» Fiction » A Hard Life, Mutter8 [best books for 20 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «A Hard Life, Mutter8 [best books for 20 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Mutter8

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"Will you hurry up Martha? Jeez! You're as slow as a snail!" that was the first thing I always heard when I first woke up. My older sister yelling at me. I knew the only reason she did it was to irritate me but I didn't care. It was still rude to scream at me from the bottom of the stairs. Not wanting to get into any more trouble then I was probably in, I jumped out of bed and hurriedly changed into my school uniform. I was just about to head out when I heard my sister scream again.
"Martha! We're going to be late. Now if you don't get down here I'm leaving without you!"
"I'm coming! Jeez Stacey! You got to give me a minute to get out of bed. Just because you can jump out of bed looking gorgeous doesen't mean that I do. I actually have to deal with my hair."
"Okay, what ever. Just get out to the car."
With that we headed out. I knew that since it was Monday I was going to have a miserable day at school. I always did. And that was for one reason, and one reason only. My friends weren't going to be there. They always ditched Mondays. I don't know why but it really irritated me.

Chapter One

I hurried into the school, and to my locker. There was the usual buzz as everyone talked about their weekend. I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. Heck. The most exciting thing I had done was babysit. But at least I had thirty bucks to show for it. Not really watching where I was going I ran into some one. I looked up and saw one of the strangest boys in the school looking at me. I quickly mumbled, "Sorry." and walked away.
There was just one thing that made him so strange. His skin. It was really pale. Like paper pale. Almost as if he didn't get any sun.
'Don't worry about it.' I told myself. 'Just hurry up and get to class. You don't need another detention. Mom's all ready peeved at you because of that F on your history project.'
I hurridly put my things in my locker and almost ran to my home room. Sitting down right as the bell rang, my teacher gave me an annoyed look.
"Cutting it a bit close again. Aren't we Miss Kindler?"
"Hey, I made it. So there fore you can't mark me tardy. Now can you drop it? Blame my sister. She's the one responsible for getting me up."
"Okay. Well just remember. I'm watching you."
He always said that. It was one of the most annoying things about him. He was also kind of a creeper. Because he really did watch most of the people here. Almost as if he was just waiting for someone to do something bad. Suddenly the announcements interrupted my thoughts.
"Hello everybody. As you all know we are having an assembly today. Any ways other then that the lunch for today will be a salad, orange, milk, and a slice of pie. Thank you all. Now will you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?"
Everybody in my class stood and in unision said the pledge. After that we went to our first hour class. Fortunately I wasn't late for that. Our math teacher was a huge witch. I pretty much spaced out while she lectured about square roots and angles. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the door open. I looked up to see the boy from earlier standing there.
"Hello Damian. What do you need?" our teacher asked somewhat pleasantly.
"They switched my schedule and so now I'm stuck in here. Do you have a place for me to sit?"
"Umm... Oh yes! Right over there by Miss Kindler."
I knew she was going to put him there. It was the only open seat in the class.
"Thank you." he said blushing a little. It was the only pair in the entire room with a boy girl mix. Every one else was sitting with their friends.
He walked over and sat down in the seat next to me.
"Hello Martha." he said still blushing.
"Hi Damian." I wasn't very happy about this. I was kind of a loner besides my two friends that were gone all the time. So having to sit next to someone really ticked me off. I didn't care if it was the only seat open. All the teachers knew that I didn't like people close to me.
After that our math teacher just droned on about things that I all ready knew plenty about. I didn't see why they didn't move me up a grade. I was supposed to be there anyways. And I had enough experience with all of them. Suddenly the fire alarm went off jolting me out of my thoughts.
The teacher ushered us outside to the front of the school. I figured it was just a drill. This school very rarely had fires. It turned out I was right. We went back inside and the rest of my classes before lunch went without incident.

Chapter Two

I walked to the lunch line and grabbed a tray. As I was getting my food I heard someone say my name. I turned around to see Damian right behind me.
"Hi Martha."
Oh my gosh. Why did he keep pestering me? Just because he sat next to me in math didn't mean anything.
"What do you want Damian? Just because you sit next to me in math and well all my other classes doesen't mean you need to talk to me all the time."
"Well actually I was hoping to sit with you at lunch. My buds kind of shunned me."
"Well then they're obviuously not your 'buds'. Idiot." I muttered under my breath.
After that he left me alone. Unfortunately when my friends weren't here that also gave the popular kids a chance to pick on me. Mostly it was the boys. Fortunately the only people I hung out with were boys so I knew how to handle them. But that also meant that my friends were boys and that meant I got teased alot more.
"Hey Martha." one of the cheer leaders said. "Where are your body gaurds? Did they ditch again?"
"They don't ditch Clarissa. Now if you don't imnd I have to get to English." with that I tried to keep on walking but someone stepped in front of me. I looked up to see Clarissa's boy friend.
"Oh come one Martha. You know they ditch. Just admit it."
"You know what Dave? Back off!" I yelled. It made him kind of back up but he went right back to looking some what frightening.
"How about no? I like teasing you. It's fun." he said toying with my braids.
I slapped his hand away and started walking to my class. The halls were starting to empty. "Dude leave my hair alone. You know I don't like being touched."
"I use that to my advantage." he said toying with my braids again. And once again I slapped his hand away. "DAVE! I told you to back off. Now if you don't mind I have to go to English and you have to go to math. Now move out of my way." I said shoving past him. He caught hold of my braids tugging on them.
'That's it.' I thought to myself. 'I'm tired of being bullied.'
I turned back around and with one swift move punched him and knocked the wind out of him. I think they had forgotten that I had been on the boxing and wrestling team. I was a tomboy and they just hadn't realized that. I grabbed his hand and twisted until he started whimpering.
"Leave me the hell alone. Or next time I will get the principal. And if he doesen't do something then I'll break every bone in your body." with that I dropped his hand and walked to English. They fortunately left me alone for the rest of the day. Now the only thing I had to avoid when I got home was my fashion model mom.

Chapter Three

I walked, or more like ran, into my house. I had just gotten off the bus. My sister had soccer practice after school so I had to ride the bus home. I stopped and listened carefully. I didn't hear my mom so that was good.
She was always trying to girl me up. It drove me nuts and she knew it, so I didn't understand why she did it. Probably for that very reason.
I was pretty in a kind of geeky way. I had brown hair that I always wore in pig tails. My face had freckles all over it. I didn't bother with make up though. And my clothes were kind of plain. I usually wore shorts, pants, or capris. And my shirts were just as boring. It was usually a regular T-Shirt.
Suddenly hearing my mom's car outside I ran upstairs, into my room, and locked the door. She didn't come in if the door was locked. That meant I was either changing or napping. And that was the only way I ever got left alone. I quickly and quietly changed and went to my bed looking through my homework. After looking through it all I was satisfied and laid down on my bed.
My mom came in calling my name. I stayed quiet so she wouldn't come up. Eventually I heard her walk through the living room and to the kitchen. She started rummaging through the fridge and apparently found something because she closed the fridge.
I stayed in my room until dinner. That was the only time when I went downstairs. For meal times. Other than that I stayed by myself.

Chapter Four

I walked down stairs to the kithchen. My mom looked up as she heard me walk in. What she said to me next was kind of surprising.
"You know Martha. I don't like you hiding by your self. It's not healthy. I think you need to take some counseling. Or therapy."
"NO! Mom you know what happened when I took counseling. They had to sedate me and I ended up in a phsycho ward for three months. And even now I have to take meds! I'm not going back there. I'm fine."
"No, Martha, you're not. You have an appointment tomorrow right after school. I'll be there to pick you up."
"Oh please Mom no. You know how embarassing that is. If you let me take the bus home I'll go to the appointment."
"All right. I guess we can do that."
"Thank you!"
After that we started eating. My mom throwing me nervous glances the entire time. You see when I was about ten I got kidnapped. I didn't see the light of day for a year. And when they finally found me I wasn't quite right. I wouldn't talk to any one. I didn't want to do any thing. Finally my mom sent me to therapy. There all I did was play with the little dolls that the therapist had. And in counseling I had blown up at the counselor and had practically killed him. That's when they had to sedate me and once again I ended up in a little prison sort of thing. The only thing different was that I actually got to see the light of day. But that's why I don't like being touched. The people who stole me had beat me.
Suddenly someone was shaking

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