» Fiction » pretty little liars, lowkey317 G [top android ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «pretty little liars, lowkey317 G [top android ebook reader txt] 📗». Author lowkey317 G

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"Serena wake up," said my mom.


"Ok. What ever." My name is Serena Wilcox Im 16 years old, I'm a sophomore I go to Rover high. I have a older brother whose name is Steven ,and he's a senior.

When I was finsh dressing I came downstairs my brother was waiting on me as usual."Uh would you hurry up," Steven said.


"Don't rush me!" I snapped.
  I knew Steven hated taking me to school he didn't like ackowledging the fact that me and him were brother and sister. He avoided me as much as he could I roll my eyes, if he wasn't up somebody's ass he wouldn't. We rode in silence ans the minute he parked, I was already jumping out. I looked for my friends, we were all pretty crazy when you combined us together. I found Kelly and Lexi sitting on the high wall swining their feet back and forth. I smile they hadn't seen me yet. I known them since 5th grade, I looked for Jenny. I known Jenny since I was born, they were my bestfriends but she was my girl.


"Aye yo bitch."  i smirked when I see Jenny's tomato looking face.


"Missed the bus right ?"


"Hell yeah." We linked arms and walked toward Kelly and Lexi were. I nod and me and Jenny grab their feet dragging them off the wall. They screamed and I almost got kicked in the face with Lexi's shoe, "Damn ! Lexi you and your big ass feet!"


"Shutup!" She flinged her shoe at me almost hitting me. Lexi was short. even shorter than all of us, which made me feel tall.


"Leqqoooo! To class." I yell out loud when the warning bell rang.


"Lame ass." Kelly says.


I stick out my tongue.



I went into my first class and said bye to my friends. When I walked in there was a new cute boy sitting down. And guess who was making a beeline for him was, Kathern. Uuuh! I hated Kathern what did guys see in her? Yeah I know she had strawberry blond hair blue eyes, but come on she was a slutty bitch. I roll my eyes taking the seat behind him seeing that Kathern took the seat beside him Jenny rushes in and sits beside me. Unfortunetly Kathern tried to trip her stupid, Jenny caught her self the new boy was laughing. What a jerk I hated guys like that.

Jenny shrugs it off sitting next to me "dumb bimbo, " she mumbles I snicker and Steven and Drew walk in. I couldn't help but stare at Drew he was that hot but, he was Kathern's older brother. He didn't like me anyways


"boo! " He snaps at me my brother doesn't even bother defending me "he was too popular ".


I shrug it off I knew better "you okay? "Jenny asks me I nod Jenny knew I had feelings for him even though he was a jerk. I watch Kathern flirt with the new guy I was going to get her somehow an evil idea went through my head, it was going down.

I entered the cafteria looking for a table to claim, as I was looking I bumped into something hard, "Owww!" I snapped. I look up and see an annoyed Drew glaring down. "Watch where your going!" I get shoved hard again this time as I'm flying back I grab his arm roughly making him fall with me. Except, I made sure his body catches my fall. My eyes stare down at him for a second and before I even think twice about it he's already pushing me off of him hard.


"Don't ever touch me, bitch." He spat out. Snickers fell from the football team that overloomed us, I realized the whole Cafteria was quiet.


"Karma is a bitch." I retort. Jenny help me up and with one last glare I walk out already knowing what I'm going to do.


When I get home and notice my mom isn't home only Steven.


I burst through the door "you home Serena? "He calls out. I ignore him he is so fake ignores me at school, treats me like shit, and I was soaking wet. Because it rained and I had to walk home, I open the fridge and grab some cookies and cream ice cream. He comes into the kitchen "why aren't you answering me? " he demands,I shrug were not that really close anyways does it matter?


The doorbell rings and I open the door "WTF Steven, why is that slut here! "I scream I hated Kathern, why was he always doing this to me?


"I'm not a slut you better respect me, " Kather retorts. I stomp past Steven going to my room and slamming the door.



I wake up in the morning my head hurting, I was still fully dress. I race to my bathroom I'm late taking a shower I pull skinny jeans and a tank with converse. I sigh I was walking to school walking down the block when I see the new boy who I found out his name was Bryan. He comes close behind me I ignore him he was a jerk he then out of nowhere pushes me. And I see a black mustang oh no! That was Drew 's car I get water splashed on. I couldn't believe it he was working for Drew!


I glare at Drew." You better watch out! "I say he laughs but he knows he is gonna regret that later.

Seeing Kathern and Steven together disgusted me I was having a bad day,Kelly, Jenny and Lexi were all excited tonight was the big party. When I came to school soaking wet they took one look and said "Drew?"

 I sigh when I get to biology none of my friends were in this class,passing freshman they all say hi Serena. I smile I was just as popular and could be as mean too. Sitting in the back I see Bryan sit in front of me I fume stupid. "Hey, " he says I roll my eyes and give him a death glare I didn't care if he was cute or not just, not interested


." Your still mad? "He dare asks.


I snicker,"yea stupid." Mr. Poler walks in as I throw my pencil at Bryan it smacked him in the face and bounced off.


"Ms. Wilcox I suggest you get your act together," Mr. Poler snaps at me, I roll my eyes and he points to the door.


I get up mumbling "stupid wrinkly old man, " everybody starts snickering and I slam the door. Going to my locker (I never went to the office) looking for my phone the locker next to mine slams shut. I look up it was Drew


"what are you doing skipping class? "He asks frowning.


 Rolling my eyes "why do you care, " I say. I hated that his locker was next to mine he gets annoyed I could tel.


l "uuh your so effin anoying, your like the stupid little crushes I have! "He snaps. I felt like crying that hurt,and that was true and, you know what I hated my life.


"Your the one still talking about it I don't even like you anymore that was in seventh grade! "I scream when we were still bestfriends when I ruined it. And this was not really true I couldn't let go and he knew that. Running away from him I was going to get him back and he would be sorry tonight.


Lexi,Kelly, and Jenny were all staying the night since first Steven was going to the party,and mom was away for a business trip.


"Where's Steven? "Jenny asks. I look at her "he's already at Drew's ." She blushes hmm what was all that about?


"Lets get dress," Kelly says I smile and we all take our showers. Once were done we head back to my room its already eight we needed to hurry up! I pull on short shorts and a lowcut shirt with heels. We were going to have to run but, oh well we could all run in heels, we finish our make up. And Lexi and me start getting our supplies. Heheh Lexi was driving tonight "not to much beer, we have to get revenge first then run away, " I say everybody snickers running away was the fun part. We pull up to Drew's big mansion music is pumping,lights and its crowded perfect. We all hurry to the door pushing in it was really crowded,we start dancing our way through we knew Drew and the guys were in the rooms getting into some girl's pants. Heading to the empty rooms we start trashing them,"hahah this is Kathern's room! " kelly says we instantly start ripping her thongs,and throwing her barbie cd's and crushed make up. We hear moaning "eeww!" We all Scream. That was nasty running from her room we go to Drew's trashing his room thats when I found a box of condoms. And I start laughing so hard


"what are you laughing about? "They ask.  I show them and we start ripping them. "He will be needing then later! " Jenny says snickering hearing footsteps we run out of his room. It was part 2 before they saw the mess throwing bleach on the floor we start laughing till we hear Kathern screaming, oh shit!

Running downstairs through the crowded bodies,and couples grinding on the floor,you could barely hear Kathern screaming. Giggling I run for the pantry Jenny behind me "where did Kelly and Lexi go? "I say panting


"oh shit! " we lost them she says. Throwing food everywhere we start smashing on some hotfries. Laughing so hard "were fat! "


"We better finish our plan " Jenny says. I nod and we find the master bedroom pushing past people we pull out spray paint HAHAH BITCH. We didn't have to right our names they would find out who did this anyway unlocking the door,we go downstairs.


I txt Lexi where r u guys at?


Pushing past people I start dancing to, ' hey ladies' Jenny grabs us beers "oh shit! "Jenny says I look at where she was  staring. Omg it was Drew and Steven with the rest of the guys they looked mad!


"Lets go! "I scream running with the beer bottle we are laughing so hard,"run bitch,runnn! "Jenny says we can help but stop and laugh. I feel someone shove me oh hell naw! I shove back and saw it was Drew and he looked pissed! Grabbing my arm I struggled to get away, Steven had cornered Jenny, but I did what I had too. I throw the beer bottle making glass slash, making Drew lose his grip, Grabbing Jenny we run out the door.

Making it almost safe at home I knew we were dead,seeing Lexi and Kelly they loook worried seeing me bleeding a little bit.


My heart pounding from doing that,"did you finish the other part? "I ask breathless choking down water. They nod asking if me and Jenny were okay we nod and start laughing remebering everything. When we hear someone knocking more like pounding on the door we knew who it was. Running for my room upstairs

"gosh Serena where do we hide? "Kelly ask nervous my phone vibrates meaning I have a message. I read it IK UR IN THERE U GUYS R SO DEAD! It was from Steven I let them see the message hearing the door open we freak out even more. We knew what to do grabbing the fire egstinguesher we stand by the door, I see Steven come up with Drew and Kathern. They all looked pissed and I hope Steven would not try to punish me.


"Why you stupid bitch!! "Drew snarled at me.


I smirk,"I told you would regret it! "I say.


" Well I guess we guys will make it worth it! "Drew snaps we stare at him astonished Kathern snickers we knew what he meant and now I wish I never started this stupid mess. Well

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