» Fiction » Darkling, Jessica Kelley [best book series to read txt] 📗

Book online «Darkling, Jessica Kelley [best book series to read txt] 📗». Author Jessica Kelley

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“On my mark. Ready, set, Go!” This last word was followed by a sharp blast of the whistle.

I sprinted forward, grabbing hold of the rope and hauling myself up as fast as I could. I had to maintain my reputation as the best. If I didn’t… I didn’t know what I would do. P.E. was my thing. I was always the best. I pulled myself up one inch at a time, using only my arms because it was faster that way. When I was about halfway up the coach blew his whistle again, bringing us to a stop.


“And we have a winner,” Coach bellowed. Someone was already at the top? No. It wasn’t possible, even for me.

I looked around, expecting to see some jock pumped up with God knows what, but what I saw was a skinny kid just to my right. What?

He beat me??

“Everyone down now – slowly. The new kid wins this one. Second and third places go to Leila and Sam. To the locker rooms.”

I slid down fast, giving myself nasty rope burns, and dropped the last ten feet. I rubbed my hands, wincing a little at the hot pain, and walked as calmly as I could to the locker room. I could feel the others’ eyes on me as I changed and headed to the cafeteria. I sat alone and silent, munching thoughtfully on a turkey sandwich. I thought about the fact that I’d only been halfway up when that boy won and the bread turned to ash in my mouth. Oh, this is ridiculous.

I dropped the sandwich onto the table and cast my eyes around the room. He was sitting in a back corner facing me, away from everyone else and eating nothing. His face wasn’t familiar to me but there was definitely something off about it. He didn’t notice when I stood and walked toward him, he was busy scribbling in a notebook. I opened my mouth then shut it. I honestly couldn’t think of anything to say. I had never started a conversation with a stranger before. I wasn’t even sure why I had gotten up in the first place. He was just compelling somehow.

I left before he saw me and gave me a chance to make a fool out of myself. I’ve just never been much of a talker. The mere thought of awkward forced conversation nearly brought tears to my eyes. I went through the rest of the day without a word, even when the teachers called on me in class. The bus ride home was a long one, giving me time to think. I had been in this town for three weeks now; I was endangering myself by staying so long. Not to mention the fact that everyone here thought I was a transfer student named Leila Montgomery.

This was not the case.

But that kid… He bothered me. I sensed something off about him. I mean, how many average lanky teenagers could climb rope faster than me? I wasn’t tooting my own horn, believe me. I’d been an athletic prodigy since early childhood. Anyone who could beat me had to be training for the Olympics or something else entirely. I was willing to bet on the latter – and I never bet. Maybe I could afford to stay for another few days.

The bus came to a stop suddenly, making everyone bang their heads into the seat in front of them. We all hated the driver, Mrs. Andy. She was a bit of a psychopath when it came to driving. Ironic, considering her chosen profession. I had always wanted to ask someone about that but, like I said, I’m not much of a talker.

And I didn’t want to call any unwanted attention to myself. It was much better if I just stayed invisible. I got my bag ready; this was my stop. As I stood I became aware of a strange tingling sound like bells chiming. I looked around and saw the skinny kid a few seats up. He was obviously avoiding my gaze but kept looking in my direction. Our eyes met and I swear his changed color for a fraction of a second. He blushed and my eyelids sagged. What…?

I snapped out of it, rushing to the front before the doors closed. I almost tripped going down the stairs but caught myself just in time. Damn, I was having an off day. First the P.E. thing and now this. I was getting rusty. I jogged the rest of the way home to clear my head. 

Home, sweet home. A motel not far from the school that allowed me to pay cash only. Perfect for me. But I was running out of cash – I'd already resorted to using my backup credit card. I had to move out soon. It was a shame, really. The manager was actually pretty nice and the room was clean enough that I didn’t have to worry about roaches. It was a nice change. The last place I’d stayed in that was even close to this was in Arkansas.

Arkansas. There were no hunters there. Only me. And only one case. But it had been a tough one. A few hunters had been mauled in the woods near a small town. I had known from the beginning it was the work of a shifter. Unfortunately the shifter happened to be a sweet kid who wasn’t even aware that she’d been bitten. She hadn’t been more than a week out of middle school.

A car honked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I slept fitfully, seeing that girl’s face whenever I shut my eyes, hearing her sobs when I pulled out the knife.


I leaped out of bed, pulled a silver-bullet gun from under my pillow, and crouched just next to the window all in one move. Someone was at the door. I couldn't hear or see them, but I felt their presence. Which was weird, I know. But this was what I was trained for. I waited for him or her to knock. Maybe it's the manager.

He (or she) knocked. I tensed, getting ready to move at any moment. "Hello?" The voice of the manager, Mr. Simkins, called out. "Miss Montgomery." 

I let out the breath I'd been holding, taking my finger off the trigger. Thank goodness. I didn't feel like shooting someone in the face in my PJs. It can really ruin your day. Especially when it's in a public place like this. "Miss Montgomery?"

I straightened my stance, stuffing the gun under my pillow before he looked through the window. "Hold on, Mr. Simkins," I said, slurring my words to make it look like I'd just woken up. After messing up my hair the effect was complete. I unlocked and opened the door, leaning heavily on the frame and squinting at the sudden brightness of the morning. "Morning."

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'm sorry to wake you, Miss Leila, but it's time to pay for the room." He scratched his temple, where a thin scar stretched from the hairline to the cheek. I wondered how he got it but figured it would be rude to ask. I could tell he was embarrassed by it so I always made a point to look him directly in the eyes.

I nodded and went to my bag for a credit card, slightly dragging my feet. "Do you know what time it is?"

"Eight o'clock on the dot, as usual." He was never a second too late. He was the only reason why I was on time for school every day.

"How long have I been here, Mr. Simkins?"

"Please call me Tom, Miss," he said.

"I'll call you Tom when you stop calling me 'Miss Montgomery'."

He smiled shyly. He really was a sweet guy. "You've been here for almost three weeks, Miss."

"Right," I said, handing him the card. I knew there was just enough money on that thing to get me through today.

He started to move on to the next occupied room but paused. "Miss? When you first got here, you told me this was your uncle's credit card."

"Yes," I lied.

"I was wondering, does he know how you're living? That you're sleeping in motels?"

"Of course."

He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. "It's just.... Well, if it were my niece, I wouldn't let her stay like this. Not that there is anything wrong with it, I mean. You're just so young, and there are some strange people at motels." 

I grinned. "I can take care of myself," I said, thinking of the loaded weapon which happened to point directly at us from under that pillow. 

He pursed his lips and nodded, obviously not satisfied. "Okay then. Have a nice day."

I was sad to see him go. After eight years on the road, I relished the chance to talk to someone I actually enjoyed being around. Closing the door, I showered and packed my stuff. When Tom gave me my card back, it would be the last time I would see him; This was the last day I would go to this school. I had to move on--I'd taken care of those sorcerers a week ago. If I stayed any longer I'd risk exposing myself. To who? To anyone who was looking for me. I'd had my run-ins with the local cops before.

After brushing my teeth I loaded a glock-19 with silver rounds and tucked it into the back of my jeans. If I wore a loose t-shirt no one would notice it. Why all of these silver bullets, you ask? Because silver is the most common thing that can kill a monster. Shifters, vamps, sorcerers--sorcerers can be killed with a shot to the head but if the bullet ain't silver another sorcerer can bring them back. I know, it's a pain.

As I walked outside I found myself wondering why Tom was so worried about me. I mean, it wasn't like I'd known him for very long. Maybe it was just in his nature to care for people. Which made me feel a thousand times worse about giving him a stolen credit card. Of course, I could just tell him the truth. I'm sure he would understand. And then laugh in my face and say I'm crazy.

It was better if he stayed unaware. People who were unaware were less likely to get hurt.

Tom returned and handed me the card. I smiled a quick thanks and was off. I only had ten minutes to get to the bus stop. Luckily it was a seven-minute jog from here.


The bus ride was the same as always: Stuffed with half-asleep teens trying in vain to finish last night's homework. To be honest, I hadn't even done my homework. I never really saw the point of it. Did the teachers get off on you having to do more work than was necessary? One of those days I was going to ask a teacher that.

The bus halted, shoving me forward and banging my head on the seat in front of me ever-so-gracefully. The doors groaned open and that skinny kid climbed in, taking the seat next to mine. He and I looked like the only people who were fully awake--including Ms. Andy. I really was second-guessing getting on this death trap of a vehicle.

As soon as his bony ass hit the seat he looked in my direction. It was almost like he was begging me to look back. I kept my gaze averted. For some reason he had noticed me, and I didn't want to encourage his sudden interest. Not two seconds after I looked away, I became aware of a sweet smell. I swear it smelled just like honey. It was familiar, somehow... And then I realized that I had smelled honey the day before, in gym and on the bus.


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