» Fiction » the story of an army slave, Tessa Teo [dar e dil novel online reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «the story of an army slave, Tessa Teo [dar e dil novel online reading .TXT] 📗». Author Tessa Teo

Troops of Chinese soldiers marched along the streets of China. Parents were killed and children of all ages were being dragged out of their houses. Soon, almost every child in the country had been kidnapped, and there was only one child left. That was, the daughter of the Tham family.

The Tham household was already aware of what was going on. Mrs. Tham grabbed her five-year–old daughter’s hand and started to look for a way to save her beloved child. But unfortunately, it was too late. Two soldiers came barging into house. “ No! Please don’t take her!’ Mrs. Tham pleaded. She begged for mercy continuously. However, the soldier had a heart of pure ice. She simply took out her rifle, and the next minute, all was silent. After that, they dragged the little girl out of the house. “Wahh! I want my mummy!” she cried. But all she was given was a tight slap across the face. “Shut Up!” commanded Sergeant Cheang Kit Lea, “ Listen, you work for me now. So you better follow my orders or I’ll kill you!” The little girl immediately stopped crying. How ever, that night, she cried herself to sleep. How was she going to survive? She had no family to turn to and was only five. Although young, she knew her life was never going to be the same again. A few years later ……

“Sherlyn! Get me my rifle now!” demanded Sergeant Cheang. “Yes Miss Cheang,” she replied obediently. She was so used to being ordered around by everyone ever since she was five. Now, at age thirteen, she was being ordered around even more. She lugged the rifle to the impatient sergeant. “Why are you so slow?” she shouted at Sherlyn, as she gave her a hard blow across the back of her head, causing Sherlyn to fall to the ground. “Pick yourself up you lazy thing!” boomed Sergeant Cheang as she strode away, leaving Sherlyn alone. Wiping away tears, she immediately ran after Sergeant Cheang. She had been through that routine everyday, in and out. But no matter how badly Sergeant Cheang treated her, she never dared to complain. After all, Sergeant Cheang had made it loud and clear; one wrong word could cost her her life. And even if Sergeant Cheang would let her get away with it, she didn’t have the guts to complain. After eight terrible years as Sergeant Cheang’s slave, all the courage she ever had in her was knocked out. Suddenly, “Ring!” “Sherlyn, you’re dismissed. But only for fifteen minutes!” The lunch bell had rung and Sergeant Cheang let Sherlyn go. “Thank you Miss Cheang,” she said. Giving a little bow, she headed for the cafeteria.

By the time Sherlyn reached the cafeteria, everyone was already seated. Everyone stared at her as she scurried to her seat. She had been long waiting for her lunch. However, when she looked at her food, she almost lost her appetite. The portions were small and the food was disgusting. However, Sherlyn ate her meal as if it were a feast fit for a king. Half way through her meal, Sherlyn raised her head, wanting to know what time it was. After one look at the clock, she immediately got up and headed for the Sergeant Cheang’s office. She was late and she knew she was in hot soup. When she finally reached her destination, Sergeant Cheang was already waiting for her, her whip lopped around her arm. “Why are you so late? I told you to come back after fifteen minutes!” questioned Sergeant Cheang. “I…I…”stuttered Sherlyn, only to be interrupted. “Don’t disturb me with your excuses. Kneel down!” she ordered. With no other choice, Sherlyn knelt down, trembling in pain and shame as Sergeant Cheang whipped her mercilessly. After a while of this terrible torture, Sergeant cheang finally re-looped the whip and marched away. After Sergeant cheang had left, Sherlyn sat up straight with a blur look on her face. But the truth was that she was deep in thought. “Why can’tMiss Cheang see that I am taking great pains to serve her? Why must she persist on ignoring my tears of pain? If only… if only…” Just as she had got deeper into thought, Sergeant Cheang interrupted it. “Sherlyn! Stop daydreaming and hurry up!” and at that, Sherlyn pulled herself together and followed after Sergeant Cheang.

For the rest of the day it was “Sherlyn do this” and “Sherlyn do that”. If Sherlyn was a little late, she was punished. Whether she did anything right or wrong, she was always scolded. The poor girl was starving but Sergeant Cheang did not give a care about her. Time leached by. After what seemed like an eternity, the dinner bell finally rang. Sherlyn almost jumped with joy and she headed for the cafeteria. But unfortunately, Sergeant Cheang had other plans for her. “Sherlyn, don’t go just yet. It’s time you learnt a lesson on punctuality. You are to stay in this here without anything to eat until I dismiss you,” said Sergeant Cheang. And at that, she slammed the door and locked Sherlyn in alone. Not knowing what else to do, she sat on the floor and started to weep. How she wished a fairy godmother could come and set her free. However, she was living in reality. There were no fairies or princes to rescue her. It was only her and Sergeant Cheang.

Sherlyn watched the door in Sergeant Cheang’s office like a hawk. She could hear her stomach rumble as time slowly passed. She could feel her eyelids grow heavy too. She started drifting off to sleep. Slowly… slowly…

“Sherlyn!” She immediately woke up with a start. Imagine her horror when she found Sergeant Cheang standing right in front of her. “What are you doing lazing around?” she asked in a serious tone. “Sor…sorry Miss Che…Cheang,” replied Sherlyn nervously. “Sorry won’t fix anything. Go stand in the corner until I let you off.” Without a word, Sherlyn went to the corner. She had to stand absolutely straight for if she were to slouch, Sergeant Cheang would take out her whip and hit Sherlyn hard across the back. So, Sherlyn stood on, her legs were tired, her back aching, tears streaming down her tear stained face. She could feel her heart beat faster by the minute. She held her breath, waiting for the time that Sergeant Cheang would finally release her. She felt as though time would never pass. Finally, without looking up, Sergeant Cheang said “Sherlyn, you may go.” Struggling to give a bow, she limped to her room. Even though she had a private room of her own, she was still unlucky to get it. It was the room next to Sergeant Cheang’s office. It was no bigger than a broom closet. Inside it, there was only a bed and the three uniforms that she had. Sherlyn lay on her broken bed, shivering in the cold. Although the next day was Sunday, she surely wasn’t looking forward to it ……

“Sherlyn! Get up now!” Sherlyn groggily got up and rubbed her bleary eyes. Rubbing her face tiredly, she hauled herself up.

Sergeant Cheang burst into her room, whip in hand. “Stupid Pig! Get up!” she screamed. “Yes Miss Cheang,” said Sherlyn. The dreaded day had come again. Sunday was the day every one in the army could relax. That was, everyone except for Sherlyn. In fact, Sunday was always her busiest day of all. After washing up, she immediately started on her chores. Scrubbing the floors and polishing the equipment. Dusting the furniture and scouring the toilets. After lunch, she had to wash all the dishes. After that came the part Sherlyn hated most. Sergeant Cheang’s inspection.

Back rod straight, Sherlyn stood with her heart in her mouth. Sergeant Cheang paced around the room, inspecting her boots, guns, everything. Then, she turned around and faced Sherlyn. “Go back!” she said curtly and strode of the room. Intense happiness filled Sherlyn. Sergeant Cheang could n

ot find anything wrong. She ran back to her room to enjoy a well-deserved rest. At around three o’ clock, Sergeant Cheang ordered for Sherlyn to go to her office. It was time for her afternoon chores. She rushed to Sergeant Cheang’s office. Every Sunday afternoon, she was made to tidy Sergeant Cheang’s office. And she had to do it before time was up. She scrubbed everywhere and tidied everything. Suddenly ……

Sergeant Cheang came into the room. Bead’s of perspiration trickled down her face as she watched Sergeant Cheang inspect her office. “This is far from my expectations, you stupid girl. Go fetch your toothbrush. Sherlyn ran as fast as her legs could carry her and got her toothbrush. “You are to clean this room with your toothbrush. This time, I expect it to be spotless,” ordered Sergeant Cheang as she strode away. Sighing, Sherlyn set to work. Her brush was small, the room was big and the job was tedious. But eventually, she managed to clean every nook and corner of the room. And just in time. Sergeant Cheang walked into the room. “Fine, you may leave,” she said. After a quick dinner, she went back to her room. Every bone in her body was tired. As she placed her head on the bed, she started drifting off to sleep.

“Bang! Bang!” Sherlyn woke up with a start. She ran outside to see what was going on. Apparently, the army was under attack. China was at war. The soldiers armed themselves with their rifles and Sherlyn stood by for orders. Suddenly, something caught her eye. Someone was about to shoot Sergeant Cheang! “ Miss Cheang! Look out!” But unfortunately, Sergeant Cheang could not hear her. At that point, Sherlyn knew she had to make her biggest sacrifice.

“Bang!” Sergeant Cheang turned around. She was shocked to see that she was unharmed. But she was even more shocked to see Sherlyn on the ground, her eyes closed, a bullet through her heart. Sergeant Cheang fell to her knees as she bent over her loyal slave. She now regretted the eight years that she had mistreated the poor girl. But it was too late. Sherlyn was dead. Just then, Sergeant Cheang got up. Fighting back tears, she said“ Let’s win this war, for China. For Sherlyn.”


Publication Date: 04-17-2010

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