» Fiction » Take A Break, Shaelyn Ray [books to read to be successful txt] 📗

Book online «Take A Break, Shaelyn Ray [books to read to be successful txt] 📗». Author Shaelyn Ray

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I walked into Valley's Gymnastics Academy.My friend Gracie Valdez was doing a back handspring on the beam."That is SO five year old level!"I joked.She done a front tuck off the beam and trotted over to me."I'm just...getting....warmed up!"she panted smiling.I opened my gym locker and put my bag inside.I took off my jacket and shorts and stuffed them in my locker also.I was wearing my bedazzled pink leotard that had my first name sewn onto the back."So Claire...have you heard what rumor Kacie Baldwin has been spreading like butter on toast?"Gracie asked.I rolled my eye's and shook my head."Do I want to?"I asked cautiously.She shrugged,"She's been saying that she has stuck her back handspring going into a back tuck and THEN going into a front tuck!I mean you JUST stuck that last week."Gracie said.I rolled my eye's again and stopped stretching.I went to the beam where Kacie stood.I cleared my throat(louder than necessarily needed) and tapped her on the shoulder."Excuse me...but I need to practice my beam routine if you don't mind."I said.I straddled the beam and pushed up into a handstand.I dropped down onto the beam and went into my round off.I done my back handspring,done a back tuck,then done my front tuck.I done a front tuck dismount and smiled widely."Can you do that Kacie?"I asked.She tugged at her ear and then glanced back and forth between me and Gracie.Finally she said,"Sure...any gymnast who is training to become and elite can do THAT."she said."Okay,than do it."I urged.She nodded and went to stand beside the beam.She done the same mount as me then done her round off.She done her back handspring and wobbled a little bit.She steadied herself then done her back tuck.She wobbled a lot and gasped out of fright."It's Okay if you wanna come down Kacie...I'd understand.It IS a very difficult and scary performance."I said.She shook her head,"No way!I can TOTALLY do this!"she said."Okay...don't say I didn't warn you."I said shrugging.She glared at me and rolled her of her many talents.She leaped into the air and then everything seemed to go in slow motion.She obviously didn't put enough power into it.She also did NOT tuck in time.She was turning in mid air,she was about to be completely flipped over but then....BANG!Her head slammed down onto the beam!Her face and cheek scraped across the beam.Her hand smacked into the metal on the beam.She hit the mat with a terrible SMACK!Everybody gathered around her.Coach Marcie ran out off her office and told everybody to move away.Kacie stood up and looked angry instead of hurt."I just wanna practice okay?I'm fine!"Kacie said rubbing her hand.We all lined up to wait for Coache's demand."Okay,I want everybody to do two full routines on all-around!Go!"she said.When gym was over I noticed both of my parent's were there to pick me up."Um,hey guys?"I said cautiously.They both had their lips pressed into a thin line.My heart started thumping."We got a call from Ms.Luray...your grades are crashing majorly!Claire,what's going on?"my dad demanded.I shrugged and looked down at the floorboard of my Mom's SUV.I started chewing my bottom lip...a habit of mine for when I was nervous."You don't know why your grades are dropping,yet YOU'RE the one doing all the work?"my dad asked angrily.My mom stared at me intensely.I felt hot tears welling up in my eye's."It's just that I...I have ALOT on my plate with....well you know gym-"my dad cut me off."Gymnastics?"he asked emphasising the word like it was the most hideous and horrible thing in the world.More tears welled up and they were on the brink of spilling over."Well yeah!Gymnastics and...."he had me where he wanted me.I was stumped.Yes I was thinking about gymnastics most of the time but...if they made school fun like gymnastics I would pay more attention!And I made sure my parent's knew that,"Well!If school was more like gymnastics I would take it more seriously!"I said nearly screaming.Tears had started to fall.He was really angry now!"Well!If you want to act this way,then maybe you shouldn't do gymnastics at all!You know what I think that's what we'll do!"he said turning to my mother."Does that sound like a deal?"he asked."She keeps her attitude like this and gymnastics is a done deal?"he said."Well,not completely done...but I think a month or two would be a good break for her."my mom said.I gasped angrily and hurt.How could they!?I crossed my arms and threw myself against the seat.I let my shoulders slump,and let the tears fall like crazy.When we got home I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door closed behind me.I locked it and threw myself on my bed.I had my face down on my bed crying when I got an idea.I'd call Gracie and tell HER about my problem.I got my cellphone out of my gymnastics bag.I punched in Gracie's cell number.It rang once before Gracie answered.She is such a loyal best friend!"Omigosh Gracie!You'll NEVER believe what my parent's done!"I cried.I could almost hear her holding her breath."They said that because my grades were a LITTLE lower than usual,that I have to take a break for a month or two!"I said angrily."Please tell me you're not talking about gymnastics!"she begged."Yup!They're making me take a break from gymnastics!"I said.She gasped,"I'll be RIGHT over!"she said.Then she hung up.I slumped onto my bed and thought about this.No gymnastics for a month or two!?Were they crazy!I'd been doing gymnastics since I was THREE!That's NINE years of ripped hands,painful bruises,sprains,blood,tears and sweat!And NOW my parent's wanted to tear me away from the sport I love?!I heard a knock on my window.It was Gracie who had snuck over.I opened the window and let her in.Gracie wrapped me in a tight best friend hug.For some reason her comfort made me cry again."I can NOT believe your parent's!"Gracie said.I nodded and sank onto my floor infront of my canopy bed.The pink jewels on my bed jingled.Gracie patted my shoulder.There was a knock at my door.I put my finger on my lips and shook my head.I did NOT want to face my parent's.Gracie stayed quiet like a good friend.I climbed into my bed and Gracie crawled under my bed to hide.My parent's both have keys to my room.I heard the door unlock,so I pretended to be asleep.My mom came in,sat on the edge of my bed,kissed my cheek,then left my room.I heard the door lock again and I sat up.I tiptoed to the door to make sure she'd went downstairs.I heard her feet lightly going down the stairs.I gave Gracie the all clear sign.She army-crawled out from under the bed."I better leave..."her eye's flicked to me making sure I wasn't going to flip out on her." on I'll be fine.I'll deal."I said.She smiled sadly and hugged me,"Call me later if any other news pops up or you just need to chat."she said."Will do."I smiled a thin smile and she left.I pulled my curtains back over my closed window.I heard another knock on my door."Come in."I said blankly,opening the door.My mom and dad came in and sat down on my bed.My dad patted the spot between them.I shook my head bitterly."Well...honey....we have some very important news to tell you."my mom said.I nodded which was my sign for them to hurry this up."And well...we've been keeping this a secret for about two months but...I'm expecting another baby."my mom said.I was stunned...another BABY!?As in another child in this exact house!Omigosh!"Okay....go,go on now."I said hustling them out of my room.I shut my door and locked it.I grabbed my cellphone and dialed Gracie's number."Omigosh! mom is expecting another baby!"I said.She squealed with delight,"That's great right?"she asked.I was stunned once again.Great?Was she KIDDING me?!"NO,Gracie that is NOT great!I will no longer be an only child!"I shrieked into the phone.She was quiet,and then....CLICK!She hung up on me!I stared at the phone angrily.I tossed it onto my desk and ran to my bed.I pushed my face into my feathered pillow and screamed as loud as I could!Then I had cried for like thirty long I felt nauseous.I went to my bed,clapped twice to turn out the lights,and curled up to go to sleep.In seconds I was O-U-T.The sun beating onto my face and I pulled my pillow over me.I decided to get up,but then remembered there was no need.I didn't get to go to gymnastics today.I just HAD to remember this!Because then the tears welled up again.I had two missed calls from Gracie,but I didn't feel like calling back.I smelled chocolate chip pancakes coming up from the vent.Mom knew I was weak when it came to chocolate chip pancakes!I tip-toed downstairs and heard my parent's talking.I crept around the corner,"Pancakes?"mom asked.I nodded and sat at my usual spot after pouring myself a glass of milk.I was going to give them the silent treatment till they just HAD to give in.I sipped my milk and quietly ate my pancakes.When I was finished I put my cup in the sink,my plate in the dish-washer,and I went slowly back to my room.I locked the door then decided to call Gracie back.She picked up after the first ring as always."Okay Gracie....I need you to do me a MEGA size favor!"I pleaded.There was a silence."What?"she asked slowly."I need you to come pick me up so I can sneak to the gym."I said hopefully."I'll be right there."she said.Then there was a CLICK.I changed into my lime green green leotard and waited.I ran downstairs with my school bag(which I had stuffed my gym stuff into.)"I'm going to the library."I told my parents.I ran out the door and there was Gracie."Come on!"I said excitedly.We took off down the road.It was only four blocks to the gym.When we arrived we were panting and sweating.I threw my bag over to the side and ran to the beam.Kacie was on the bars and when she seen me she fell to the mat."Hey Kace!"I called cheerfully(with a little bit of sarcasm.)She rolled her eye's and I could tell she was gritting her teeth angrily."Uh huh."she said coldly."Hey it wasn't my fault,I said you could get down."I said smugly.She rolled her eye's again then went to the vault.I laughed with Gracie then went to work on the beam.An hour later I was in my room.My mom knocked on the door and then let herself in."Hey mom."I said."Sweetie do you have any test or stuff tomorrow?"she asked.I shook my head and continued playing 'The Worlds Hardest Game' online."Well honey....I'm sorry for snapping at you and stuff.Your father is sorry too."I stopped playing the game and turned to face her,"Oh I'm sure he is SO sorry!He yelled at me over my grades!I am really trying!Okay?And I really hope to be a gymnast in the Olympics when I'm older and that gets you TONS of money,okay?ESPECIALLY if you when!"I said upset once again.She sighed and said,"IF you win,and there is no way to tell if you will sweetie."she said placing her hand on my knee.I scooted away from her."Are you saying I stink at gymnastics?Are you saying my double Arabian is terrible?What about my back handspring that I worked on for THREE months!?"I demanded crying again.She sighed impatiently and stood up,"I don't know what to do anymore...I mean your attitude here lately has stunk terribly!I think I might have to agree with your father about the permanent take away of gymnastics."my Mom said.I stood up too as she headed towards my door.When she was in the doorway I screamed,"Oh yeah?Well guess what?I snuck to gymnastics with Gracie today!When I was at the 'library' I was really at the gym!"She glared at me and slammed my door shut.I ran over and locked it.I heard her go downstairs and I knew I'd messed everything up.I slid down my door and pulled my knees to my chest.I cried with my head between my knees.I didn't know a sixty-three pound girl could cry this much.I don't know how

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