» Fiction » For His Pleasure, lOVES TO WRITE nEWWRITER [important of reading books txt] 📗

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Chapter One


 “We all get used. It’s the reality in this world. What choice do women have? Men rule it with an iron fist and that is never going to change. You should be happy you don’t have to think and a man does it for you. It’s your duty to supply an heir. We all must at some point. Like cattle we are and we must enjoy it. I am lucky my first born is a son. If I hadn’t I would be dead. Bella you have spoiled far too much by your parents. You are useless, nothing but a waste, Cairo shouldn’t bother with you, and no less should end you.”

“I have done nothing but do as I requested.” She cast her eyes down to ground. Hoping this unserviceable conservation that was hate driven would end. Bella’s comments always fall upon death ears as the woman continued on.

“Women are property and their owners are men. It is how it should be and will be. You need to be beaten for a change. I wish Cairo would do so and every day. Bella I dream of your screams.”

“I understand.”

“If I had a daughter I’d tell to quit her whining and except her fate. Do you think I wanted to be married? It was the last thing on my mind. I was young and it had been arranged as did all of my friends.  Our husbands had been chosen for us. Women are unfit to make wise decisions. There is no need for our opinions. Cairo fixed me and made me understand. I learned quickly and it’s something I have tried to get him to teach you. He is your blood and it is his job to do so as the man who rules over you.”

“He is not my husband.  The man is my uncle and he will not harm me,” Bella said as she eyed the woman carefully. Not displaying her own feelings towards her that she fought hard to keep hidden.

“Oh Bella you are unwise and you know it to be true. Thus you have no choice but to agree with your dear aunt. You know I speak only of the truth. You toss him sweet smiles to distract him with those crooked teeth of yours. They should be pulled. It’ that smile makes him have pity for you.”

“Yes,” Bella nodded her head in agreement. 

“We should have married off Mary instead. There are men that prefer young girls like her and she is a looker compared to you.”

Bella’s teeth grinded together as she stood till as a statue as her aunt sat there rocking her own child to sleep. Bella’s cousin Edmond. He was four and old enough to go to sleep on his own.  Yet he was the one truly spoiled and done so heavily.

“It’s a shame you aren’t pretty enough. We could have found you another husband farther away and equally dumb as your late husband.”

Bella took every word thrown her way without reacting in tears as she had done in the past.

“Not dumb enough. He figured it all out, your, and my uncles. Soon others will know,” Bella said as she reminded her aunt of the husband that was now dead.  The man was old and rich but he figured it out before he bedded Bella. His death was swift and the marriage was a done deal. It didn’t matter if he came to Bella or not.

“They will not. Unless you speak of it then I shall know who to come to and I will show no mercy. Here give Edmond to his nurse. I need to take me a nap.”

Bella had no one to tell and if she did she wouldn’t utter a word.

“No, rock me so more,” Edmond said as he started to cry when his mother roughly yanked him out of her lap and pushed him to Bella. She was angry on just Bella’s words. Most of it was sparked by her jealousy she had towards the young woman, it fueled everything hateful she said to Bella.

“Later.” She said softly to her son. He wiped away tears that had started to fall immediately.

“Come Edmond, I will play with you if you want.”

“All right,” Edmond said as he stuck his thumb in his mouth.

“You will give the boy to his damned nurse as I told you to.”

“Yes I will.”

Bella hurried her cousin out of the chamber before aunt started with more of her rants. Never would she do this in the presence of her own husband. It was clear to anyone who could see she hated Bella. It was obvious the woman disliked the beautiful Bella. Beauty that she didn’t have but money and tons of it before it was gone. Cairo no less lost half it before they were married for a good two years the rest spent in his endless schemes.

“When will I get to play with Mary again,” Edmond asked. Bella looked down him at him and smiled weakly.

“I don’t know. That is for your father to decide. Come on,” Bella said as she led him to the kitchen where Edmonds nurse was waiting for him.

“I am hungry,” Edmond said as he eyed food that was already awaiting him. He had eaten only one hour before and was now getting food he didn’t need. It wouldn’t be long before he started to gain weight.

“Aw good there you are Bella. Come at once.”

Bella said good bye to Edmond and followed her uncle.

“I am in need of you to do something for me.”

Bella was made to lean in to hear words that he whispered to her and she frowned as she tried to catch every word.

“I don’t understand,” Bella said as she looked at him confused.

“It’s the one thing I actually agree with that your aunt has ever said to me,” Cairo said as he came closer to Bella.

“I don’t understand.”

“People might question his death. You are not with child. I need you to be. I will not lose what I have now all over something as silly as this,” Cairo said as he ran a hair through his hair. Frustration was written over his face as he started to pace.

“Why? I don’t understand.”

“My wife has made me proud for a second time in our time together. I have been working out a plan and it is perfect. He will be like my own son. You will have one no less. Do not worry; you are not like your mother who produced nothing but girls. You come from my line we are known for our sons.”

“Uncle please this plan of yours can it be forgotten. You have endless wealth now and you can give me Mary. We have compiled with all of your demands.”

“I have more that need to be fulfilled. Come now we need to get this over and done.”

Cairo didn’t give her time to stop and think it over as he jerked her along. She didn’t have the slightest clue about his meaning and didn’t get it at all. He explained as he walked what he had in store for Bella. It had to be done to ensure this would forever be his and only his. His plan to raise her child as his own and Cairo have intentions to be the voice his ear to be another one of his pawns.

“His name will be whatever I choose. You will give birth to my salvation,” Cairo said as they come to a stop and he opened a door that led into a room that was half lit.

 "No, uncle Cairo I will not do this, “Bella said as she backed away. She shook her head from side to side. Bella was sick of being a pawn in his game for power.

"Do you forget about little Mary so quickly? I can have her on the block by dawn.  You will do this,” Cairo seemed to use her sister at every corner.  It was all he needed to say to get Bella to do as he requested.  He never meant a word but if it came down to it he’d do it. In his mind it was another killing at the hands of someone else and not his. His only connection would be his word and the order for it to be done after that his hands were clean.

“Yes I will,” Bella said in defeat. Cairo took Bella by her arm and took her into the room.

“He will not be able to hurt you. I saw to it.”

The tears where begging to be released. She didn’t let one drop fall as she nodded her head. She had plans of her own.

“It won’t take long, it never does.”


"Enough with the blushing, your aunt filled you on about this bit as I told her too,” Cairo said as cast his eyes to the floor. Uncomfortable with discussing the ways of love making in front of a girl he’d watch grow. A girl he felt guilt about using but he wanted things and couldn’t stop now from getting what he desired. He considered Bella his own and she would have been if his brother hadn’t wooed her mother. Cairo felt cheated by this. He’d set his sights on Bella’s mother first and vowed to make her his wife.  Cairo felt nothing when he ended their lives to get control of the family’s asset when the will of their father was produced after his death. He’d waited a long time after the will was given and struck at a time when it was right. A time when no one would question the death of Bella and Mary’s parents but many guessed.  Yet they weren’t for certain.


"Yes she told me,” Bella lied. Her aunt didn’t tell her thing other than it would hurt and always would every time she bedded any man. Those words were said a long time ago to Bella. She had no idea what it was her aunt was supposed to tell her but she figured it was about this.

“She knows it well and I am glad the woman did as she was told.”

“Why must I do this?” Bella said in rage. She had done anything he requested but this was more than anything she ever had to do.

"I told you why. Be damned with all your questions and get to it,” Cairo displayed his own anger. His wife knew it all too well this side of her husband.

"What do I do?" Bella said in a panic.

"Your aunt explained. You know what needs to be done," Cairo said quickly to her before exiting the room and slamming the door shut.


"All for Mary," Bella repeated to herself as a mantra. She stopped when the sudden noise of chains moving broke her concentration. It couldn’t be that hard of a task. Cairo said it wouldn’t take long. Bella took a step towards the bed. She'd jumped back as the door flew open and turned around in terror.

“Your uncle remaindered me of something I was to tell you as much as I wanted you to figure it out on your own. I remembered a warning he gave me if you failed.”

She heard the fear in her voice before it was quickly masked.

Bella’s eyes widened in shock at the words coming out of her aunt’s mouth and she looked bewildered back to the bed when she finally got a piece of knowledge. Something she wished could be removed from her brain at the moment. 

“If you dare tell him I only told you at this moment and not sooner I will make you pay.”

“I said you told me,” Bella stuttered out as she stood her ground.

“Excellent. Now get undressed. You can’t have clothes on while you do it.”

Bella watched as he aunt hurried out of the room. Happy that Bella had told her husband a lie. A lie that

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