms.As we ran to our room our mom shouted "Im going to the store girls be back in a hour or so." we yelled back "Okay mommy Love you!"

As soon as she left,we went out side jumped on the trampoline and played tag.It started to get dark so we went inside and played was at the break of dusk, when their was a rock thrown at our window as we looked out their was no one their,we closed our blinds and locked the door and ran back to our room.Then their was a BANG on the front door. we all walked slowly into the living room and stood in front of the door, then BANG!,BAM!,BANG!, BAM!!!, beating on the door again BANG!! and again BAM!!, we jumped and ran into our room Locked the door and hid.
A hour or so later the door opened. We hid in fear.Then our mother called out "Girls!im home!" We ran out to her and told her what had happened with the door, she said that "the screen door sometimes bangs on the door its nothing to be scared of."

The next day

The next day
As we played in the yard the feeling of eyes watching us was there, we felt as if scared but not really "scared".We found a Blue ball and started to pass it around. i passed it to Shannah,then Shannah attempted to pass the ball to keoka but the ball went flying into the woods. we all ran after it, going deeper and deeper into them. Shannah far ahead of me and keoka turned and yells " GO BACK!" we look ahead at Shannah and see a figure Fallowing her, Keoka turns to run and i just stand their in disbelief. As she gets closer i see the face of the "figure" it was a woman with a mask on.thin and tall she looked familiar but i didn't know how.I turned and ran as fast as i could, but it felt like i was running in slow motion. As i reach the house i stop and turn around their is Shannah running but the lady shes not their anymore? where did she vanish to? I watch as Shannah runs to me,then a hand grabs my arm.I jump and run then realize the hand was hot and sweaty i turn and look it was only keoka.I walk back slowly in caution, as i reach her she holds out her hand and i take it. we stand together looking at Shannah. as Shannah reaches us their was a flash of the unknown lady behind her and we tell to her "RUN". Then the face disappeared, Shannah stopped running and looked directly behind us with eyes of fear.Keoka and i turn to look and we see, the blue ball.

Shannah walks up beside us and said "maybe it was just a joke?" me and keoka turn and nod in agreement.we picked up the ball and started to play again, this time making sure the ball went no ware near the Woods. as the sun started to go down are mom yelled for us "time to come in". We ran straight to our room and talked a bought what had happened. We decided if it happened again we would be ready for it.Keoka turned to Shannah and asks "did you see who it was?If it was a girl or boy?was it a person or a ghost of some kind? Shannah turns and with a simple answer said "no, i was running from it not Looking at it".Then they both looked away and we sat in utter silence. Until i broke the silence by saying " i saw its face, well kind of saw her face. Keoka and Shannah look at each other then at me and ask "it was a she?what did she look like?What do u mean by you "kind of saw her face"?"I answer slowly and carefully saying the words out loud but in a whisper, "She was chasing Shannah she was tall and thin.."
Shannah asks "anything else anything at all?!?" I sit their silent and think of it all then i say " I remember i saw long brown hair..But her was covered..". Keoka asks "covered how?"I stare at a blank wall trying to picture the image again, i say "it was like a mask, but it didnt cover her whole face, everything except her hair and her mouth. It looked like a Blue butterfly but a mad one..". Shannah and Keoka look at each other then stare at me.Our mom knocked on the door and asked if we wanted to watch a movie and eat some pop corn, We all said yes.The next day we woke up on the couch our mother wasn't their.So Shannah decided to go and look in her room, she wasn't their.Keoka walked to the kitchen and said "theirs a note!" Shannah had just walked into the room and said "read it" Keoka paused and stared at the paper then started reading aloud,
"Dear girls, their was a emergency with my mother i had to go to the doc's with her. I love you guys so very much and you to keoka,Stay safe and don't leave the yard while im gone, Or you will be in trouble. i should be back around 8:30 tonight if later i will call and tell you.

The Purple Ball

We sat around the house and watched T.V till 1 in the afternoon then we decided to go out side and play.I found the blue ball and we started to play soccer with it, Keoka kicked the ball so hard it went all the way into the road!We all went running for it.Once we got to it Shannah picked it up and stared at it.She turned to us and asked "Did you guys notice the Butterfly that's on it?Keoka and looked at each other and then at Shannah and said "what butterfly?"
Shannah handed us the ball and their it was a Butterfly stamp, right on the ball a purple butterfly stamp.
We stand in the road looking at the ball, When a car slowly passes by, the driver yells out to us "be careful or else you might get hurt". Shannah snatched back the ball and we all ran to the house.Once in the house keoka took the ball from Shanna and said "We should hide it, in a place no one will ever think of." i looked at keoka and said "Under the loose floor board in our room?" Shannah grabbed the ball back and we ran to our room, shut the door and locked it then closed the blinds. we pulled up the loose board and put the ball in it.No one knows a bought the one loose floor board except us.We looked at the clock, it would soon be time for mother to come home.So we grabbed a movie,made popcorn and a pallet in our bed room.
Soon we herd the front door open, Shannah quickly laid down over the loose board, I next to her, and keoka next to me.We closed our eyes just in time for our mother.She opened the door turned off the lights and walked away, leaving the door wide open.

We laid in silence waiting to hear her bedroom door to open.As soon as it did we all sat up and looked at her shadow,Then we saw a figure.A figure on the wall, a figure of a butterfly.But she wasn't the one in the shadow with it, it was a man.Short and stubby man in our mothers room..but if that's not our mother then, where is she?We all turned and looked at each other,then we herd a noise foot steps,

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