The Skyes the Limit, Amber Faulk a.k.a Ittasteslikepink [smart ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Skyes the Limit, Amber Faulk a.k.a Ittasteslikepink [smart ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Amber Faulk a.k.a Ittasteslikepink
"I can't believe that happened to you" the girl with shiny black hair, sparkling green eyes, and pale skin says.
"You can ask my girlfriend Silver if you want" the boy with golden brown hair, bright blue eyes, and tan skin says "but she doesn't like to talk about it." His cell phone goes off with with Silver Lining by Rilo Kiley. "Thats her I gotta go, bye" He says. As he walks away she calls after him "Wait whats your name?" "Oh I almost forgot, my name is Coleton, but you can call me Cole" he says,"but never Colt, that's what Silver calls me." "Cool" she says,"My name is Skye, it baffles me that we didn't know each others names and talked for so long." "That is just how it works out sometimes" Cole says "here's my number, if you ever want to talk, or what ever." "Thanks." Skye says. Cole says "I have a feeling you and Silver would get along, great." "It was nice meeting you" Skye says "Likewise." Cole says as he turns and walks away.Skye says "bye" with a little wave of her hand. "Hey Colt" Silver says smiling she runs her fingers through her short burgandy hair "Who were you talking to?" "Oh, that was the girl I was telling you about" he says "the one who's writing the book." "Oh well she does look like a writer, she's a righty write type."She says "A righty write type, never heard that before" Cole says grinning." Silver asks "so whats her name?" "Her name is Skye and she is really nice, and sweet, you would like her." "I used to have a friend named Skyler, but everyone called her Skye. Then in the 9th grade she moved, her parnets didn't even let her tell anybody she was moving til the day of." "You sound and look sad, your green eyes don't sparkle when your sad, they are dull." "I am sad, I haven't seen or heard from her in years," She says "Whats her last name?" He says "I don't know, why?" She says, "It's nothing, she just looked familar. I'm ready to go home. The house they haad been staying in for the past month or so was a small two bedroom one bath. They shered the master bed and the smaller room was used as a computer/storage room."I thought you locked the door" Silver says as she opens the door. "I did" he says with an uneasy look on his face. He slowly walks in the small house and inspects the interiour. He finds a letter on the kitchen counter. "What is it?" Skye asks "A letter from Chris, saying that he will be out of town next month, and we won't have to pay rent." He says "Well thats good" she says "we'll have more money we can save up." Yeah we really need to save money to get a car" Cole says "I'm so tired of having to walk everywhere we go." "It's a good thing, we're in walking distance of pretty much everywhere, and we stay in shape" Silver says "That's what I love about you, you're alwasy looking at the bright side." Cole says kissing Silver.
A week passes without seeing or speaking to Skye.
"Have you spoken to Skye?" Silver asks "No" Cole says,"I haven't seen her to talk to her, and I don't have her number, but she has ours." "Maybe she hasn't had the time to call" she says. "I would like to meet her, she seems nice." "Colt" Silver says "What?" he asks "Your phone is ringing" "Oh he says answering it "Hello, hey Skye" Silvers eyes light up when Cole says the girls name. "Where have you been" he continued trying not to laught at the look on Silver's face "Okay Silver and I will meet you there in about 30 minutes, bye" Flipping the phone shut he looks at Silver and says "Skye wants us to meet her at the cafe." "Okay lets go" She says.
Walking into the cafe Cole says "sorry we're late we had to walk and then Silver saw some puppies." "I thought I was going to be late too," Skye says "I saw the puppies too, the ones they have outside of the pet store for adoption right." " Yes you are correct, and they were so cute" Silver says "I know right" Skye says mimicking a air-head. "So" Cole cuts in "What did you want to talk to us about?" "Well for one sorry i haven't called" she says " I have been out of town and didn't have your number with me." Cole says "oh really what have you been up to?" "I finished my book and I have three copies" Skye says "Whats it called?" Silver asks "Oh it's called What Really Happens, and it's about what really happens when twins are seperated at birth" Skye says Silver says "That sounds that it would be an intresting book."It is and I got a copy for the both of you" Skye says "Thanks" SIlver says as Skye hands the books to Cole and herself."I want to have your opinion on how the book is before I put it on the market" She says "Well I love reading so you choose the perfect person, but Colt here isn't much of a reader" Silver says "Unless it's sports or gadgets related, or playboy." "Hey, thats not entirely true" Cole says "I have some magazines on cars" "Yeah mostly pictures" Silver says "Thats true" he says shaking his head up and down."Silver what high school did you go to?" Skye says changing the subject, because the look on Coles face made it clear he was upset. "Cole has told me about himself and I want to know something about you." Silver replies "I went to Carroll High School in Ozark, Alabama. "Really my twin sister went there too." Skye says "She moved in with me and my family and after that we found out that her best friend Zoe was our half sister." All the color drains from Silvers face. "Whats wrong with her?" Skye asks Cole. "Was Zoe's last name Case?" Cole asks "How did you know that?" Skye asks Silver says "because my name is Zoey Silver Case."
"What?" Skye asks "Oh my god, we're sisters "I can't believe it, I never knew I had a sister" Silver says in shock "Wow" Cole says "I wasn't expecting this "how did you and Skylar end up with the same name?" Silver asks "Well we were seperated at birth and her adoptive parents named her Skylar and so did mine" She says "Needless to say we geet confused a lot." "I bet you do" Cole says sarcasticaly "Shut up" both girls says at the same time and they all start laughing. "I thought you had to be twins to have that weird twin thing" Cole says "I guess just siblings" Skye says " and it is not weird." "I want to see Skye Lar" Silver says correcting herself "I haven't seen her since I was 14 and i'm about to be 22." "Yeah that has been a long time close to 10 years" Skye says "but she is out of town at the moment and will be back in a few days." "Oh well" Silver says "I guess I'll have to wait" "You get to see her soon baby, don't worry" Cole says "I can't believe that" "You can't believe what?" Both the girls ask him. "Thatyourbestfriendisyoursisterandskyestwinsisterandtheyhavethesamename" Cole rambles "and I now have a killer headache" Silver says "That is the fastest I have ever heard you talk" "I know this is a lot to take in" Skye says "I defiently wasn't expecting this, I just wanted to talk about my book" "And I was just wanting to see what you were like" Silver adds "Silver I'm going home" Cole says kissing her "If it is dark when you leave, please be careful, I love you, bye."
"Love you too" Silver says "see you when I get home. They watch him walk away rubbing his temples "He's so cute when he's confused" Silver says "Does he get confused a lot?" Skye asks "At least twice a day" Silver says smiling "He's not the brightest crayon in the box, but that makes me love him even more" "So how long have you two been dating?" Skye asks with a glint in her eyes Silver says "We have been dating since we were 14, we met right after Skylar moved".
"That's a long timr" Skye says "Yeah and we've been engaged for three of the eight years" Silver says grinning "So when are you two getting married" Skye asks sipping on her coffee that was now cool enough to drink, but warm enough to burn her throat. Just the way she liked it. "I don't know hopefully as soon as we save enough money" Silver says "But I do have a ring, it was Colts Grandmothers. Silver nonchalantly holds her hand up "It's beautiful" Skye says "I can't wait til I find the right person for me. "We need something to talk about" Silver says tapping her foot on the hardwood floors "I got it" Skye says "Whats your most resent favorite movie?" "Thats so easy" Silver says "FoxFire with one of my favorite actresses Angelina Jolie as Legs and one of my favorite singers Jenny Lewis as Rita." "Oh my god" Skye says "I love that movie, it was sad at the end, but was incredibly funny most of the movie." "I know and Angelina was beautiful in it" Silver says "before she got all that plastic surgery" "I completly agree with you on that one" Skye says "She is hot now, but then she was beautiful" "What a shame she did to her body to get better roles" Silver says and they both shake their head agreeing.
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