» Fiction » The awakening of the half-breed, BB [books for 5 year olds to read themselves TXT] 📗
  • Author: BB

Book online «The awakening of the half-breed, BB [books for 5 year olds to read themselves TXT] 📗». Author BB

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The return of the jerks!

As they climbed on shore out of the boats I changed into my new favorite form. A tigress. As I saw Lennie, Mel, Lily and Dude come on shore, I noticed Mel and Dude holding hands, and Lennie and Lily holding hands. Of course they would be. They betrayed me, so why not be together?! "We know your here!" "Come out now!" "It wasn't what it looked like!" Lennie, and Lily had yelled. I laughed and laughed and laughed. It wasn't what it looked like. Lennie had just pretended to like me to become Alpha and then went and cheated on me with Lily. It was exactly what it looked like! "Please!!!" I could hear fake desperation. I walked away from the voices with Max right by me. I walked to the other side of the island and got into a boat with the only thing I loved. I was human now and I slowly sailed away from the one place I thought safe, but it seemed that no place is safe for me for people only want me for power.

I didn't know where to go...or what I was going to do... I just knew I had to get away. I felt like something bit me on the neck and I slapped at it, only to find it was a sleeping dart. No! I was not going to be someone's power outlet! I felt tired, but continued on, until finally I couldn't stay awake. As the bottom of the boat came towards me and black surrounded me I said "Max...I love you, get away if you can." And then the world was gone. The world, my world was gone. I no longer had a world. It was thrown upside down and this way and that. I no longer was anyone. I was no one. I was a nameless thing in the universe that meant nothing to anyone. I was useless. I was no more, I...I was just a thing. A thing that had no name, and now did not feel. I realized that now. I didn't feel anymore. I felt no emotion. I didn't need to feel, because no one felt for me, so why should I feel at all. And at that point I shut down. I no longer felt. I was numb.

I soon woke up, but did not open my eyes. I found that I was tied or chained to some object. I did not care. Let them kill me if they wish. "When is she going to wake up?" It was a female voice. One that sounded of a young child. I heard worry in the voice, but I did not believe it. No one cared for me. I did not care for me. "Soon." This was one of a male. He sounded around 25-30. "Why did she have a dog?" This was the young child. "I don't know Millie." The male. "I am awake for I am just waiting for you to kill me." I said as I opened my eyes, now unforgiving and red. They probably looked cold and fathomless. Unloving and uncaring. I looked around and found I was in a cage, chained to the floor of it. The small girl named Millie, looked around 7. She had black hair, that of the color of a raven, ocean blue eyes, and the palest of skin. He lips looked the color of cherry and had a sun dress on with flowers all over it. The male, looked around 28, had shaggy brown hair and the same eyes, his lips had the same color as well. He wore a simple black t-shirt, with a jacket over it and simple black jeans. I looked at my own attire, and found that it was the same black leather clothing. I had let my hair grow, and it was quite long. I had cut the bangs though,to cover my right eye. I found Max beside me in the cage, chained to the wall by a collar. I too had a collar around my neck, which was fastened to the wall. "Why would we kill you?" "Ah, so you wish to torture me and then kill me. And why? Well because no one does not wish to, so why not save them the hassle. Or are you going to sell me for money, and let them kill me?" I heard the anger and aggression in my own voice, but kept it cool, cold, calm and collected. "Why would we do any of those things?!?!" He asked. "For I am me. Because all people want me for is power. Because I am a mix of all races and no one does not wish to harm me. No one does not wish to use me for power. So why would you be any different?!" I had pure anger in my voice now, and the chains upon me began to melt. "Why would anyone be any different?! Every person is the same! All of them are pain! Pain and suffering!" I had stood up, and snapped the chains off of me. "Give me one good reason why you wouldn't kill me!" I screamed at him. "For we are like you." "And why should I believe you?!" "Because I love you."

Love?! ? What the Hell is up with that?! Ya right!

I burst into laughter. It wasn't happy laughter, it was cold, hard, uncaring laughter. I could feel my eyes turn cold and uncaring and the cage turn to brittle ice. "Right. That's why I'm in a cage, and you kidnapped me, right?!" "The cage was for your own protection." I again began to laugh. "Right. Protect me by chaining me down to a cage, that's great! Really great plan! And how could you be like me?! hmm? No one is and no one can understand!!!" My rage was slowly rekindling. "Because when you went on a killing spree in the city you bit us!" My eyes were stones now. Black stones. I remembered that day. I had been running for quite a while and had seen a small city. I drained quite a few people, but apparently I hadn't finished these two off. Hmm, too bad. "Well sorry to have cursed you, I think you would be better dead, the same for myself. That also explains why you so called "love" me. It is because of the bond, between the person who turned you and the person that was turned. So you do not actually love me." Now was my chance, they were hurt, and the ice was breakable. I unlocked Max, and broke the ice. I simply walked out and continued on my way out of the house. I turned the corner and found a sitting room. It had them in it. "He" saw me and started coming towards me. "Blue! It wasn't what you think!" "One more step and your miserable existence will be over." I hissed through teeth as the floor began to melt a few feet in front of him. I slowly began to walk again, keeping my eyes on him. Random question to ask myself now, but how old am I? I didn't keep track. Oh well. I had made it to the front door, when the man flew in front of me again saying "No you can't leave." "Watch me." I melted a hole in the wall, and walked outside into a snow storm. I began to run, with Max in my arms. I looked to my right to find those two there again. I yelled in rage. "Why are you following me like lost puppies!?!?!" I was pissed, and apparently that made it snow harder. "Because you are going to stay if you like it or not! You have to give people a chance! You have to learn to trust!" He had to yell over the roar of the blizzard. "Trust is earned, not learned!" I screamed back. I made the blizzard so that I could barely see and ran, making my foot falls light and noiseless, yet extremely fast. I stopped for a minute and then ran into the forest. I felt like a trapped animal. Trapped with no way out. I heard laughter all around me, and turned to find a wolf laughing at me. A white wolf. I lunged at it's throat and was glad when I felt it's blood run down my own throat, but sad when it stopped. I stepped back to look at the dead body before me and simply walked away. One down, 7 billion more to go. I sighed quietly and continued my walk in the woods, with Max by my side.

I heard someone scream. And then begin to cry. Aww to bad. They found the body. I contiued on. I looked down and realized I had no shoes. Where were my shoes? Aww well, lost 'em. I looked up and bumped into his chest. The man that still had no name. "You killed him!" "Yes, yes I did." I continued on my walk. "Why?!" "He ruined my life. What is your name?" "Spike, yours is Blue right?" I went rigid stiff. Like a piece of cardboard. That was my name? "I honestly don't remember, and I don't like that name." "What name would you like?" "Black Rose." "Ok. But why kill him? What did he do that ruined your life?" "Pretended to like me to become Alpha Male, then cheated, etc." "Oh. I wouldn't do that. Please just stay for a little while?" "I told you it's just the master-creator bond, you don't love me, and I can't stay, I have an island to tend to." "HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S THAT STUPID BOND, AND NOT THE FACT THAT I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU?!" This startled me. "Because no one loves me." "But I do!"

>.< the silent treatment

I went over to the nearest tree and began banging my head against it. "I..(bang)..hate...(bang), bang)" That tree fell down, so I moved to the next one. "Life..(bang)..fuckin...(bang)" That tree also fell down, so I went to another, because there was no brick wall. "Why..(bang)"
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