» Fiction » Goodnight, my dearest, Anjelica Cano [books to read in your 20s female TXT] 📗

Book online «Goodnight, my dearest, Anjelica Cano [books to read in your 20s female TXT] 📗». Author Anjelica Cano

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I looked far away from where I was standing. The view was breathtaking, I wish I could stand there and look at the scenery like a statue and not think of the reason why the queen and the king who coincidentally are my parents. I don’t know what came up with them but nobody can know not even the people outside the palace cannot know that is why people that have known about the crisis have been ruled to be silent and not even say a word about their “trip”. Instead we lead our people to think that the king and the queen are on “vacation” due to the recent events that not only the royal made shuddered but the whole people of the island. Weeks before this crisis happened my mother bore a child, a daughter. Everybody, people from our island heard the news and celebrated with us, but as we celebrate not even a day has passed only a couple of hours passed us by and the newborn princess has been called ill.

Three days passed and still no improvement on her improvement. In closed doors I could hear my mother weep for my sister and my father cursing and kept telling my mother that it was supposed to happen that they shouldn’t have wish for another and gained hope that that my little sister will live like the rest of the family, at that I felt silent not thinking of anything. Silently I prayed for her to heal and silently I cried and once I was outside the doors of my room I put on a smile on my face and never let them know that I was hurting. Then one night I heard my mother screamed at the top of her lungs and her scream was of grief and nothing else. Almost the whole palace awaken when they heard her scream by them I ran to her room but nobody was their and so I felt my feet ran to the direction to my little sister’s room, my mind was screaming with ache, my heart was beating so fat that I can feel it almost breaking free from my rib cage. When I reached the door I felt myself breathe deeply, I didn’t notice that I stopped breathing when I started running to this door. The door was opened and there I saw my mother weeping g and in her hands was my younger sister. My father looked at the windows with a blank stare and I noticed the heaven’s is crying as well.

I’ll never forget that night, because I saw my whole family in pain. I was standing at the door and my leg felt weak. I wanted to fall in the ends of the earth or just fall asleep forever and awake only to find that my little sister was fast asleep, but the truth was in front of my face as though it have been thrown to my face and it hurted too bad and thinking it was just a dream is just a fact of my denial and it will also prove that I have lost my sanity. I’ll always remember her because she reminds me of myself with her features and smile. First was her hair it was black as mine, shiny, and smooth even as a child I can see that in hers and her eyes it was identical to mine. An exact replica of me except for one thing we have e different skin color though even with that she was my reflection, my younger self. The day se was born my mother was shocked, pleased and silently she whispered to me “you have a younger twin” I was overjoyed and a smile crept to my lips as she looks at me looking to see my reaction. Although with all the similarities she has the same color as the half of our people have, she was like my parents and my older brother, and they all have a fair skin while I was pale white. When I was born the whole island didn’t even celebrated my birth as it was told to me by a dear friend like how the people celebrated for my brother and sister’s birth. At that time the people of the whole island treated me as an outsider but as time grows by they al learned I was the same with them only that I may have a caught a none dangerous disease that made my skin pale white. I didn’t now who spread those incredulous rumors but I was thankful to that person. Though, I once remember that my father told me a story about my great great grandmother who is identical to me. Same hair, same eyes and same pale skin and most of all we had the same problem of being bashed out but with those she was one of a kind in her time, my father glistened when he told me about the story about her. He said she was the kind of girl that everyone loved if ever given a chance. Her life story was charming, she was a princess that has been loved by all at one point and still is but every life has a travesty in which her parents; the king and the queen suddenly both died in the forest where there body was found in the river their cause of death was because of drowning but the princess was denial or so thought by the others. My father said her name is Viola and as the only living royal after her parents’ death she became the greatest queen or even a king could ever be, for she made this island what it is right now, a country that lives peacefully. In time she got married though not one of the nobles was cut to be her husband. Queen Viola wasn’t picky my father said but she wanted true love not nobles who wanted power and money from the royal family and so she succeeded in finding g that true love. A normal fisherman in the looks but he truly loved Olivia. Thought not a noble my father described him as one of the intellectual human being the island has ever seen. In their marriage, Queen Olivia bore a son; the prince became the bravest and the most adored king in his reign. When the prince became of age, Queen Olivia left and never came back. She left a not saying;

“To my dearest,

I have been waiting for this day to come for the right time for me to walk away from my duties not only as a Queen but also as a wife, a mother, a friend and a lover. Though, I’ll be away, always remember that I love you all so much especially you my son and your father. I’m sorry for walking away from you, please do not hate me with so much rage in your heart but I’ll understand if you do hate right now. But I’ll always hope for you to forgive me. No need to worry I’ll always be safe for you, cry if you must but always remember you are not alone and I’ll always watch over you and your father.

From a mother, a wife, a lover,
A friend and most of all from the Queen Olivia.

P.s. Live to the life. Reach for the skies and there beyond a star that light so dim, in shadows it hid will watch over you.

That was the end of her reign. There were stories about her that live on forever, others was written in history while some only the ones in her bloodline shall ever know. I looked around stopping my own thoughts and realize that nobody was following me anymore, that I was all alone and silent was all to myself. Tonight there will be a masquerade ball for my the prince’s twenty first birthday, we both wanted it to be a simple celebration nothing grand but as we both know, our parents had left with strict orders that the palace must follow and so as expected his birthday will not only be gran but extravagant not exactly like the other balls I have been through in my short life, this party will always be remember in my brothers life and there won’t be any of comparison to others. Through my eyes the garden in my view is so peaceful, selfless and silent and then as if I was in a trance my own two feet began to run and there I felt the grass in my bare feet. I don’t know how I got out of my shoes but I’m glad I’m out of it. I don’t remember since when I felt this but I was free, I’m a bird that suddenly has been released from their grasp and my cage has been open and I’m free to fly away and not think of the past or even the future, I’m just here, I’m in the present not in the past nor in the future, free of thoughts, free from pain, free from obligations, free from tears. That was what I thought free from tears, how funny that would be? Now my vision became a blur and warm tears came streaming down my face. This time I won’t be afraid I won’t be afraid of someone might find me tearing up and just pity me from my back, more than I could handle. Still, I can feel my knees weaken and then I headed for the maze. I thought of noting and my strength return, once I know that I was in the middle of it I slumped down and held tightly to my knees. I curled up in the grass and I closed my eyes and silently cried. My7 thoughts then ran to my little sister, I love her even before she was born, I became an older sister, I was to take care of her, make her smile when she needed me to but all of that came crashing down in just a few days. She’s my baby sister, she’ll look up to me and I’ll me a good role model to her. Then there was my parents, who loved her as much as I did, I can’t imagine what they are feeling right now. Always having to fake a smile in front of the people to reassure them that we have move on, that we understand why the heavens have taken her and that we have accepted this fate of hers. I hated this, why should we have love her so much just to be taken from us in a few days? Why? We did everything that is to be done. We were good and still are. We did everything in our power to keep this child alive, all of the necessities for a child to live a beautiful and meaningful life and yet here I am, or might as well I say here is my family, secretly mourning for my sister from the world to see. The pain, the tears, being caged in and feeling like a puppet is all caving on me. We all think of the same thing, we are being punished.

I felt a hand tapped my shoulder gently and as I opened my eyes to see who’s there, he was standing there right in front of me, his light blue eyes filled with concern bore to mine.

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