» Fiction » Amusment, Raraw [white hot kiss .txt] 📗

Book online «Amusment, Raraw [white hot kiss .txt] 📗». Author Raraw

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It has been a month since the letters have stop coming. The letters my mother sent me every 2 weeks. Something is wrong. Stella, my aunt, said I'm just being paranoid but I know there is something wrong with mother; I can feel in my bone. Stella just said maybe she's busy and doesn't have time. Stella doesn't know mother very well, what does she know? She is my fathers sister so she only met mother a few times. Mother always writes to me and never misses a date. Every letter I gotten always came on the 14th of that month and then again on the 27th.

I look outside through the window and see the mail man put mail into our mailbox. I usually wait till he leaves to check the mail but the impatience was killing me. I race to the front door and flung the door open. I then race outside and jump our six porch steps. I stumble a little but I kept running toward the mailbox. I bump into the mail man.

"Sorry." I said.
"It’s alright, there must be something in your mail you want,” said the mailman. He then took the mail out the mailbox and handed me the mail.
"Thank you." I said.
"Have a good day miss," said he.
"Thanks. You too." I said.

The mailman then got into his car and drove off. I flip through the mail nothing but bills. I sigh. No mail from mother, again. I took a step toward the house and my foot crunches something. I look down to see a black envelope. I pick it up and in red ink it said to Valarie Moores. No return address. I pick it up and look at the back. It had a seal of a red rose. I carefully open the envelope; not trying to break the seal.

Inside was silver ring with an aqua blue diamond on it. It was beautiful and I saw it before; it was once on my mother's. She had worn on her wedding finger. She told me it was a gift from someone she knew. She never took it off; not even when she slept at night. I held the ring carefully in my hand. There was small little piece of paper and I took it out. I read it.

I read:

Dear child of the she devil
The she devil is dead. And you are next.


I look down at the woman lying in the coffin. They say she is my mother, but I don't believe them. This woman here is not my mother. Yes, she has the beauty of my mother and the similar face but this person is not my mother. This strange woman has the smell of flowers and saw dust. My mother smelt like pine and cinnamon and so did her letters. I told Stella that was not my mother when we had to identified the body but she only brush me off and said 'I don't remember well because I was only five years old when I left her'. I remember my mother well as I remember my home address.

They say this woman, the false version of my mother, was mugged and shot through the heart. The mugger stole her purse, which had everything that could identify who this woman was, so they didn't know who it was. That's why they needed us to identify the body. Stella and I didn't know about this woman being dead until we saw her picture on the news. Stella scream at the TV ‘Ella’, my mother nickname, but I just shook my head and said it wasn't her.

The letter I had receive just three months ago said the she devil, my mother, was dead but I found it hard to believe and knew she was alive. I never told Stella about the letter or the ring. I just hung the ring by a silver necklace on my neck and kept it hidden by my shirt. Today I have worn the ring on my finger because my dress wouldn't be able to hide the ring. I put the ring on my left hand and hid my hand behind my back. The dress I was wearing was all black, of course, since we were at this woman's funeral. My grayish black hair was put into a tight bun on my head. It would be easy to spot the ring because its blue color. I would put the ring in my purse but the man at the door took your purses and jackets to hang on rack. So took the ring out before I handed it to him.

Stella stood beside me in black business suit and her hair brown smooth back. Some people behind us, crying their eyes out, were waiting for their turn to look at the body one last time before the hood of the coffin was closed forever. Stella stood strong looking at the body, not shedding a tear. Stella may look strong but the night before the funeral at the hotel; Stella had cried her eyes out. It was bad enough her brother, my father, was gone but now her sister in law too. The only family Stella had left was me now. I the night at the hotel; Stella had done enough crying.

I, on the other hand, couldn't bring myself to cry. I pity this woman and had no other emotions. It was like when you heard someone, a total stranger, had die on the news; you cannot cry for them but pity that person.

At the corner of my eye; I saw a tear stream down Stella’s cheek. Stella quickly wipes her tear away. I grab Stella hand and squeeze it. She looked over at me and I gave her a small smile. She just looks at me with sad eyes. I knew she was about to lose it in front of these people. I pull her over to the side and lead her to the bathroom. There were a lot of people in the bathroom, so I took some paper towels.

I went to place where we could get our jackets and purses back. We then went outside and we found the car; it wasn’t hard to find since our car was park right outside the church. I push the car keys bottom that makes the car come unlock. Stella went in the passenger side and me in the driver seat. Stella then broke out crying and I handed her the paper towels. I put the car key into the key hole and drove out the parking lot of the church.


I drove around a few times while Stella cried her eyes out. I turn on the radio and listen to some songs. I know it's mean but I was trying to drown out the sound of Stella's crying. I'm not very good at comforting people; I found it awkward and weird. Plus, I wanted to tell her to stop crying because that wasn't my mother. She would probably get mad again if I say that. We been driving around the town for ten minutes now. I look at the clock on the touch screen radio/GPS; it was 3:30 now. It was time for the fake mother to buried. I turn the music down.

"Do you still want to go to the burial?" I asked. I glance toward her.

Stella wipe her eyes with the paper towel. "No," there was a long pause. "Just take me to the hotel."

I nodded my head. I could understand why she didn't want to go; she looked a terrible right now. I took a left at the old broke down factory, that turn lead to a intersection that had a stop light. It was red so I stop the car. I turn the radio back up and change radio station. My nose started to itch so I scratch it with my left hand. I notice something; my ring finger on my left hand felt lighter. I then look down at my hand. The ring was gone. Alarm bells went off in my head and I started to panic. I duck down to the floor and search for the ring. I then check between the driver seat. I lifted my butt a little and search underneath it with my hand. I wanted to see if i was sitting on it.

"What are you looking for?" Stella asked.

I ignore her and continue searching. I whip around in my seat and grab my purse. I dump everything in my purse on my lap. Everything was there expect the ring.

"Vala, the lights green. Go." Said Stella.

I push the gas petal and the car drove. Did it fall off at the church?

I drove into a near by parking lot and turn around. I then went to opposite direction that we were heading when going back on the rode.

"This isn't the way to the hotel." Stella pointed out.

"I know, I left something at the church." I said.

"You mean you lost it. What did you loose?" Stella asked. "Please don't tell me you lost your phone again." She assume I did since I lost my phone five times since I got my very first phone. Two I had to replace because they were never found again.

"No." I said. My phone was on my lap, like the rest of the stuff that was in my purse that I dump out.

"Okay then, what?"

"Something important."

"Like what?"

I could see the church.

I took a right turn into the church parking lot. There were no more cars; everyone must have went to the burial. I park right outside the door of the church. I got out and speed walked into the church. The place was empty and the casket was gone. I went to the bathroom and look on the floor. I got

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