blue stone, ozliloz [accelerated reader books .txt] 📗

- Author: ozliloz
Book online «blue stone, ozliloz [accelerated reader books .txt] 📗». Author ozliloz
“Brianna!” James shouted into his best friend’s ear
“Hmm?” Brianna groaned turning in her bed
“What do you mean hmm? Were late for school genius!” he said shaking her awake
“What?!” she was fully awake now; she quickly jumped out of her bed sprinting to her closet searching desperately for clothes. “Why didn’t you call me?” She said reappearing with dark blue skinnys and a yellow band tee.
“I tried to about a thousand times but you wouldn’t answer your phone so I came over to wake you up personally” he answered standing by the door frame of Brianna’s bedroom
“Oh crap!” Brianna reached for her pillow and fumbled with the sheets “found it!” she said grabbing her phone “lets go”
“Aren’t you going to wear shoes? Brush your wild pillow hair? And maybe brush your teeth?” James teased
“Oh my god!” she rushed into the bathroom across the hallway from her room. 15 minutes later they arrived at Jersey High School.
“Hurry up!” James said pushing Brianna through the door of their first period class.
“Ms. McArthur and Mr. Knight late as always” Mr. Myles their chemistry teacher said “please take your seats and get started on today’s assignments”
“Yes sir” Brianna said shyly to her teacher
They both made their way back to back of the room and sat in their assigned seats. Brianna’s friend lexis who was sitting in front of her turned and whispered “woke up late again?”
“Yeah” Brianna whispered back
“God I really hate chemistry” James complained as they made their way down the crowded hallway
“You wouldn’t hate it so much if you’d pay attention instead of flirting with lexis” Brianna laughed
James snorted “don’t hate! You know you’re the only girl for me” he said playfully
Brianna giggled “if you say so honey bunny”
They both cracked up with laughter
Brianna was in fourth period world literature, which was one of her only class she didn’t have with James. She was seated in the front row closest to the door. Mrs. Meyers was talking about some unknown author and Brianna lost interest, instead she looked into the hallway. Mrs. Meyers always left the door open. Then a boy her age passed by with the principle, Brianna gasped, he was breath taking. He was even more gorgeous than James. He was tall, he had a vanilla tone of skin, his hair was dark and his eyes…they were beautiful. They were the deepest blue she had ever seen in her life. He turned and looked at her, he nodded and kept walking.
“Hey! Hello? Earth to Brianna!” James snapped his finger in front of her face
“Oh” she said startled “what?”
“You’ve been dazing off that’s what” James said as he chugged down his milk
“I’m sorry. What were you saying?” she said trying to focus her attention on him and not on the boy she had seen
“I was saying that I have practice everyday this week and half of next week for football” he said poking at his greasy pizza with his straw
“Oh for next Friday’s away game?” Brianna asked
“Yeah for that, practice starts at 4:00 and ends at 6:30 each day. It’s such a drag!” he slumped into his chair
“well if it makes you feel better I have cheerleading practice every day this week until Friday from 4:30 to 6:00” she said “ and we have morning drills starting tomorrow at 7:30 until 8:05”
“Hmm guess I do feel better then”
Jordan one of jame’s football teammates came over to their table “guess what captain?” he said smiling wickedly at James
“What?” James said showing no interest in the topic
“Rumor has it that we’re going to have a new player on our team here tomorrow. They say he is one of the best.” He said looking at James for some sort of reaction
James was a year older than Brianna he was the football and basketball captain. He was the best player in both teams as well as the hottest guy in school.
“oh.” James said as he chewed on his nails “we’ll have to see during practice tomorrow then wont we?”
“Whatever you say boss” Jordan smiled at Brianna and left
“You excited to know who it is.” Brianna asked
“Naw” James said then he smiled “actually yeah, I want to see if he’s any good”
When school was over James dropped Brianna off at her house and left to go to football practice. Brianna entered her house. There was no one home other than T-Rex, her cat, who was sleeping on her bed. He opened his eyes as soon as Brianna entered her room and meowed. “Hi boy!” she said petting the cat. He jumped off her bed and went to his bed in the corner of her room. Brianna found her laptop and brought it to her bed. She had to type a paper for American Government. Her phone began to ring, she checked the caller I.D. it was Ileana, she was class president and one of Brianna’s closest friends. Brianna answered “hello?”
“Guess what?!” her friend shouted
“Um what?” Brianna asked curiously
“We have a new student at our school!” Ileana said excitedly
“Who?” Brianna asked interested
“A boy named Xavier he’s a senior, he just transferred” Ileana squealed
“How do you know?” Brianna asked. Her heart was racing; maybe it was the boy she had seen.
“I’m class president, silly! I know these kinds of things and anyways Principal Johnson was looking for someone to guide him and since sadly I’m not going to be at school tomorrow, I offered your loyal services”
Brianna gasped loudly and managed to ask her friend “why me?”
Ileana laughed loudly “because people love you, you’re a sweetheart, so kind and gentle. So I put you up for the job so you in what?”
“Um okay have fun at your meeting in New York” Brianna said defeated
“Yea thanks!” Brianna heard a click and her friend was gone. She shut her phone. She looked at the time displaying on alarm clock on her dresser it was 5:00. James was still at practice. She flopped on her bed and closed her eyes. The vibration of her phone woke her up. Brianna slowly reached under her pillow a and answered it. “hello?”
“Hey!” James said
“Hi, you out of practice?”
“Well duh! It’s been about an hour now, were you sleeping or what?” he said he sounded like he was looking for something
“Well I was but you called”
James laughed “well bri I’m going to let you go okay? See you tomorrow and don’t be late! I’ll be at your house at 7:00 k? Bye” Brianna threw her phone on her bed and went to take a shower when she was finally ready for bed it was 10. She hated being home alone; her parents were going to be gone for 3 weeks on a mission in Africa to help the sick. At least I have James she thought to herself. T-Rex was already fast asleep on his bed; she laid on her bed and fell asleep.
Chapter 2
“God I hate drills!” Lexis said as she ran besides Brianna “it’s a pain”
Brianna smiled and said “at least you’re in shape”
“Yea or I would be dead by now! Couch is really pushing it!” they stopped running and put their hands on their knees to catch their breath. Brianna didn’t feel tired though, they had ran at least 1 mile. I was 8 when they finished. They had 5 minutes to get ready and Brianna still had to go and meet the new boy at 8:05. She was in her black tank top and baggy grey sweatpants with her hair tied up in a bun above her head. She had no choice but to leave the gym as she was. She went to the office.
“Yes?” the secretary asked without looking up from her typing
“There’s a new student who I was supposed to guide around school today?” Brianna explained
“Oh yes. He’ll l be here any minute why don’t you sit down?” The secretary said waving at a chair that was along the office wall.
“I think I’ll get a drink first” Brianna stepped out of the office. She walked slowly down the hallway towards the drinking fountain. She was thirsty; her mouth was dry which meant she was nervous. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She fumbled trying to open it; she had a new text message from James.
She replied quickly
@ the water fountain –Bri
She was too busy trying to explain herself to James she didn’t notice the boy behind her.
"are you brianna?" the voice was deep but soft.Brianna jumped, dropping her phone in the proccess. she reached down to get it but the boy had caught it in his hand "sorry i didnt mean to startle you" he apologized
Brianna stood there motionless. it was the boy she had seen the day before! he was hotter in person brianna thought to herself. "'re xavier right?" she stuttered
he smiled softly "yeah that's me" he said as he handed back her phone
"oh okay. do you have your schedule?"
"yeah you want it? here" he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his schedule. he handed it to her.
"wow!" she said we have chemistry, World literature and lunch together" as she spoke,her phone vibrated again. she knew it was james, so she opened the phone and read the text.
xavier was looking at her "boyfriend?" he asked
brianna laughed "no he's my best friend, who's freaking out right now because he didnt know where i was. he's also in our chemistry class first period." she explained
"oh i see"
"well i should probably show you where its at" brianna started walking and xavier followed her.
"is this it?" xavier asked looking at the door and down at his schedule that brianna had handed back.
brianna flashed him a smile "yeah it is!" she put her hand on the door handle "you ready?" she asked looking into his gorgeous eyes
"i guess i am" he shrugged
"So if you add these two chemicals together what do you get?" Mr. Myles addressed to the class. by then everyones attention was on brianna and xavier. the girls were starring at him in awe and wonder.
"and you are?" Mr. myles asked impatiently not liking the fact he was being interrupted
"i'm xavier Montoya" xavier said looking at the clock by the door
"oh i see, well Mrs. McArthur would you please show Mr. montoya to his seat."
"yes" brianna led the way back towards the end of the room.
lexis turned around "hey!" she said looking at xavier with a sly grin
"hey lex" brianna answered "do you know where james is? he just texted me"
lexis looked at james's seat "i could have sworn he was here just a minute ago but i guess i must of been distracted" she said looking at xavier again
"oh" brianna slumped in her chair
"you alright?" xavier said taking james's seat beside brianna
"yes" brianna said
the intercom beeped and the secretary's voice came through "Mr. myles could you please sent xavier to the office, its urgent." xavier was already
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