» Fiction » Undercover Styles, [snow like ashes txt] 📗

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I'm walking down the hallway of Holmes Chapel High School and see everyone staring at me. Why are they staring? Is something wrong with my hair? My clothes? Or is it just because I'm related to THE Harry Styles? I roll my eyes as I continue to my first class, English AP.

                Its my first day here and I already don't like the students. But I might as well pretend to like them. At every school I have the same routine. I pretend to make ''friends'' and then I just get through the couple months I'm at that school. I've been to 12 schools in the past 5 years.

                I've never had a real friend, considering they all use me to get closer to my brother and his band mates. Also because of all the moving. My brother has never introduced me to his mates, afraid that I'll fall in love with one of them. So I went with the alternative. I looked them up on the Internet. Thank God for Google.

                As I get closer to English AP, I see this boy pinned against the lockers. The boy who pinned him is very large. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a criminal. The boy seemed very terrified. He glanced my way, his eyes pleading for help.

                I made my toward him (being the sympathetic girl I am) but someone held out their hand to stop me.  She said, "Don't get any closer. He hurts anyone who tries to help his victim. Just because you're new doesn't mean that he won't hurt you. I was new a few months ago and tried to help a different boy, but the bully stopped me and from then on, he's always been embarrassing me and tormenting me."

"Oh...thanks, I guess," I said to the girl, "What's your name?"

"Kaylyn Marie James."

~My Old Bully~


Katlyn Marie James. Why did that name sound so familiar. My brain is searched for all the people I know named Katlyn. Wait. I had a best friend named Katlyn. "Wait....hold on!" I exclaimed.

Katlyn looked taken aback by my outburst but went on saying, "What?"

"You were my childhood best friend! But when I moved 5 years ago, we lost contact", I exclaimed.

"Wait. What is your name?"

Might as well make this dramatic. I turned my head sideways, took off my imaginary sunglasses and said, "Rose. Rose Mae Styles."

Katlyn laughed. You haven't changed much have you?"

"Oh, believe me I have.  I just don't poor out my emotions like other girls. Cough, Amy, cough." I rolled my eyes just at the thought of her.

"Who's Amy?" Katlyn seemed confused when I mentioned her.

"Oh.  Nobody. You know what? How about you come over this afternoon so we can catch up?"

Katlyn hesitated as if she didn't trust me. "Ok... Sure! I'll meet you outside the school? "

Right when Katlyn finished her question and I was about to answer, the bully turned around. He spotted me and met my eyes. Oh no. He was my old best friend, Jason Waterford. He made my life much better than it was. We dated when I turned 13 but we had to break up the next year because of I was moving. We also cut contact.

"Well, I see I've found you again Rose."Jason smiled.

I gulped. Is that a good or bad thing?

~Running Away & Meeting Best Friends~


Jason came closer and I backed away. It was very awkward to me but to him it didn't matter. I hit the wall. He stood in front of me. Could this be anymore cliché?

"Hi Rosie. Remember me?" He teased. He turned his head and called two boys' names. "Henry! Thai! Come meet Rose Mae!"

"Hi guys?" I questioned nervously. Jason was now even closer now. I looked at Katlyn with pleading eyes. She was one of the only ones that knew my past with Jason.

Katlyn finally spoke up. "Hey guys? Please. Don't mess with her. It's her first day."

I shot her a thank you look. "Well... I'm going to go to my class now." I said awkwardly. Jason stopped me and whispered in my ear to meet him in the ally after school so we can talk. I took this as my sign of dismissal.  I waved a bit before leaving. Right as I was  leaving, Jason gently shouted, "See you, Rosie!"

I walked to the library. Libraries always calmed me for some reason. I somehow found my way there (getting lost a lot) and made my way toward the computers. There was only one boy there.  He had brown hair and was skinny, from what I could tell by looking at his back. He heard me approach and turned around.  I scanned his features. He had dark brown eyes and a cute little smile playing in his lips. But once he noticed who I was, his eyes widened in shock.  I sighed. I was expecting this.

"Hey. I'm guessing you know who I am?" I say, more a statement than a question. He simply nodded  in return.  "Eh, I was guessing so. But ill introduce myself anyway. I'm Rose Mae Styles. What's your name, love?" He looked away. He seemed shy. I bet that will change soon.

"Sameul Jenkins."

"I'm going to call you Sam. So Sam, tell me a little about you."

"Well...." he started.


Publication Date: 02-21-2013

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