» Fiction » Fighting Dreamers, Aiden R. Ranks [easy to read books for adults list txt] 📗

Book online «Fighting Dreamers, Aiden R. Ranks [easy to read books for adults list txt] 📗». Author Aiden R. Ranks

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Book 1
Chapter 1
The First Battle

For many years the galaxy has been the home of many planets and inhabitants. The galaxy had much life. One particular planet was a safe and great planet ruled by many clans of people, but only two certain clans where strong and enormous to rule out above other clans, one entire side of the planet was ruled by the people called the Rediants, or Red for short and the other side was ruled by people called the Blueskies Blue for short. Until one day the Rediants desire for more power and planets attacked the Blueskies side to invade but the blues did not let this happened. Other sorts of lower level rate tribes and clans of people and other life forms were killed by the reds taking over trying to increase their land.
One day a dark mysterious man called Raijin came to tell the reds about a place called Armageddon, a hidden place of ancient powers, it possessed enough power to take over anything, or any land for that matter, but to find the secret location 5 golden and mysterious items, pieces or keys of the Armageddon were required towards revealing the location. The blues were also told about the Armageddon secrets and its powers by the same man both wanting the power for different purposes. One side for good the other for evil, even little groups were formed intending to find the pieces as well once word spread out about Armageddon. The man was never seen again. Till today the havoc roams the air and still they are at war looking for the 5 key items in the galaxy.

“Sir, I have prepared the troops like you asked.” said one of the cadets. Very well we will advance, set the defense shields and activate all outer weapons now.” Said a tall man named Atzu
Atzu was the leader of the red space war army.
“It’s time to do this! We’ve waited so long for this moment to come we will finally settle this, I will take your key item Ace!”
“Sir we’ve spotted some blue battle squads approaching at 12 a clock a minimum of 4 ships sir.” Said a men
That particular man dressed in soldiers uniform vivid colors of red and black like the rest was in charge of certain section of the control area.
“Right activate the shock cannon and charge it to maximum power at once!” shouted Atzu.
“Yes sir! Cannon activated, charging process starting, maximum charge in 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 charge process complete sir?” said another man.
“Excellent now wait for my signal.”
“Sir they are 4 minutes from distance, away from us.”
“Wait for my signal.”…… FIRE!!!
Giant waves shot out all directions from the shock cannons blast.
“The blast will automatically shut down and paralyze everyone and everything after that is accomplished, shoot them with every lasers you have control off.” said Atsu.
“Uh sir something is wrong? The waves don’t seem to affect them.” said a soldier.
“Sir it looks like they were just holograms.”
Suddenly 4 blue battle ships attacked from behind.
“ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!” shouted the emergency signal.
“We are being attacked from behind sir.”
“Uhh yes sir, fire all outer weapons now!” shouted the soldier in charge of the rest.
BEE BEEM BEEM BEEM! Red lasers where shot in all sorts of directions aiming at the blue ships flying around.
“Sir they are too fast we can’t hit the target!”
“They keep hitting us but our shields will be no match for them. They will not be able to penetrate our defenses.”
“ARGHHH I don’t care I want them dead! Send out the red battle ships, kill them ALL!”
“Uh yes sir right away. Opening front doors we are sending five men in five red battle ships, launch of, now!”
“Hey Ace look? There sending out five red ships ha! Let’s take them out yeah?” said one of the pilots of the blue ship #3 Leo.
“Gladly, come on follow me.” said Ace of #1, Ace is the leader of the four blue fighters. As Ace and Leo head to the space station of the REDS Sunny who’s #2 and Ishy who’s #4 head to the mother ship.
“Look out for them reds they don’t like visitor.” said Ace
“Yeah got ya!” said Leo.
“Alright, ready? Fire!
As the red ships fired away Leo and Ace dodged the lasers and bullets and begin to shoot back. Ace got one and Leo got another.
“Oh! Great Ace bogy behind you.” Said Leo
The red ship behind shot like crazy in all directions attempting to destroy Ace with all its might, Ace rotated widely then pulled down as another red ship came towards him from the front. Both red ships collided and exploded.
“Ha-ha those reds not so smart now are they.” said Leo.
“Of course, I know, now let’s shoot down the last one.” said Ace.
“I’m done with this, the hell with all of you!” said the last red fleeing away.
“Ha! That’s right flee, hey Sunny how you guys doing on the other side of the ship.” said Ace.
“Fine there is just too many lasers shooting at us, but they can’t hit us this blue battle ship's system is the thing.” said Sunny.
“Alright find a way to destroy that shock cannon. Our mother ship can't get close with this thing equipped to them, and I think I know how to destroy it we need to get inside, hey I know Leo follow me.” said Ace.
We will disable the force field from inside after that you two start blasting that laser, you guys ready?”
“LET’S DO THIS!” They all said.

Chapter 2
“Alright Leo get my back while I shoot the enemies as we head for the entrance of where the red ships are coming out from.” said Ace.
“Right.” he replied.
Both man rushed to the entrance as they destroyed four more ships about to exit into battle and one that hadn’t left the floor yet. As it blew up they both flew right in to a giant room where there sat a dozen red ships unattended, they landed and jumped out shooting out all the enemies that where on the ground. They shot a total of 20 men.
“Alright shoot out all weapons on the walls and cameras so they won’t keep an eye on us.” said Ace.
“Right away.” Replied Leo
They blew up all weapons and cameras with their Ak-200 weapons and shot down a door that leads through a hall. Running through it they shot enemies running towards them, as they ran a bomb broke through from the other side of a door at the end of the hall.
“What? Oh no run! Leo it’s a bomb.”
They both jumped back and dodged the little explosion, guards started to run inside from the door in which the bomb came from.
“Damn shoot Leo shoot.”
Leo and Ace shot like there was no tomorrow and killed them all, they continued and reached the power source center room. But when they got there, a surprise they didn’t expect two Mecca Droids awaited their arrival.
“Great! That’s just great our weapons won’t damage them their energy shields are too powerful Ace.”
Both of them hid crouched behind a wall
“I know, hold on think, look up there shoot the power cords.” said Ace.
They both shot and blew up the big thick cords above the droids, with a jolt of sparks the cords came down and hit the Mecca droids shocking them so hard causing them to burn in electricity.
“The shock fried their shields mainframe chip they are down, now! Shoot.” shouted Ace.
Both droids where penetrated by bullets impacting the metal of both Mecca droids, they both came down falling apart into pieces.
“Yes, now let’s move on.” Said Ace
They ran inside and shot the big generator that was generating the power for the force field they also killed the guy who was working in a computer that controlled the machine.
“Now the shield is down.” said Ace.
Sunny and Ishy rushed and started shooting down the Shock Cannon down.
Atzu glared in fury and did not elaborate.
“Good job, now let’s get the hell out of here.” said Ace.
They ran back to their ships but suddenly as they got ready to lift of the floor with their ships hovering in the air. As they started to fly up something horrible happened.
“That’s what I’m talking about Ace we did it ha-ha ugh!”
“Leo's ship blew up as he celebrated.”
Ace began to accelerate looking back and the explosion and escaped out meeting up with the others. They flew away in shock and sadness. As they arrived back on planet earth an hour later the crowd on the ground celebrated but getting out of their ships Ace, Sunny, and Ishy's hearts fell out in sadness their faces told it all, something bad had happened, everyone looked and noticed that Leo’s ship wasn’t there. Everyone looked and Ace while their expressions changed into frowns. Master Squall emerged from the back of the crowd, the man who is in charge of everyone and everything else only nodded in grief. He placed his hand on Ace’s shoulder.
“I know......we lost contact with Leo we know what happened...I am sorry.”
Ace looked up into the sky through a window that sat on the ceiling of the giant room in which everyone celebrated, many battle ships sat quietly. “He' now. Ace you should get some sleep were all going to rest now.” said Sunny.
“I’ll go in a minute.” said Ace.
“Alright.” Replied Sunny
“I'll contact you tomorrow Ace just get some rest ok.” said Master squall.
“Yes.... sir......

Chapter 3
The New Guy
“Morning, its 6:30 come on now Ishy Master Squall isn’t going to like us being late you know.” said Sunny.
“Aw um, ok I’am up.” Muttered Ishy
“Come on wake up we have to go to the meeting about...........Leo.”
“Yeah am going, I wouldn’t miss it.”
As they got ready and walked to the meeting Ace walked out of his room looking upset and silent, he had a straight face and did not look anyone in the eyes.
“How are you doing, Ace” asked Sunny.
“I’m ok.” He simply said and continued on his way.
They walked to a

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