» Fiction » One Dream, By: zzmbrashear [novels to improve english TXT] 📗

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One Dream

By: Morgan a.k.a zzmbrashear

Blurb: Annabelle wasn’t a normal sixteen year old girl. She didn’t do what normal girls her age did, instead she rode horses. She lives on the her family Ranch. She’s been racing since she was six years old. She is known world wide for it. She was placed first in every race thanks to her horse Skyler. Skyler is a beautiful Morgan Appaloosa mix. Skyler has been through everything with Annabelle. From her Grandmother’s death to her Brother’s marriage. Annabelle hasn’t found something that isn’t fixed by a lap around the race track. Then tragedy strikes. When Annabelle has an accident and becomes paralyzed from the waist down, she is told she will never ride again. She goes above and beyond to finish the dream that she has started. It only takes one girl and one dream to do the impossible.

<<>> ~One Dream~ <<>>

I breathed heavily as I tightened my grip on the harness. The smell of dirt and dust filled my nostrils as the twelve horses on both sides of me kicked their back legs. I listened as the horses neighed. The crowd screams were over whelming but I’ve been here before. I’ve heard the screams before. I can do this.
I slid my feet deeper into the foot wholes. I squinted as I looked at the flag. When they waved it and opened the gate Skyler was off. She sprinted in front of the others. She was on a good role today but it was a hot day and I was worried of bee’s. Skyler has a terrible allergy to bee’s. She swells up and can’t walk. Thats always what scares me the most. Falling doesn’t scare me. I’ve fallen off a horse so many times. Maybe I sprain a leg or break a wrist or get a few scrapes but nothing really bad ever happens. I wasn’t worried of hurting myself, I was scared for Skyler. She means everything to me.
Skyler curved around the corner. She stayed close to the inside. Miya and her horse Kea was rounding up fast behind us. Miya and I use to go to the same school. We use to be best friends. That was until we had a fight. We both got into racing and she got mad when I beat her in a race when I was seven. We haven’t spoken since. Once in a while we will race against each other but no words were ever said.
She came up on my rear. I moved to the right as she tried to pass me. When I blocked her she tried going to the left but I blocked her again. I rubbed Skyler behind her ears and whispered,
“Come on, girl! You can do it!”
Just as I said it, Skyler took off and left Miya in the dust. I know people say never look back in a race but I looked back. I saw Miya’s goggles turn to black with the dirt. I turned back and watched as Skyler passed the finish line. I stood up and held my hands above my head as my Mom ran over to me. She took my hand and helped me down.
“Amazing! Just amazing!” My Mother hugged me. She patted Skyler. I walked over to her and took off part of the harness of her face.
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” I kissed her nose. Then a bright flash of light went off. I looked up to see reporters everywhere.
“Annabelle, whats going through your mind?”
“How does another win feel?”
More and more questions were asked but I rarely talk to the reporters. Sometimes they just twist everything and make it sound like what they want to hear.
“Another win feels great and I can’t wait to start training for the big race at RaeField County!” I smiled at the camera’s. My Father walked over to me and grabbed my arm. I grabbed Skyler and we went into the stables.
“She went awful sharp around that corner, don’t you say?” My Father said as he walked her into her gate. He walked in with her and picked up her brush.
“I think she she took it just fine.” I argued as he stroked her.
“Annabelle, you can’t see it from the stand. You just feel the wind in your hair and all is well and dandy. We need to work on her turns and her legs look weak.” He said and hit her hove. She lifted her leg and neighed.
“But Daddy, you’re working her so much already.” I said.
“Don’t argue with me, Anna. You have to practice big to win big.” He said. I sighed as I walked away. I took my helmet off and threw it in the corner. I grabbed my blonde braid and hung over my shoulder. I sat on a bail of hay outside the Stable.
I hated arguing with my Father but he works Skyler so hard. Sometimes she gets so sore that she can’t even walk. I know practice makes her strong but she never gets a day off. My is the best trainer there is but sometimes enough is enough.
My Mother walked out of the Stables and spotted me. She slowly walked over to me and took a seat.
“You know, your Father only wants the best for Skyler and yourself.” She said.
“Skyler isn’t as young as she use to be. She cant keep being worked so much.” I said. “I don’t know what I would do without her.”
“She’s not gone yet.” She pointed out. I looked down at my laced boots. “Go talk to him.” I stood up and walked back into the Stable.
“Dad.” I said as I came up behind him.
“Yes, Annabelle.” He answered.
“I love you and I love Skyler and I’m telling you that she’s my horse. You can’t keep working her like you have.” I said. I’ve never stood up to my Father before. Never. He’s always been the one with the Belt. The one that enforced the law. Well, at least his law. He walked up to me slowly. I closed my eyes, expecting to get struck or at least yelled at.
“You’re right.” He sighed. I opened one eye in disbelief.
“What?” I asked.
“You’re right. Skyler isn’t getting any younger and she can’t take what she use to.” He sighed. “I’m sorry.” He hugged me. I hugged him back because my Father and I don’t get many moments like this. I looked over his shoulder at my Mom standing in the doorway of the Stable. She was smiling the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. I walked over to Skyler and kissed her.
“I just love her so much.” I whispered.
When Skyler and I got home, I walked her to her Stable. I put her in her gate and gave her some grain. I looked outside. The sun was about to set. It was so beautiful out. I ran inside and changed. Then, I got on Skyler and took her out for a walk. We took one of the less used trails because they are always the most beautiful. I spend most of my time with her. Sometimes it seems like she’s the only one who understands me.
With all the racing and chores I don’t have time for friends or boyfriends. I homeschool and then train. The only people I’m around is my parents and baby sister Allie. Other than them, all I have is the rest of the horses. We have more than twenty horses. My Father has other jockey’s ride them in other races but no one except me touches Skyler.
Skyler is how it all got started. When I was five I went to an auction with my Father. I saw Skyler and at this time she was only a month or two old. She was so small. It was love at first sight. I begged Dad to bid on her. When he did he won without any fuss. We took her home and it only took two years for my Father to realize his passion is training.
I took my hair out of the braid and took off my heavy jacket. I relaxed my grip as she galloped on through the trail. A little bunny hopped in front of her. I smiled as it disappeared into the bushes.
“Annabelle!” I heard my Mother call in the distance. I clicked my tongue and turned the reins. Skyler turned around.
“One last sprint.” I said. I ran my fingers through her soft main. I hit my heels on her sides and she sprinted off. I smiled as the wind blew through my hair. I loved this. This is all I live for.
I looked up at the dark sky. The sun hadn’t set yet but I reckon we are going to be getting some rain. It didn’t take long to get back to the ranch. I felt a sprinkle of rain on my nose. I wiped it off and continued to go. Skyler is bomb proof. Which is just a fancy saying that means loud noises like, cars or thunderstorms, don’t scare her too easily. Thunderstorms may not scare her but she doesn’t like them. She gets jumpy, not when I’m riding her, but when she’s alone. She neighs a lot and wont stay still.
When I got back to the Ranch my Mother was waiting on the porch. She was wearing her apron. “Dinner is done.” She smiled.
“Okay.” I said as Skyler trotted towards the Stables. “Let me get Skyler situated.”
“Hurry. I don’t want it to get cold.” She hollered as I disappeared into the Stables. I put Skyler away and took the saddle off her and hung it on the gate.
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning, girl.” I kissed her. I ran back to the house. I walked in and saw Allie, Dad, and Mom sitting at the table waiting for me. I closed the screen door.
“Don’t forget to wash your hands, dear.” My Mother reminded me. I walked over to the sink and quickly washed them. I sat down next to Allie and my Father. We all joined hands to say grace.
“Dear Lord, I want to thank you for my family. For my beautiful daughters. Thank you for all the talent that is blessed on this family. Thank you for another win. Thank you for this food that is going to settle in our bellies. And last but not least, thank you for my beautiful, amazing wife.” He smiled at my Mother. “Amen.” We all said in unison. “Lets eat!” He said and then began to get some potatoes. Just as we began to start eating a big roll of thunder echoed the house. We all sat silently. Then almost as if a pail was dumped, rain flooded the porch. The rain beat down furiously on the tin roof. I listened as Skyler neighed over it all. My Mother gave me a look. She knew I hated it when Skyler was alone during a storm.
“Don’t you dare, Annabelle. This is family time.” She warned me. I took a huge bite of mash potatoes and then I ran into the rain. It drenched my curly blonde hair and soaked my blue tank top. The mud splattered up the back of my jeans as I ran through the mud and puddles.
“Annabelle!” My Father scolded me.
“Come back!” My Mother added but it was no use. I kept running

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