» Fiction » Broken Hearts, hima [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «Broken Hearts, hima [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author hima

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It couldn’t get any worse, all my life I have waited for this day to come. I’m inch away from achieving my goal only to be pulled away by my mother. I have been working hard to get this position and mom wants me to give up; to marry some random guy who is earning some 30 grand a month. Why doesn’t she understand that I can earn far better if only she would give me a chance. I tried talking to her but as soon as I start something, she would argue, yell and then start to cry. She would never change the sequence not for anyone. I usually end up doing whatever she asks me of but this is one matter that had discretion.

“Nina...Are you finished yet?” I wanted to yell at her to back off but I could never do that to her. She is the only one I had, she had gone through many things yet she would never give up on me, after papa passed away she had to work to maintain our small family and see to my needs. Life was hard on her, she had no family that could back her up when she was in trouble and papa’s family never liked her.

I found a new pair of Sari on my bed, what is a Sari doing on my bed? I made it pretty clear last night that I’m not going to see him. I wanted to make sure that I did so I reeled past the memory of last night.

“Nina…Um…” Why is she stuttering? Something is up, I thought. “Mama…Just say it.” I said drenching the Roti in Dal.

“Do you want more Dal?” She asked quickly. I dropped the piece of roti on my plate and stared at her.
“What is it?” I asked.

“Mr. Nayak brought a good match today…” I sighed. “Mama…I made it pretty clear last time…” she cut me off.

“He is working in some good company at USA, he earns thirty grand, I saw his picture he is even good looking, and you’ll definitely like him.” She pleaded.

“Mom… you wait a year and then I’ll earn more than him…” I said necessarily stressing the last part.

She glared icily at me. “He is coming to see you tomorrow.” She said scurrying into the kitchen.
“What…? Fine…I’ll not be at home tomorrow…” I shouted unnecessarily raising my voice a bit.

“You are not going anywhere; I’ve heard enough of your excuses. You are going to marry this guy. No more discussions…” Her voice pitched.

“I’ll die before I marry him…” I screamed. It took a melodramatic turn I guess when I said that. She winced at my sudden outburst and I could see her eyes clouding. Tears slipped through her eyes.

“Why do you have to deny everything I ask?” she cried. It wrenched my heart apart; I didn’t mean to make her cry.

“Mama… please… It’s just I need some time to get settled in life before I make any commitments.” I pleaded.

She wiped away the tears and looked at me.

“I’ll marry but not now…” I said and making sure that she ate something, I left to my room to check my mail.

With that last memory, I was brought back to the present with a red designer sari in my hands. I tucked it safely into my wardrobe furious that she had the guts to do exactly the opposite of what I asked. I wore a black salwar suit and headed downstairs, delicious smell of sweets wafted from the kitchen. I licked my lips and imagined how they would taste in my mouth as I saw them.

Mama had no time to look up, she was preparing various dishes, a plan formed in my mind, if I couldn’t get it from her, I would play nice just like her and do what I wanted to do.

The door bell went off and I rushed to see who it was on the door, a middle aged woman was standing on the door with a bright smile playing on her face, she was round and everything about her screamed money, plump lips smeared with lip gloss, she wore a pattern of pearls around her neck that matched her Sari. She had the meanest look on her face. I had the sudden urge to wipe coal on her neatly done face. Next to her, stood an elder gentleman wearing a blue suit, wearing gold rimmed glasses that hid his intelligent eyes, his lips were pulled in tight line as if his wife had ordered him not to make a sound; the woman placed her arm into his smiling at me.

“You are…?” I asked though I made a pretty good guess of who they are. “Nina…Who is it?” Mama said walking towards me. Her frown disappeared and a big smile played on her face.

“I’m sorry…come on in.” She held the door wide open for them making unwanted curtsy to them. I hate this part very much; In India groom’s parents are treated highly by the bride’s parents.

I stood by the door watching mama trying to make them comfortable on our sofa. I heard someone clear throat behind me. Now, what?

I met his deep brown eyes, his thin lips were holding a sweet smile, thin nose, and he looked like one of those typical NRI in his black suit.

“Can I come in?” his accent was mixed and kind of seemed funny to me. I moved aside to let him in. Mama stood beside me and poked me in the ribs while engaging them in talk.

“We didn’t expect you so early…” Mama said.

“You better have a good reason for not being in sari…”Mama chided and pushed me towards the stairs.

“Nina…You better get ready.” Mama said pushing me. I glared at her; I can’t argue, not now when there are outers in the house.

“That’s not necessary, Mrs. Sharma.” The NRI said. I gave a fake smile.

Mama spoke about my education and up bringing while they spoke about theirs; I lowered my head forming quick plans in my mind. After some usual chatter about it they left me alone with him hoping we would talk.

I wanted to scream and shout at him for coming here… what if mama likes the match? It’ll ruin any chances of my own career.

“Hi…I’m Siddanth but friends call me Sid.” He tried to make conversation. I never replied nor nodded my head to show him any positive sign that I was listening.

He started ranting about his job and how I would be comfortable in LA. The urge to make him shut his mouth grew more intense as seconds passed by.

“I don’t want to marry…” I said dropping a bomb on him and that did explode well. His eyes were wide like saucers.

“What do you mean?” His voice shook, he is obviously upset.

“Mama thinks it’s a good match but honestly, I’m not ready for commitment. I had plans for a job this year… “I was cut off when he stood up and walked away.

His parents scurried after him his mother throwing daggers at me with her eyes. I shrugged. Mama was standing beside me; her looks told me that she was beyond mad.

“What did you say?” she shouted. “The same… You didn’t listen to me so I had to say it to him.” I said and ran off into my room and closed the door behind until she cooled it off.

New mail popped up in my inbox, Ria is online.

Ria: How did it go?
Nina: Scared him off
Ria: Is he good looking?
Nina : What’s the point? It’s over.
Ria: Did you get the mail from Khanna industries?
Nina : no
Ria : gotta go

I logged off the system; I fell on my bed thinking about the mail, it’s been a week since the interview, I was one of the lucky few that got selected for the interview after a series of tests. The job offered us good pay, and all other allowances but the best thing about it was good position in India’s top must industries. I silently prayed to god to give me this job, if he doesn’t I could easily imagine what my life is going to be; married to some jerk and playing along with his wishes.

I perked my ears to hear any sounds from downstairs but it is unusually quiet. I stayed up for a while before going for lunch, mama wasn’t in kitchen so I quickly glutton some sweets, and they were delicious. One good thing that comes out of their visit, I licked my lips to feel the taste of syrup.

Mama walked past me as if I wasn’t there at all, she scooped up the rice into her plate and started eating without making even eye contact.

“Mama…I’m sorry. I told you that I need time…” I pleaded. She made no notion of hearing to me. I sat waiting for her to respond but she kept on eating and rinsed her plate and left into her room without a word. This is the worse way to express your anger against someone; I didn’t have the appetite to eat after that.

I took a nap and I woke up to see darkness surround me, I checked my mobile and it’s 8pm. I slept too long. My stomach groaned complaining that I had to eat; I rushed downstairs and munched on whatever I could. My mobile beeped and there is a text message from an unknown number. It stated.
“You have been selected for the post of P.A by Khanna industries, for further details check your mail.”

I hugged mama and cried in joy, “I got the job…” I shouted kissing her. I ran into my room and checked their service agreement and date of joining. I instantly mailed my friends about it and received a few replies asking for party.

I am in cloud9; my life has settled for the best, Mama should no longer have to work… She could retire now and spend the rest of the days peaceful; I would do everything that she wished for.

Early next morning, I woke up to see mama staring down at me. “Get ready soon…” She took me to temple, I don’t know what she wished exactly for but my life has turned topsy-turvy since that day. She made all my favorite dishes that day… We spent the rest of the day preparing for my big day.

“Finally… all our troubles came to an end. You don’t have to work anymore…We could do everything that you always wished for. We could go to Tajmahal, remember… you always wanted to see it.” I said.

She kissed me on my forehead. “I’m proud of you and so is your papa…I wish he is here to see his little girl grow up.” she said blinking back tears.

I had never seen mama so cheerful; her face was alive after so many years. I slept on her laps as she lulled me into sleep but there was a nagging feeling in my mind that this wasn’t going to last. Sometime in the night she kissed me goodnight and left to

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