» Fiction » The Spirit of A Broken Heart, Nikkipink12 [electronic reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Spirit of A Broken Heart, Nikkipink12 [electronic reader txt] 📗». Author Nikkipink12

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“No! Please,” Nicole screams while locking the bathroom door. Her stepdad banging on the door and threatening her. She leans against the door with tears falling down her face, hitting the floor like raindrops. He finally stops banging on the door and she assumes her mother was home. She unlocks and opens the door slowly. She runs as fast as she can to her room and locks the door thinking to herself that she had had enough. Nicole begins packing her clothes and puts a picture of her dad and mom in the bag. Then she hears her mom screaming stop. Nicole unlocks her door and walks down the stairs peeking into the kitchen. She sees her stepdad, Steve hit her mom and she gasps loudly. Covering her mouth she heard Steve’s footsteps and her mom scream “Stop Steve don’t you dare touch her!” She runs up the stairs back to her room, locks the door grabs her bag opens her window and crawls out praying that her mom was going to be okay without her. As she crawled out of her room she could hear Steve yelling and hitting her door. Finally, Steve kicked down the door. He looks around the room and notices the open window.
Her mom, Teresa runs upstairs into her room. She notices the open window as well and starts crying. “Why didn’t you just leave her alone like I said she had nothing to do with what was going on downstairs!” Teresa yells looking at Steve’s blood shot eyes “Are you drunk? Did you not just hear me” Teresa yells with sarcasm. She swings trying to hit him. He grabbed her arm before it made it to his face and said, “She shouldn’t have been downstairs.”

Teresa runs out of the room and into her room. She dials 9-1-1 reporting that her child ran away. She gives them detail that Nicole is 5,9, brown hair, slim, gray eyes, and she’s 16. After, she hung up, she closed her eyes and tears start to flow down her closed eyes. Steve enters the room and asks why she called 9-1-1. She gets up responding “how’d you know I called 9-1-1?” Steve throws her against the wall and yells, “Why did you call 9-1-1?” in her face. She stands up trembling with pain running through her body and says, “Because she is my daughter and I don’t want anything to happen to her.” He gets out a suit case and starts packing. “Where are you going?” Teresa asks in confusion. “I got to get out of her,” he tells her. “Wait, what do you mean you have to get out of here?” she asks. “You shouldn’t have called 9-1-1” he says while walking down the stairs and to the door. He walks out the door and into his car. He drives off. Teresa starts crying and realizes that the police haven’t arrived.

Chapter 2

I should’ve never ran away it was so stupid of me, maybe I should just go back and tell Teresa but --- right then she bumps into some guy. “My bad” she says. “It’s my fault…….?” he replies “Nicole, my name is Nicole” “I’m Jason---- brown hair, 5,11, muscular, green eyes----- what’s up with the bag?” “Nothing, ” she walks away, looks around and sees……….. Steve. “Hey Nicole” Steve says grabbing her shoulder “Where do you think you’re going?” “Don’t touch me” she says pushing his hand off her shoulder. “Let’s go now!” he says with a stern voice grabbing her arm. “Stop, let go of me!” she yells but no one could hear her. He starts dragging her by her arm “She said leave her alone,” Jason says out of nowhere. Steve lets go of her and Nicole runs to where Jason is standing. “This has nothing to do with you” Steve says “Nicole get back here now!” he yells. It starts raining. "I will find you and her, so watch your back!" Steve yells getting in the car. Jason grabs my hand and we run to his car. We get in and he asks "Are you okay?" Nicole replies saying, "Yeah and thanks" "No problem," Jason says "We'll go to my place."
10 minutes later we arrived at his house. “It didn’t look that bad” Nicole thought. “We’re here” Jason says gladly. We walk in and he tells me to put my bag on the couch. He shows me where I’ll be sleeping for tonight. It was a blue room with brown and white stripes, a small little comfy blue bed with a pillow and blanket, and a little closet. “It wasn’t that bad, I actually kind of liked the room it reminded me of when I was little and my real dad, Alex and I would play hide and seek. I’d always hide in a little blue room,” she thought. She gets her stuff and puts it in that room. Then, she puts on her pajamas, a gray graphic tee with blue and black plaid pajama pants. She heads to the kitchen looking for Jason. “Oh! I was looking for you” Nicole says when Jason walks through the door. Jason says, “I just took a walk, are you hungry?” “No, not really,” Nicole replies “Do you want to go to the movies on Friday?” Jason asks nervously “Sure, but I’m getting sleepy, see you in the morning”


“You ready to go?” Jason asks “Yeah,” Nicole replies. They head out the door and into Jason’s car. They arrive around 7pm, he buys my ticket. “Thanks but you didn’t have to,” Nicole says. “I wanted to,” He says. For the rest of the night she smiled and had fun with him. For some reason she didn’t want the night to end, but that wasn’t under her control. They get home around 10pm.
“Goodnight, Jason”
“Night, Nicole”
She layed in the bed thinking about the whole night with him and then it hit her----- I’m in love with him---- “how could I fall in love so fast?” she thought.
She woke up the next morning with a huge headache she asked Jason if he had aspirin or Tylenol. She took one and an hour later she felt better. “You okay?” Jason asks “Yeah, I feel a lot better now,” I answered. They stood in the kitchen eye to eye with nothing to say but right then she saw it in his eyes ----- LOVE! Then he kissed her, a tear came down her face and she kissed him back. A kiss from him was like one more day with her dad before he died in Iraq. He whispered in her ear “I love you.” She looked in his eyes and said “I love you too”


She wakes up next to Jason feeling like she’s in heaven. She goes to the living room, sits on the couch and turns on the TV. “Hey, sleepy head,” she says to Jason---he’s just waking up walking into the living room with no shirt on----six pack. “Hey,” he says giving her a kiss. “I got to go, love you bye,” he says slipping on a shirt. “Where?,” she asks, but he walks out the door before answering her.
An hour later
“Hey, sorry I had to run,” Jason says walking through the door. She just smiles. “Do you want pizza?” He asks. “Yeah, I’ll be right back” She says heading towards the room. She picks up her cell phone and calls her mom.
“Hello, Nicole” Teresa answers.
“Hey ma I’m sorry,” I say
“Where are you?” she asks
“I don’t want to come home I’m fine here, I love you and I’m sorry,” I say with tears coming out of my eyes
“But---”Teresa starts and then Nicole hangs up.
She sat there for a minute thinking about everything that has happened in the past two months----I left home, met Jason and fell in love----- (3 gun shots) “Ah!” She scream running into the kitchen looking for Jason. There, she saw Jason laying on the floor with 3 shots in his chest. Falling to the floor she starts to cry, she dials 9-1-1. The ambulance comes and takes him. They wouldn’t let her go with him in the ambulance. She stayed home crying her heart out and watching the news.

Channel 3 News

“Hello and Welcome my name is Whitney Tanner
we’ve just got noticed that a 17 year old named,
Jason Alex Shavez has been pronounced dead.”
Right then she felt her heart fall out of her chest. She sat down on the floor and started to cry. It felt like her heart was being crushed by 20 tons. She didn’t want to believe it. It started to rain. She went outside and got in his car. She drove around and something caught her eye “Gun Shop” she wanted revenge. “Something always happens to me first my dad and now the only person I loved, Jason,” She thought. It began raining harder she cried more riding past the place they first met. Her vision got blurry so she headed home, but made one stop.
She made it back home and cried more. She layed in the bed picturing all the good times we had. Nicole got up went to a desk and tried to turn on the lamp. It wouldn’t come on so she picked it up and threw it against the wall. Wishing Jason was there to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. She called my mom but she didn’t pick up so she left her a message saying that she loved her and she’s sorry about everything she ever did to hurt her.


She burned the words:
“Blood runs through the veins
that cry blue which makes me
suffer in the pain of purple”
vertically on her left wrist. She got into some really bad habits of cutting her left wrist 5 times in one day. She cut her hair shoulder length and died it black. She also got into cocaine and meth. She smokes at least once a day. She never really went out of the house. She cried herself to sleep every night.
Sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor where Jason was shot. She stared at the words
“Blood runs through the veins
that cry blue which makes me
suffer in the pain of purple”
She made a deep cut right above the words on her left wrist. She layed my arm on my leg and started to cry as every tear hit the cut on my wrist it felt like being stabbed with a thousand needles in the arm.
She picked up the gun which layed in front of her that she got a week ago. She held it to her chest and started to cry.
I LOVE YOU JA--------


“Hello, this is Whitney Tanner again
we were notified that there’s been
a suicide committed by a 16 Year old
girl named, Nicole Ann Cruz,
we’ve lost two children in the matter of
two weeks.”

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