» Fiction » Shapeshifter Roseanne, ilovbooks [best selling autobiographies .txt] 📗

Book online «Shapeshifter Roseanne, ilovbooks [best selling autobiographies .txt] 📗». Author ilovbooks

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I remember the first time I shape shifted,it was funny now that I think back at it.The horror on my mother's face when she saw me turned into a cat.I was about 5 years old when I shapeshifted,it was a nice spring morning the flowers in mother's garden had just bloom.I was in the backyard

I was playing with a stray cat,well I would call it trying to play with the cat.Each time I took a step toward it,it backed away.
"Here Kitty,Kitty"I called to it."I nice person,I wont hurt you.I love pretty kitties." The cat was indeed pretty it had black fur and green eyes.
The cat only looked at me and the hairs on its back stood up,a warning sign.I reached out for it but it hissed,at first I yanked my hand back and then thought it was playing.I then reached for it again and in one swift movment it scratched my hand with its nails.I yanked my handed away and stared at the cat.I then looked at my hand and it hand one long cut across my hand,I was bleeding.I began to cry and screaming for my so called 'Mommy'.

My mother rushed out the house to see why I was crying.She saw me and took my cut hand in hers.
"Christ.Rossie I thought I told you to stay away from stray animals."My mother mumter and then pulled a bandaid out her pocket.She was a nurse at the hostipal,she worked in the childern section,so she always had bandaids in her pocket.

"B-ut its a cat."I cried.
"Cats are animals too."Mother put the bandaid on my hand.
"W-why doesnt da cat like m-e"
"Because the doesnt like humans,maybe some other human did something mean to it."
"I-f I was a cat too wo-uld it like me?"

'Maybe' was all I needed to here before,I changed into a cat.My whole body turned into a liquid and then came together again,but not as a human but a small black cat.My mother looked like a gaint and screamed,but the only thing that came out was a 'Mmmmeeeeoeoooooowwww.'
My mother screamed in horror and ran into the house.

In a hour or so I turned back into a human,nake.The next day my mom took me to my aunt's house and never came back.Not one called or mail.

Chapter 1

"Rossie come here!."My aunt screamed my name from her office.I came running up the steps to her office and knocked on the door.
"Come in."My aunt called.I did.
"Whats sup."I asked taking a seat on her vistor chair in front of her desk.She looked up from her computer.
"Whats this?"She asked me.I saw in her hand was a empty can of tunna.
"A empty can of tunna"I shrugged,what was she getting at?
"Yes its empty."
"Okay.....your point is?"
"My point is that Im sick of you leaving your trash around the house and expecially in my office,you know I have clinets coming in here.What would they think if they come in my home and see a dirty house and a dirty house."
"That you lived in a dump"I snickered.
"Yes!I mean no!They would think Im unfit to be an private investigator.And if they think that they'll go somewhere else.And spread the word Im unfit."
"Okay?"I ask rolling my eyes,I heard this speech before."I already know,Blah,Blah,no comes,Blah,Blah no money,blah,blah loose house,blah,blah become hobos.BLAH!"

"If you know already smartass then why do you connutied to do it?"
"Because I have disease"I said.
"Disease?"I aunt said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah its called lazyness."I grinned."I caught when I turned 14 last month,dont worry it'll go away when I 18 and out the house"
"Thats not funny Roseanne

"My aunt glared at me.Oh no she using my full name!I'm shaking in my boots.

"Geez lighten up."I smirked "No wonder you dont have a boyfriend."
"Shut up!you dont have on either."
Well I do,I have 3.

But I wasnt going to tell aunt that because she'll give the talk about boys again.Like she did when I was 12 and told her I liked a guy.
"Yea,well Im only 14 years old Im not ready for love.

Your 35 years old and your not married."
"Hey I was married once,and I have 2 kids."

Yea,Aunt was married once when she was 29 but got divorce when I came along.Her kids blamed me for their divorce,whatever they were just ad their mommy and daddy were splitting up.Jackie my cousin who was 7, blamed me and James was 11,bless his soul,didnt blame me and told jakie to shut up and told me not to listen to that idiot.

"yea,but it been 9 years since the divcore.When do you plan on getting back out there."
"Oh now your sounding like mom!"
"Well if I sound like grandma,call me granny rose!"
"Why you-"

Aunt was cut off by a knock at the door.Jakie poked her head in the door.
"Mom Im home."
"Hey Jakie,sweetheart.How the study group?"
"Great."Jakie said opening the door wider and stepping in.
I sucked my teeth."You mean how was the whore group?Did you screw any good boys?"
"ROSSEANNE!"Aunt yelled.
"What its true,she may be sweet in front of you but at school she a total W-H-O-R-E who loves to P-A-R-T-Y!"I said honestly.I was talking the true in front of aunt she was angel from the heavens but a school and alone with her she was a demon from hell!

"Its alright Mother

Rossie just doesnt like me because I stole her boyfriend

,or thats what she said."Jackie then turned to me. "Rossie you have 3 other boyfriends and I didnt still your boyfriend he ask me out and I rejected him."

"No thats not why I dont like you.Well thats part of the reason why."I it was true Anthony was the only guy I really liked,I was about to dump all my other boyfriends for him but he dump to go with sexy jackie.GROSS RIGHT!?! "You didnt just rejected him!You screwed him on my bed!"I said honestly,it was true because I caught them in the act when I got home one night and Aunt wasnt home.The only reason Jakie did that because I took her picture and put on a pig body and then send to everyone in school,I got grounded for 5 months and suspened for 2 weeks but it was worth it what she did to me before that.

"You have 3 boyfriends?!?"Aunt screamed.
What the fuck I just screamed Jakie did someone on my bed and she screamed at me?Its not like Im fucking them I mean I rarly even talk to them.They just ask me out and Im like okay.Im still a virgin

"Yeah but Im dumpping them anyways."I said,it was true I was dumpping them since either of us even talk eachother at all.None of them even took me on a date.I guess they just want to tell people they have a cute girlfriend who is popular at James Gills High.All my boyfriends go to a different school then me,well expect for anthony.But we broke up now.
"You better.I hope your not screwing at 14"
"WHAT.Jakie been screwing since she was 13 and your talking about me SCREWING!"I threw up my arms."AINT THIS SOME SHIT!"

"ROSEANNE YOU WATCH YOUR TONE AND MOUTH BEFORE I GET SOME SOAP AND WASH THAT SMARTASS MOUTH OF OURS!!!!!!"My aunt face was now red with anger.I counted to 10 slowly before I turned in a lion and attacked aunt and Jakie.Im not joking,when I get pissed I shape shift into something horrible and destory everything around me.It happen once when I was 8,I was at the zoo on a feild trip and a boy pissed me of and I ended up changing into a tiger cub and maun him into a coma.I slowly breathed out.

"Im sorry aunt it will not happen again."I said camly.
"It better not."My aunt said still red in the face.
"Can I go now?"I asked.
"Its may

I go now."Aunt corrected me.
"May I go now?"

When I got up out my seat Jakie looked so smugged.I would really love to beat her right now and wipe that smug look off her.As I passed by her in the door way she whisper;
"Dont get pregant you little W-H-O-R-E"Jackie said mocking me.My left eye twitched,it only happens when Im really pissed the fuck off.

Like I said she IS a little demon from hell.

Chapter 2

"Wow she really yelled at you and not Jakie?"Asked Danny Page,my best gay friend in the whole world.I was telling what happen last saturday.Today was monday and I was sitting in history class.
I nodded my head."Yea."
"Thats some shit."Danny whisper.
"Thats what I said."

"DANNY and ROSEANNE be quiet in my class,some of your other classmates are trying to learn."Mr.Hig yelled at me and danny.
"Sorry Mr.Teacher man I shall be quiet and zip my lips!"I yelled back with a grin.Danny chuckle.
Mr.Teacher man was something I live to call him just to piss him off.Mr.Hig rolled his eyes and went talking about the war in china or something.

Danny wrote me a note,for a guy he had really good hand righting.He wrote in a red pen
So are you going to dump them?

I wrote back in blue pen.

You know,your boyfriends!God sometimes I wonder how you get stairght A's and was able to skip the ninth grade.Since your so slow.

Yup I skipped the night grade because my EOG was the highest in the whole middle school.
Maybe.....I'll at least keep Justin since he does talk to me more then the other two plus he taking mt to a movie on friday.

NO WAY When did Justin ask you out?Oh can I ask out Casey since your dumping him anyways.He so CUTE

Sunday night he called me about it.And yea go ahead but I dont think Casey goes that why.

AWWWW my baby rose is growing up before my eyes going on her first date.I should be there to take pictures!OH dont worry about Casey I can get him to go my way.

I dont think Aunt will let me go on a date since Im only 14 and Justin is 16.

Mr.Hig then took the note out my hands.He then read it and crumble it up.
"Out my class room Roseanne and Danny.Since you want to write notes in my class."
"I thought writting notes was good to do in class."I said smarttly.I saw in Mr.Higs eyes that he wanted to hit me but knew better of it.
"OKay,Okay!Dont have to yell Mr.Teacher man."I said gathering my things.I was out the door and Danny followed behind me.

Besides it was only 2 minutes before class was over.

Chapter 3

After history was gym,Yay.I really hate gym,it was too much running and jumping.I really hatted more since Jakie was in with me,awsome right?

But today was different,today I desided to do something amazing and awsome!I dont why I didnt of think it before!TODAY I DESIDED To SKIP!
I got Danny to skip with me,all we needed to do was get James Hornbell on board since he has a car.Its funny how he has the same name as my cousin James.
We found games in the closet with Heather Brooks making out.Heather had her shirt off and James was holding her breast.

"Hey this a bad time?"Danny asked when he looked at Heather.Heather blushed and put her shirt back on.
"Oh relax sweet heart,Danny has no interst in girls."I said rolling my eyes everyone knew that, well not Heather.
Heather face was red as a tomato,she pushed past me and Danny.I watched her run

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