» Fiction » Divine Interlude, Gemini [best beach reads of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Divine Interlude, Gemini [best beach reads of all time txt] 📗». Author Gemini

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Chapter 1

O…ba…ma…, O…ba…ma.., O…ba…ma., These were the chants heard as Antonio, Spider and myself walked into The Lava Lounge, a trendy hotspot on the south side of town. The place always had a decent crowd, but tonight there was something different about the atmosphere. Decorated with banners, balloons and posters of Obama It was as if this was his national headquarters.
We all filled the room believing in the same mission of “Yes We Can”. From every spectrum of the business world, entry level to CEO’s to non entry or in between jobs we stood there with the same hope and relentless faith as we watched CNN count electoral votes.
With any social environment there will be socializing and once my eyes caught those of my future first lady I was ready to open up the lines of communication.
There were two women sitting at a table watching CNN and for a moment I stood from a distance to gather in there beauty. One was light-skinned, with hypnotic green eyes and shoulder length hair. The other was caramel toned, long jet black hair with blond highlights and two strands on the side of her face like T-Boz.
My cousin Antonio and best friend Spider were playing pool. The fact that the two of them weren’t arguing about who was better at what, was an historic event of its own. Then again the night was young.
As I walked toward the table with the beautiful women, I stopped at the bar and talked to my girl Ivey. I was a regular at the Lava Lounge and I always took care of Ivey under the table and she always gave me my drinks with that in mind. I was schooled to take care of those that take care of you. And having a friend that was a bartender came in hand, especially when you find yourself on a date with a woman that can drink most men under the table. Regardless of what you heard in a song, it’s still trickin even when you do got it. I ordered some drinks for Antonio and Spider and a waitress took them over to them and I ordered something for myself.
Excuse me, I just wanted to introduce myself. I extended my hand half way hoping she would make the effort to meet me the rest of the way. Our hands became one, I took notice that hers were soft, freshly manicured and without a ring. Hi, I am Marcus and I just want to say that I don’t think it’s fair that you didn’t get to vote in the most historic election just because of your felony. Her and her friend looked at each other with a puzzled, but curious look on there face. “Felony? What felony is that?”, she asked. To be this beautiful you had to steal it, If I compare you to everybody else in the club I’m wondering why they let all these ugly motherfuckers in here. They both bust out laughing, and I joined in. The light skinned one said, “that was not nice”, the other said very original, so are you just trying out your new material.
Before I answered her question, I motioned over to Ivey that I was ready for my order. Ivey brought me a bottle of Moet on ice and 3 glasses. As I filled each glass I asked them both if they would have a toast with me. Whats your angle Marcus, what do you want from me? I paused and looked her in the eyes, I just want your name, I replied.
My name, and then what. Well then I can do a background check, we all laughed. Or I can just leave knowing the name of the woman that captured my attention from the Presidential election. My name is Charlene and this is my best friend Kenya. It has been my pleasure to meet you both, I raised my glass, “to new beginnings, including friendships and presidents”. I’ll drink to that, Kenya said. Well have a goodnight ladies, I left my tab open so my girl Ivey can take care of whatever else you need. Oh and Charlene to answer your earlier question, comedians try out new material. I on the other hand am very serious and sincere, you are a beautiful woman. I learned very important lessons about women from my sister Michelle and female cousins. They taught me to always leave a woman wanting more. Give them laughter, love, excitement and orgasms and they will be yours. A woman wants to feel her presence is sought after, so I made sure I left Charlene with the intention that she was being chased.
Another hour had passed and things were looking good for Barack Obama, he had a very strong lead and the atmosphere reflected that. People were high fiving each other and raising there hands in the air as a motion like they were pushing the mythical invisible ceiling a little higher.
Before Marcus had even come over to the table Kenya and I noticed him walk thru the door. He stood about 6’2’’ and his swagger was about equal height. He was wearing a black suit with a white and grey colored pin stripe shirt, perfectly coordinated tie and cufflings. A watch that sparkled but wasn’t to flashy, girl he is wearing ferragamo shoes, Kenya said. Kenya was in the modeling industry so fashion was one of her strong points. I think the suit is Ferragamo also, he has some style about himself, she added.
After he made the toast and left his tab open for me and Kenya he walked away but his swagger stayed in my memory. “Girl you better get at that fine ass man”, Kenya screamed. I could already tell that he had a different approach then most men, I mean if any other brotha were to buy you a drink they think that is a down payment for the rest of the night. They assume that you want to sit and listen to them talk about themselves, I was so tired of hearing the I’m starting my own business or I’m an entrepreneur tired of working for the man. Kenya and I made that eye contact and we were both thinking the same thing, this brotha ain’t got no job.
The moment we had all been waiting for came a little after midnight, Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States of America. The Lava Lounge erupted in cheers, people that never met before tonight were hugging each other, laughing and exited about change. I had begin to shed a few tears along with many others as we all watched President Elect Obama accept America’s vote of confidence. My tears begin to flow like a river as I watched Jesse Jackson, a civil rights icon also shed tears. I wondered what this moment was like for him and people like my father that lived in a time where change was still a dream only spoke of in a speech. Marcus walked by and saw the tears in my eyes, “Charlene I would have stayed if I knew you were going to cry about me leaving” he said smiling. The Dj announced that it was now time to turn this political party into a celebration, and then Young Jezzy song My President came on. Everybody in the Lounge sung along with great pride as the chorus went “my president is black”. Marcus handed me a napkin, here clean your beautiful face, you heard the Dj it’s time to celebrate. After I wiped away my tears Marcus and I went out onto the dance floor and got our groove on. He fit up against my body like a hand in a glove. If OJ’s hand fit like this he would still be in jail. Marcus felt perfect up against me. “Marcus why are we slow dancing to Young Jezzy”, I whispered. I want you to get familiar with being in my arms, and having me this close to you, he replied. After a few more dances we decided to go have a drink and continue our conversation.
Marcus didn’t let go for the remainder of the night and I must say I didn’t want him to let me go. We had a mutual hold on each other, he didn’t just talk about himself but he also inquired about me. I gave him my background, told him my name was Charlene D Williams a Marketing Specialist of a high profile advertising company. Graduated with honors from Wake Forest University and at the age of 27 is a member of the unestablished group B.B.S, black beautiful and successful. He told me his name was Marcus Levar Creed, the CEO of an architecture firm called Creed Dynamic Designs. He started his company in his last year of attending North Carolina A&T. It started out as residential designs, but through years of networking he went from making dream homes to the lucrative career of commercial designs.
We sat at a table in a secluded corner as if the other hundred people there didn’t exist. We enjoyed each others company, talked about everything from goals to relationships. A few comments about the people around us from the women who looked to be dancing for tips to the “baller” that walked around with a pimp cup that spelled out “Nasty G” in cubic zirconium, we laughed as we noticed this so called pimp was wearing penny loafers with quarters in them, we figured that was probably his life savings.
After last call, I told Charlene I was going to go settle my tab and that I would walk her and Kenya to her car. When I got Ivey’s attention to settle my bill, she handed me my card and told me that it had already been takin care of. I asked by who and she pointed to Charlene. The fact that Charlene took care of the tab showed me that she was a very independent woman and definitely different than most woman I have met.
I walked Charlene to her car, a black Lincoln Navigator with tan leather interior. I didn’t want the night to end and Charlene didn’t seem to want to leave either. She reached inside her car and grabbed a pen and some paper so we could exchange numbers. I gave her my house and work number, pager, cell and e-mail address. She laughed and said, “Maybe I should’ve given you a bigger piece of paper.” I laughed with her, “If you would’ve, I would have given you my home address too.” “Charlene, why didn’t you let me pay for the tab, are you one of those I don’t need no man to do anything for me types” I curiously questioned. “It’s not that Marcus, I just don’t like anyone to feel like I have my hand out or that I owe them something”, she confidently replied. Are you the type that feels like your manhood is taken away when a woman buys you a drink?, she added. No I just don’t like to feel like I owe a woman anything, I said smiling. Well its too late, I paid and you owe me, so when I call I expect to collect with interest.

Chapter 2

Charlene got into her car, fiddled with her CD player, then she put her hands into my hands and

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