» Fiction » Limited Princess, Lacy [ebook reader with highlight function txt] 📗

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Kick out

"Come on! At least one more month!" I begged my landlord; Degas Pepperman. My rent was due today and I didn't have a single penny on me.

"No! The money was due today and you had too many chances! You still owe me for the last rent you didn't pay." Degas said while crossing his arms.

"I know but I been trying to find a job, but there isn't anything available in this city!" I said honestly. It's tough finding a job in Horace City, well a good non-related gang job; since most jobs in this city are gang related and all the non-gang related are already tooken.

"You, your sister and your mother leave tonight!" Degas yell.
My eyes grew wide. "What!?! No please! You can't just throw us on the streets like we're garbage." I then got down on my knees and looked up at Degas. "Please mighty landlord, don't kick us out!" I bowed down to him like he was some god.

"Stop it, get up and get out!" Degas said.
I didn't move I just kept my head down; praying to god that my landlord will give me more time.

"I said get up!" Degas then grab a hand full of my hair and pull. My head shot up and I cried in pain. He then let go of my hair and jerked me up by my arm. I felt like he was about to break my arm bone; Degas then dragged me over to the office door. I struggle to get free but he held me to tightly.

He then let go of me and threw me on the ground. I hit the floor hard and he then walk over to the door and open it for me. "You have one last time to leave with dignity." He said.
I glared at him and got up slowly. My arm had a sharp sting and it was pounding. I walk to the door and stop turn to look at Degas. I then ball my hand into a fist and then threw my fist back; I then planted a hard punch on Degas's right eye. Degas hollered in pain and hit the ground hard. I then look at him covering his right eye; he then glare up at me and I flash my middle finger before walking out the office door.

When I got outside the office I collapse on the sidewalk and tears stream down my face. God damn it! What am I going to do? We don't have anywhere too go! Moms to sick to travel and Kristy too fragile to live on the streets! Damn Damn DAMN!!!!!!!!!

I then held my head back and let out a shriek. "DAMN IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When I got done shrieking; I got up from where I sat. My vision was blurry to due to my tears; I quickly wipe them away with my shirt collar. I had to find a job....wait before that I need to find a place for us to stay before the night came.

Room for 3 more?

I got to a phone booth and it said put in 50 cent for a 5 minute talk. I dug into my pocket hoping to find something and I did; I found two shiny quarters. I then put them in the phone booth and waited for the machine to operator to say it was okay to dial; it did second latter. I then dial 503-487-6572; my farther's 1st wife who doesn't want anything to do with us.
The phone rung 3 times.Come come please pick up.

There was a click and the ringing stop.
"Hello?" Said a sweet voice. I smile; she picked up.
"Marry....Don't hang up." I pleaded.
The sweet voice went to sour and bitter. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!"
"I um....look I don''t have much time....Can Kristy, mom and me stay with you for a while?" I ask hopefully.
"Why, so your mother can steal something else I love." Marry said harshly; she was referring to dad, my mom stole my father from Marry.
"No, look I'm in big trouble." I said.
"God, I'm not helping if your involved with the police." She said. I sigh happily; she was going to help us.
"'s just we got kick out....and look mom's in pretty bad shape and Kristy to fragile to live on the street. I tried getting money but there's not much I can do...there's not jobs available. So the point is....can we stay with you until we...I get a job and get enough money to support us." I ask.
There was a long pause.
"Hello?" Please don't tell me she hung up!
"I'm here.....I guess....when do you want me to come get y'all?"
"Um at 5:30.....we expose to leave at night fall." I said.
"Okay...Finola are you still even in school anymore? And what about Chris is he okay?"
"I-I....I got to go....the phone limits is about to go out." I lied. "5:30 don't forget!" I then hung up the phone.

Yes, I quit school....I needed to worry more about the family then education right now....every since mom fell ill. At least Kristy is still in school....And my brother....Chris....I haven't heard from him since I found out he join a gang...I don't know if he's dead or alive. He promise me the night before he left that he'll bring back some money and everything will be alright. He said he was the man of the house since dad die and he'll take care of the woman of the house now. But since that cold winter night her hasn't been home or even call's been about 9 months now since he left. I miss him truly.My sweet baby brother........

Breaking bad news

When I got home Kristy greeted at the door with a big huge and I huge her back.Kristy was only 7 and she didn't understand what was going on. All she knew was mom had a bad cold. Kristy had blonde hair and green eyes; she's my half sister, same mother different father.
"Guess what Finny!" Kristy said with excitement in her voice. Finny was a nickname that she gave me; I think its cute.
I smile. "What?"
Kristy grinned. "I said GUESS!"
"Um....You got a 100 on a test?You got another golden star on the classroom good kids list?" I guess.
"NO! We going on field trip!" Kristy said excellently. "To da Beach!"
"The....beach...." I said; I was having a flash back about the first last time I went to the beach with dad. I was 10 and Chris was 6, Kristy didn't come in till after dad die. We went to Crystal beach and I remember how the it smell like and tasted like....
"FINNY!" Kristy shouted snapping me out my flashback.
"Huh?" I said looking down at her.
"Mommy called you." Kristy said.
"Finola?!?" I heard my mother shout my name.
"Coming mom!" I shouted.
I then went down the hall and stop at mom's room. I knock before entering and mom said very faintly: "come in."
I came in and smile a little. My mother was laying down on a twin size bed and blanks were covering her.Her pale blonde hair in two braids; her skin paler then the white walls. My mother looked 60 when she was really younger then that.
"Hey mom." I said. How am I going to break the bad news to her? She has enough stress from me quitting school but now we're getting kicked out and we are moving in with dad's ex wife.

"Hi Finola; how did asking for more time to pay the rent go?" My mothers asks; when she talks I have to strain my ears to hear her because it's like she's whispering when she talks.
"Oh paying the rent....did you know Kristy going on a field trip?" I said trying to change the subject. I'm such a coward....I have to tell her now.

"Finola....The rent how did it go?" My mother asks again.
"Kristy going to the beach for it..." I said still trying to change the subject.
"Finola!?! How did it go?" Mom asks again.
I sigh and then walk over to mom's bed and swat down next to it.I then take my mom's pale thin hands in mine.
"Well, mom....we're getting kick out tonight..." I said.
"WHAT!!" My mom shouts; I look up into her eyes and saw panic.
"Mom calm down I said before you pass out."
"He shouldn't had given you more time you payed the last rent! I'm going to go talk to him!" My mother shouted; she then flips the blanks it off her. I put the blanks back on top of her. "Mom stay down and rest; your not going anywhere."
Besides going to go talk to him wouldn't be such a good idea since I punch Degas in the eye and flick him off....not to forget I didn't pay the rent last time because I told mom a lie I had a some money.

"But where are we going to stay?" Mom asks.
"Well....with someone you met a long time ago..." I said.
"Who would that be?"
"Marry." I said in a small voice.
"Yes..." I said looking at the ground.
"Are you mad? Marry hates my guts and you and Kristy. She would never agree to us staying."
"Well, she did mom....she said yes I called her and she said she is going to pick us up at 5:30."
"My god Finola I'm not staying with her; the she pure evil she'll probably murder us in our sleep."
"Well mom we have no where else to go! Unless you have some family that you know about and Dad's family die off a long time ago. SO please mom....just give it a try and we wouldn't be there long....I'm going to get a job somewhere."
MY mom sighs. "Okay...OKay....we'll stay with her."
I smile a little. "good....Now I'm going to go pack our things."
I then walk out the room and go to Kristy's and mine bedroom. Kristy is

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