» Fiction » A little boy named Biccup zip id ee do da achoo, Dina Galli [short story to read TXT] 📗

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A little boy named
Biccup zip id ee do da achoo
By Dina Galli
On a Sunny day, a tiny boy was born, his mama, and papa were a bit surprised by how tiny their infant baby son was, but papa said, no worries, we will give this little baby boy a very big name. So they named him Biccup zip id ee do da achoo

Little tiny Biccup would often lament these sad thoughts when he was alone; If only I could be a tall boy, why if I were tall, I could walk a cool walk cause I would be like everyone else, people would look at me, and see me, and I could not be so all by myself. If I were tall I would rawer and I would be brave and not a slave to being so close to the floor. But I am not tall, no, not even close to tall, I am terribly small. And it is a shame. I feel ashamed. Who should I blame? Bla Bla Bla I maintain.

Biccup had a baditude. Everyone is tall, and he is small. In Wuddup Ville, That is his village name. Biccup did not like walking past the kids in the kindergarten class at his school at Churchill Elementary School. He kind of walks by looking the other way, or looking up or something, Can you blame that small kid, he is like adork-able being so small, it really is a shame.

All of the kindergarten kids are taller than him. Then he has to walk by the first grade class, and they are all taller then him, of course, finally, he arrives to his second grade class room. The other kids hardly ever even know that Biccup is in the room when he does get to his class. Nada lotta love being passed his way and he feels sad.

Hey, Biccup Said Jillian the Villain. Um, hey little Biccup replies back. That sad little lad usually sits in the class alone and no one really talks to him much. Looked a little bit puzzled and looked down at his tiny classmate, then, Jillian the Villain, shrugs his shoulders and Sais.

Hey Bicup, I just wanted to know if you want to go up the street with me and the other kids to steel some candy at that creepy old guy’s store. We need some one small to help us?

Bicup was listening, you need some one small, but why, why do you need some one small?
Oh um, to crawl on the floor and hide, then, when the old guy goes to the back, bam, you can steel all the candy and share it with us.

Biccup could not believe his little ears, his smallness, now was something special, like a gift, and those tall kids needed him. Wow, was he happy, you bet I will, not a problem, let’s go now, what are you guys waiting for, come on, were are we going again? Up what street?

I am needed, thought that little guy. and the other kids want me, to eat candy with them, I am so happy, maybe this one thing will change my life forever, maybe now the kids will see the real me, the one that lives life dangerously. On the edge, one who will do things other kid’s only dream about doing, but cant because they are too tall? My new name will be Ninja Biccup zip id ee do da achoo

Little Biccup was having his first dance doing what is right, or doing something really dumb. . Was it those tall kids in school he needed to like him, or was it really Biccup that needed to like himself, even if he is small? Only Biccup can answer that question.

There they were, up the street. It was little Biccup day just hanging with the boys at school. Felt funny, it was really nice being in that group, talking and laughing and just being with kids. It was fun. Biccup Silently said to himself; I hope this day never ends. And he smiled, looking up at his new friends. He didn’t know how lonely he really was until this moment. But that is ok, because, things are different now, I have all these new friends and I am not going to ever be that little guy who nobody can see. No, that is over, Now I am one of the guys.

Little Shameful-Samuel, he is in fifth grade, and real cool. He walks up to Biccup sais ok, here goes it, follow us in and stay to our back, then hide under those boxes over there. When old guy goes to the back, you go get that candy. Ok?

Biccup had butterflies in his belly, but he grinned and said I got it.
Well he did what all his new friends asked, and when old guy noticed all the kids leaving his store, he went to the back of his store for one moment, and that was when Biccup took out a tiny sack and filled it with candy, when the sack was filled, he crept out of that store and started up the street to were all his new found friends were hiding and waiting for the candy.

Yet half way up the hill, he heard his great grandpas voice saying, I love you little guy and I know you will always make me proud. His grandpa was always his favorite person in the world, and he would tell his littlest grandson that a person has to have respect for themselves and to always do the right thing, even if it cost you a lot, cause all you got in this world is the respect that you feel for yourself.

I wish I could Grandpa Paragon, thought little Biccup,
That little feller realized that he really did not have any friends up that hill, because a friend would not ask him to do stuff like that, he could see the other kids heads peep from way up the street watching him. What he did not see or notice, where two boys, Frank and a kid named Justin. They were behind him.

Justin came up to Biccup and said, I noticed you were just standing here, in the middle of the street. Do you need some help?
Really replied Frank, because you look lost or something?

I just realized that I made a really bad choice, and I don’t know how to make it ok.
Frank asked, well, what do you want to do right now?
Biccup thought for a second, and then he said, I want to bring this candy back to old guy and tell him I stole it.

Frank and Justin said at the same time, good, and we will go with you, if you like.
Biccup was surprised by them saying that, and he kind of scrunched his little nose, and asked why?
Justin replied, because you are a really cool little kid, with guts, and I think that taking stolen candy back to Old Guys Candy shop is easier to do, if you have someone to walk into the store with you.

Biccup smiled, and accepted their company because he was really scared. And it was nice being around Justin and Frank because they didn’t want anything from Biccup.

That was a really hard walk for, Biccup
He was scared about old guy telling the police, his parents not loving him anymore because he stole candy, and also about letting down all those kids. Now they would really not like me, he thought. But it did feel good not steeling. He felt good doing that. No matter what the other kids thought of him, he liked himself and he felt big inside for doing what he knew was the right thing to do. And somehow now, he felt like a giant inside because of his courage to be a good friend to Himself.
And that is the end of this Story


Publication Date: 04-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

Thank you to God for my many gifts and talents, and for my love of writing. Thank you to my paper and pen for a place to jot down my ideas and stories. And Thank you to you, who ever you are for reading my story, whether you loved it, or hate it, or feel nothing at all for it, thank you for reading it, and thank you for your unique opinion and perspective on it

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