» Fiction » Guardians Of The Moon, October Sky [distant reading .txt] 📗

Book online «Guardians Of The Moon, October Sky [distant reading .txt] 📗». Author October Sky

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Chapter 1
I flex my fingers, still numb, as I look around. It was quiet a little too quiet. I stood up from behind the bush and walked over to the huge tree in the middle of the field. They should be here by now what is taking them so long?
I slowly eased my way into the tree and perched onto a sturdy branch a few feet off the ground. Once again I scanned my surroundings. I looked at my wristwatch. Quarter to 12. I heard a low growl in the distance. Then came the sound of feet. They neared the tree.
I looked down to see a pure white werewolf. I quietly climbed down and stood in front of it.
“Took you long enough Ralph.”
Ralph quickly changed into human form. His long slender body towered over me. His blue eyes looking over me.
“Where’s Ulric? He was supposed to get here before me.”
His jaw tightened.
“Speak of the devil.”
I pointed over in the direction of the moon. A pure black wolf came out from behind a group of trees and howled. Ralph laughed.
“Jeez Ulric always a show off.”
The wolf quickly took human form and Ulric stood there in front of me.
“Where did you go to?” He asked looking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“None of your business that’s where.”
He did the same to me.
“Hey quit it you two or I’ll put you in time out.”
We both turned and stick our tongues out at Ralph.
“Let’s get home it’s getting late.”
Ulric and I looked at each other.
“Race You!"
We both yelled and took off changing into wolf form. The process was quick and painless and always left me feeling excited. Ulric was a giant compared to me. He was pure black just like his hair and his eyes always stayed that bright yellow no matter what form he was in.
Me on the other hand I was a deep white colored wolf same as my hair and my eyes were purple as human and wolf. I beat Ulric home by a few seconds and was already human when he arrived.
“You were always faster than me.”He said becoming human.
“Good then when we battle I know I won’t be the one getting killed.”
He playfully punched me in the arm and I tackled him into the dirt. We were muddy when Ralph showed up.
“Don’t bring that mud into my house you can hose off in the backyard.”
He then went inside.
“Ever get the feeling he’s treating us like kids?” Ulric asked.
“All the time. C’mon lets go wash off.” I stood and helped him to his feet. After we had both hosed off we stepped into the house.
“I hope you had the decency to strip off those wet clothes before coming into my house.” We heard Emily say. We both looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. We both started to strip.
Then we walked to our room. I know it sounds weird but there’s a whole pack of wolves living here and it just so happens me and Ulric are the youngest.
There’s Ralph, the head of the pack, Emily, his wife, Maxine, she’s about 28 now, Maxine’s twin brother Leo, let’s see oh yeah there’s still Amber, Ralph’s sister, and then there’s my older brother Gabriel and his girlfriend Vivian. Then there’s me and Ulric, he’s older than me by 2 years, unfortunately.
The one bad thing about being one of the youngest is when mating season comes because we have to meet with other packs in order to mate, and the young ones go first. Usually though there are some that mate within one pack like Gabriel and Vivian. Ralph and Emily were from two different packs when they first met. This will be my first mating year and I know this sounds crazy but I want Ulric. We’ve known each other since we were little and lucky me he doesn’t have a mate yet.
“Luna?” Ulric said snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah?” “You can bath first.” “Ok.” I walked over to our bathroom, each room has its own, and started to peel away the muddy clothing. I looked into the mirror. My purple eyes stared back at me and I saw a heart shaped face. Not to brag but I was really pretty among the humans.
I filled the tub with hot water and climbed in. After a few minutes of soaking I began to wash. That’s when I heard a soft knock on the door.
“Yeah?” “Luna it’s Maxine. May I come in?” “Sure the doors unlocked.” The handle turned and the door slowly opened. “I don’t mean to bother you but can I talk to you for a minute?” “Sure.” I replied.
Maxine may be 28 but she looked younger. She was shorter than me and had a nice head of strawberry blond hair that was cut to frame her heart shaped face.
“What do you want to talk about?” She blushed.
“The upcoming mating season.” I was quite for a minute.
“This is your first year right?” I nodded.
“But this is Ulric’s second and well you may have some tough competition.” Which means I have some tough opponents. “Who is it?” “Macey Rose.” She replied.
“Ah damn it I’m screwed.” Max laughed.
“You can take her.” She told me. Then she stood up and walked to the door.
“You may not know it but Ulric likes you to.” Then she left. I quickly finished my bath and slipped into one of Ulric’s shirts. I hadn’t done the laundry yet. When I walked out of the bathroom Ulric was spread across my bed playing the play station 3.
“You’re dirty and on my bed. Bad dog.” I swatted him playfully. “You were taking too long in the bath and I got bored.”
“Well I’m done now so go shower you smell like wet dog.” He paused his game and looked up at me.
“You look good in Slayer.” He said laughing. He stood up and gracefully walked into the bathroom how a guy his height can walk gracefully I have absolutely no clue. I lay down on my bed and started to play the game.
I must have dozed off after awhile because when I woke up the clock read 5 a.m. Great Luna good way to end the night. I looked over at Ulric’s bed where he lay still asleep. I didn’t have to start getting ready for school till 6 but since I had nothing better to do I went ahead and got dressed.
I quickly put my bra on and then a tank top and a nice black shirt to go with it.
Then I slipped into my favorite skinny jeans and slipped into my converse. By 6 everyone else started getting ready. I applied my eyeliner and lipstick as Ulric walked into the bathroom.
“Uh another day of boring school.” He said putting toothpaste on his toothbrush.
“Another B-day you mean.” I replied laughing.
“It’s a B-day?” “Yup which means we have all our classes together today.” He smiled. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes Ulric yes it is.” Then I left him to finish up.

Chapter 2
It wasn’t long after till we all started climbing into cars. Ralph, Emily, and Amber took the 2009 Nissan GTR while Gabriel, Vivian, Ulric and me took the Ford F-250. Maxine and Leo took the Jeep wrangler unlimited. Yeah we were kind of rich.
Gabriel pulled up right outside Clifford J. High. We both climbed out and started for the school.
“Lunar Adams.” I felt a hand on my back.
“Brad Stills.” I replied without looking.
“Have you finally given the thought to going out with me?”
I turned my eyes on him and saw him shiver.
“I have.” “So? What do you say?” I paused a moment.
Brad was the quarterback for the football team and he wasn’t too bad looking he had long blond hair that came down a little past his jaw, he also had bright blue eyes, but he was still human.
He was looking me over like I was his new play toy and I really hated it.
“No.” I said bluntly.
“No?” He asked stupidly.
“That’s what I said isn’t it?” My voice was cold and I knew it.
He just looked at me. He couldn’t say anything. I turned and started to walk away when someone grabbed my arm.
“Don’t you walk away from me.” Brad yelled at me. I turned getting ready to hit him. That’s when Ulric stepped in.
“That’s enough Brad.” Ulric said stepping between us.
“Ulric what are you doing?” I asked but he didn’t reply.
“Oh it’s Ulric Knight coming to the rescue.” Brad said taunting him.
“I suggest you leave Luna alone.” Ulric’s eyes narrowed. That’s when Brad backed away.
“I’ll remember this Knight.” Then he turned around and left. Ulric turned and looked at me. I was glaring at him.
“What?” He asked all innocent like.
“I didn’t need your help I had it under control.”
“Yeah it sure looked like you did.” He said sarcastically. I just sighed and walked away.
It was no use arguing since he always seemed to win. I walked to my class as fast as I could.
“Luna wait up.” Ulric said trying to catch up but I didn’t listen. I turned and walked into our math class.
“Luna please let me talk to you.” He asked sitting at his seat which unfortunately was right next to mine. I turned my eyes on him.
“What?” I asked through clenched teeth.
“I was only trying to help you out.” He said sighing. “Why do you always get this mad when someone tries to help you out?” I looked away.
“Because I’m not weak and I don’t want people to think I am.”
“I wasn’t trying to make you look weak.” He said. “I was just trying to help.”
“I didn’t need help.” I said brushing my hair out of my face. I always got into trouble for it because the teachers thought I always bleached it. They didn’t know it was natural.
Just then Mr. Gunner walked in. “Alright class please take your seats.” Everyone quickly sat down. Then Mr. Gunner started taking the role.
“Lunar Adams.” He called and everyone laughed. Apparently word had got around about the Brad thing.
“Here.” I replied. He quickly went through the rest of the role. As soon as he got to Ulric’s name everyone turned at looked at him. Yeah word had gotten around fast.
Why did he always have to stick up for me? It felt like forever before class ended. I had finally calmed down. We walked into the hallway and as soon as I did I was jumped.
“LLUUNNAA!” I looked up and saw Kayla. She was my best friend outside of the pack. She was a werewolf but from another pack. She

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